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Jim Rogers: "Saudi Arabia Has Been Lying About Their Oil Reserves For Decades"

Video - Jimmy Rogers on Bloomberg - Feb. 28, 2011

Bloomberg -- Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings, talks about his investment strategy for global stocks and commodities.  Rogers also discusses his strategy for the U.S. dollar.  He speaks in Hong Kong with Rishaad Salamat on Bloomberg Television's "On the Move Asia." 





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Reader Comments (2)

R.I.P. Matthew Simmons.

Curiously timed end for him, what with the Gulf of Mexico saga last year.

deCarbonnnel poses a question I hadn't seen before about coverage of what's actually going on in the Gulf:

"What do you think would happen to the bonds of the state of Louisiana and Florida if the full scale of the BP oil spill was known?"


He believes a municipal bond market collapse would immediately presage the death of the FRN.
Mar 15, 2011 at 7:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
I agree with virtually everything he said, except the basic premise that this is a bull market. How is this the front end of a bull market? I've been trading for 30 years and have always been a bull, so I am open if someone can explain any basis for optimism.

Oh, and also that the traders are going to drive tractors. They're thieves, they'll find a way to a Bentley at the very least...
Mar 16, 2011 at 5:38 AM | Unregistered CommenterOberron4life

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