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Jesse Ventura With Neil Cavuto: "The 2 Parties Have Created A Corrupt System Based Upon Panhandling & Bribery!"

Video - Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura - June 6, 2011

Ventura always provides an interesting perspective on the lobbyist and corporate-controlled one-party Republicrat system.






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Jesse Ventura

truTV – Conspiracy Theories
Starring America’s biggest liar and conspirator
Jesse “James Janos” Ventura
(even his name is fake)
”Always Cheat – The Philosophy of Jesse Ventura”
by Leslie Davis, Author and Activist
Call or write for a complimentary book - 612/529-5253

Most of the truTV conspiracy information is nothing new.
We reported the World Trade Center Building 7 demolition
for the insurance money on our TV show more than a year ago.
Call for our free WTC 7 video – 612/529-5253
Ventura intros his truTV show by lying about being a Navy SEAL.
He wasn’t a SEAL and the photo of him on truTV is from the movie Predator.

Facts you should know about Jesse Ventura

- Ventura lied about being a Navy SEAL on active duty.
- He lied about being in Vietnam. He told Dennis Anderson of the Minneapolis Star Tribune that “you haven’t hunted until you’ve hunted man”. Ventura was never in combat and he never hunted man.
- Bribed a candidate on July 17, 1998 so he could run unopposed in the Reform Party and keep his radio show. Call for free video of the actual bribe.
- Bribed Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner to fix the Dahn investigation by giving her boyfriend, John Wodele, a job as his Communications Director.
- Told single moms that they were on their own if they tried to get help.
- Told University of Minnesota students to “win if you can, lose if you must, but Always Cheat”.
- Insulted people who were religious or mentally ill.
- Killed caged birds at a game farm with Maria Shriver and Charlie Weaver.
- Endorsed “torture” of people at Highway 55 when 600-law enforcement (the largest police action in Minnesota history) arrested peaceful protesters trying to prevent demolition of homes for a road. Many protesters were handcuffed behind their backs and pepper sprayed in their eyes. (Page 4).
- Ventura took government money to go to school in Hennepin County and later told students that if they were smart enough to go to college they should be able to figure out how to pay for it.

Jun 8, 2011 at 8:56 AM | Unregistered CommenterLeslie Davis

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