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Lost But Not Found: $2.3 Trillion Still Missing At Pentagon


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Reader Comments (10)

@DB, regarding the confirmation story........

Al Qaeda Confirms Death Of bin Laden



Al Qaeda confirmed the death Osama bin Laden on Friday in an Internet message that vowed revenge on the United States and its allies, including Pakistan, according to the SITE monitoring service.

About Rita Katz and SITE....

May 6, 2011 at 10:57 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
i know about rita katz...i never believed the tora bora reports myself because the evidence was so flimsy and i have my doubts about the current story...but for the most part i could care less about the issue except for its impact on the ongoing wars and the deficit...
May 6, 2011 at 11:07 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Don't worry about that missing $2.3 trillion. I have it on good authority that Obama will find it Sunday night.
May 6, 2011 at 1:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterRob
Our leader of the Free World, Barack Obama and his regime has now come up with another taxation plan to get even more money out of our wallets. It is called the VMT or Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax. We are NOT kidding on this one. It is for real! If the Democrats even push this one on us, every Democrat in the nation will not get elected to office for another 50 years! Go ahead Mr. President, make our day!

May 7, 2011 at 11:14 AM | Unregistered CommenterTaterSalad
...@ TaterSalad .......

I hope they try. Thats all it will take, is to threaten us with that crap with gas so high ? The sheeple may be realy dumb at times, but that they can relate too.......!
May 7, 2011 at 8:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Texas...dumb sheeple?...I didn't know you are John Kerry? Or is it Al Gore? Please don't tell me that you have become just another devotee.
May 7, 2011 at 11:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterPatriot Games
The Cold War Soviet Union is starting to look good compared to this fascist pos country. If they get away with this wait until they mess with the freedom of the internet or start charging for texting. That is when the real revolution will begin and we can hang every one of these bastards along with the Supremes and other criminal judges, CEOs, and most importantly the lying, thieving bankster gangsters. Grab your balls, pick up your guns, and send these criminals a message! Oh....I forgot....the NBA playoffs are on.....pathetic Americans.
May 10, 2011 at 1:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterBruce Hayden
Texas...dumb sheeple?...I didn't know you are John Kerry? Or is it Al Gore? Please don't tell me that you have become just another devotee. ............@Patriot Games

My, My, heavens sakes no Derry, why you know Dar much better than that.....?

This is for real, and just this mornning NBC talked how MSM wants to put adds on texing. ( If they get away with this wait until they mess with the freedom of the internet or start charging for texting. That is when the real revolution will begin....Bruce, you let the cat out of the bag a few days early... )

I realy think when Obama starts telling the people about the VMT Tax, they will wake up. The Obama worshipers are Brain Dead, true, but thAre wallet is awake. This $4.00 gas is hurtting us all.

Just think if he was to charge us .3 cents a mile. "WTF"..........and it would come out of our tax returns, so we would have no choice but to pay it.....

& he can do it too....! There aint a thing we can do about it either, but to ........." That is when the real revolution will begin "...........people are just about at the breaking point now. Evan the "Boma-Worshipers" are starting to feel it at the other end, with thAre head up his a$$.........................

Hes gona save the world alright, the Muslim World. They will be free from that VMT Tax. Hang on, life is about to get very interesting...........................!
May 12, 2011 at 3:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
"The Cold War Soviet Union is starting to look good compared to this fascist pos country." the scary thing is ,imagine "if" a guy in a cave can destroy a major section of the American Military Industrial Complexes Headquarters with just a commercial jet. What would the Soviets been able to do ! Americans would now be speaking Russian don't you agree comrades ?
Jul 21, 2011 at 4:21 PM | Unregistered Commentermick
We know where the $2.3 Trillion went.

I'm sorry to hear that some of you don't.

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