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Jim Rogers With The Judge On Economy, Debt, Deficits: "Bernanke Has Never Been Right About ANYTHING!"

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Reader Comments (8)

BREAKING: Appeals panel hearing ObamaCare suit comprised of 2 Obama nominees and a Clinton nominee

May 10, 2011 at 12:09 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
May 10, 2011 at 12:12 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
John Boehner: Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels should run

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/54646.html#ixzz1Ly0NT6bQ
May 10, 2011 at 12:15 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
May 10, 2011 at 12:16 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Suspect in flight disturbance had California ID

May 10, 2011 at 12:16 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

Osama bin Laden mission agreed in secret 10 years ago by US and Pakistan
May 10, 2011 at 12:17 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
ChemChina gets final OK to buy Israeli MA Industries



The deal to buy control of MA, the world's largest maker of generic crop protection products, received approval from the National Development and Reform Commission of China in March.

It has also received approval from China's Ministry of Commerce.

Koor Industries (KOR.TA), a subsidiary of IDB Holding Corp (IDBH.TA), owns 47 percent of MA.

The deal values MA at $2.4 billion. ChemChina will buy the 53 percent of MA held by the public for $1.27 billion and pay Koor $168 million for another 7 percent.
May 10, 2011 at 1:12 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Osama bin Laden mission agreed in secret 10 years ago by US and Pakistan

See................more goverment secerts ozzing out drip by drip................................ Know what I think today. OBL was dead way before 2001. Hes dead becouse he died.

America needed somebody to blame for 911. They already got him for the shit he already did. Next the goverment found a guy that looks kinda like him......"Wa-La".........!

Now make all kinds of clips of the imposter still saying he is going to keep on killing Amreican People. Hey, how woould we know any differance...? Right..?

Then keep telling the people that they are getting closer to getting him. Keep killing good people in 3-4 countrys over there for their oil and trying to find OBL. Were gona get this guy for what hes done.

Then wile the bullets were wizzing over Hillery Clintons head, Obama needs to boost his #'s so we'll use OBL at this time to save me from the American People, who by the way are starting to catch on to my Dirty Deallings with Wall Street and the Unions.

We have no proof of him realy being killed becouse he was fed to the sharks before the body was evan Cold. & I find it funny that this is the first time our goverment dumps a muslim body over board, dont you. Neaver heared of this one before..............?

Boy, our goverment can sure come up with some Strange Shit, for the 90% that will belive anything...............?

The imposter got payed to do his part, but being feed to the sharks wasent part of the deal..........................So, the real OBL is long dead so the goverment can say n do anything they want. He served our goverment well after his death. He saved a fellow muslim from going down in flames................

90% of the people still think OBL did 911. Now the CIA, and the goverment is looking for the next guy that is going to atack the USA in the next few Mo. for killing OBL. Reamber our goverment is telling us its comming ( This Time I Do Belive Them )..................

The goverment got a lot of millage out of a guy that couldent defend him self becouse he died in 2000. The Dr. that spanked Obamas butt is also dead and cant back up the president, but Obama said it was him..........

OR, do I belive the story I posted about OBL dieing on Dec. 13 2001..........................? Maby I belive they realy got him on May 2 2011......? Some say hes alive and working for the Pope...........whAre did that one come from...?

NO, I realy belive no matter what the goverment tells us, is nothing evan close to the truth. Most everything has been staged since the Clinton Machine got into office. No Wait.................

Since "Daddy Boots Bush" got in. I still reamber him saying this is a very fine day for the New World Order. I had no idea what he was talkin-bout, but I know its not something good for the American People.....?

They told us trains, so it wont be trains. I would stay a way from Food Corts at the Malls. Big Events. A back Pac Bommer killing 30-60-100 people in 20 differant citys will be worse than 911.
May 10, 2011 at 6:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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