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Immelt Travels To Japan To Address Nuclear Crisis

Video - GE's Jeff Immelt travels to Japan - Apr. 4, 4011






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Reader Comments (1)


Barron's goes to bat for General Electric (GE)



Given the financial tumult of recent weeks, investors understandably are scared about losses that might lurk within GE Capital. Bear in mind, however, that the unit enjoys some advantages over commercial and investment banks.

Then BARRONS goes to bat for GE again this weekend... Note the use of the word 'Hope' in the headline.

Hope, at Last


I can't give a snip here but saw the article this morning when it was not Pay PER View (it is NOW). According to the article, GE has had immunity since the 60's from catastrophies in various countries like that which has occurred in Japan. But their renewable energy sector is about to take the slack for any losses they incur elsewhere. If anyone has an account you won't believe what is in this article.
Apr 4, 2011 at 2:25 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn

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