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JPMorgan Libor Manipulation Subpoenas Coming From EVERY Regulator In The World

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So, my 15 year old dog is sick. Took him to the bet and got some meds for this cough he has and spent a couple hundred bucks. They offered me an insurance plan for him, which I declined. I mean he is 15. So the first round of meds did not work. So's I take him back, get x rays, and find he has an enlarged heart. I spend another $400 in meds and after three days my dog is miserable. Walking around hacking and coughing uncontrollably. Up all night hacking and pissing all over. So I take him off the meds. He still has an enlarged heart, still coughs, but not as bad, and is able to sleep halfway decent. In the meantime while I lament my dogs problems, Jamie Dimon has even bigger issues. I should count my blessings.http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-10-14/another-jpmorganite-busted-market-manipulation
Oct 15, 2013 at 7:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterSKINFLINT

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