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Judge Napolitano: "When it comes to war, there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats; Both parties are power hungry and blood thirsty"

Outstanding 2-minute clip.

Video - April 10, 2011 - Judge Napolitano - Freedom Watch 

"When it comes to war, there is little difference between the Republicans and Democrats.  Both parties' leadership is power hungry and blood thirsty, as there is no logical, ethical, and reasonable - certainly no lawful argument - for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and, now, Libya."

"Ask any western journalist, if firing a 120 tommahawk missiles is not an act of war. Only a completely perverted logic will conclude that our actions in Iraq and Afghanistan and now Libya are not acts of war that constitutionally require a formal declaration by the Congress."



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Belarus prepares travel ban list


MINSK, 22 March (BelTA) – Belarus has prepared a list of persons banned from entering this country, the spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Andrei Savinykh told BelTA when commenting on the introduction of the response measures to the sanctions of the European Union and the United States against Belarus.

As previously reported, the Republic of Belarus has adopted measures that are a response to the sanctions of the European Union and the United States.

The Belarusian side prepared a list of persons banned from entering this country. It includes the people who take destructive actions against Belarus and damage international cooperation.

Andrei Savinykh stressed that control has been strengthened over illegal financing of political activities through foreign socio-political associations and foundations and their offices in the territory of Belarus.
Apr 12, 2011 at 10:51 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Very true. To bad the American People will neaver have a say in any of this crap..........? But you can bet we will pay for every last dime of it...?
Apr 12, 2011 at 8:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
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Mar 19, 2012 at 1:17 PM | Unregistered Commenternmcqbf nmcqbf

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