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Jon Stewart Exposes The Monsanto Protection Act

How Congress passed it when no one was looking.

Stewart blasts Congress for sneaky passage of GMO food legislation.

"The Monsanto Protection Act shows that the laws of the most powerful nation on Earth are written with the same level of accountability as internet comments."

The law protects Monsanto and its genetically modified foods from lawsuits.


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Hypocrite Obama caught on tape.

Obama promises 'immediate' GMO labeling in 2007 speech.

Five years later, the promise for GMO labeling has not been fulfilled.  Instead, Obama appointed Monsanto VP Michael Taylor as an adviser to the FDA.

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250,000 people signed a letter to Obama on GMOs.

The law protects Monsanto and its genetically modified foods from federal courts.

Thanks to alternative news covering every angle of the Protection Act and the absurd fact that Monsanto actually wrote the rider itself, people have now come to understand just how deep the corruption goes when it comes to Monsanto’s Big Food monopoly.

Obama’s social media profiles are being blown up with thousands of enraged activists and concerned citizens who are demanding answers.

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Reader Comments (4)

While Monsanto executives may be rejoicing behind the closed doors of their corporate offices, they have also just stabbed themselves in the heart with the blatant and cocky decision to go through with the Monsanto Protection Act.

Apr 9, 2013 at 2:22 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
President Obama has signed into law the notorious Monsanto Protection Act legislation hidden inside of the Continuing Resolution spending bill, which protects Monsanto and its genetically modified creations from federal courts.

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/obama-signs-monsanto-protection-act-into-law-after-promising-gmo-labeling-in-2007/#ixzz2Pwd0djVs
Apr 9, 2013 at 2:22 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
And still the masses will graze blissfully on the swill they call food. There is also some out there stating that the GMO's might have something to do with CCD, if there is any truth to their claims they could be setting the stage for an extinction event for the primary pollenator's in our nation.

As the bee goes, so will society...
Apr 9, 2013 at 9:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Sign the petition to find out WHO entered the section in the signed legislation! http://wh.gov/MfgR thanks, that person can't stay anonymous!!
Apr 10, 2013 at 1:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterMatteo

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