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Jim Rogers On The Stock Market Crash: "It's Just The Beginning Of The Correction" (WATCH)

Video:  Jim Rogers with David Faber & Maria -- May 6, 2010


COMMENT From Zara:

Jim continues to talk about the danger in papering over the world’s financial problems. He takes a very long term perspective which is frustrating for the media who like to talk about today and can’t see and for the most part do not want to see the forest for the trees. Currency turmoil and civil unrest will continue and grow and will lead to some bigger corrections and events.

THE PROBLEMS ARE GOING TO COME BACK. He has never wavered on that prediction. When they come back they will be bigger and more devastating as there will be no money to kick the can down the road. I have watched every video of his for years now. He continues to be right.


Video:  Rogers on Bloomberg later the same day -- May 6, 2010









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Reader Comments (2)

Jim continues to talk about the danger in papering over the world’s financial problems. He takes a very long term perspective which is frustrating for the media who like to talk about today and can’t see and for the most part do not want to see the forest for the trees. Currency turmoil and civil unrest will continue and grow and will lead to some bigger corrections and events.

THE PROBLEMS ARE GOING TO COME BACK. He has never wavered on that prediction. When they come back they will be bigger and more devastating as there will be no money to kick the can down the road. I have watched every video of his for years now. He continues to be right.
May 13, 2010 at 2:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
Nice comment ZARA...i added it to the story...

Bailout Is `Nail in the Coffin' for Euro, Rogers Says

May 14, 2010 at 1:19 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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