IMF Sodomizes Another Victim: Dominique Strauss-Kahn Accused Of Sexually Assaulting NYC Hotel Maid
New York papers are reporting that IMF head, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was arrested today for forcing a hotel maid to have oral sex after attacking her in his hotel room. Police nabbed him on an Air France jet just before take-off in New York today.
Update #3:
IMF Chief Allegedly Sexually Assaulted A Journalist In 2002
Dominique Strauss-Kahn faces further claim of sexual assault
IMF chief set to resign: reports
Update #2: Lawyer: IMF chief denies NYC sex-assault charges
Update #1: New details suggest Strauss-Kahn left the hotel in a hurry
The 32-year-old woman told authorities that she entered Strauss-Kahn's room at the Sofitel near Manhattan's Times Square at about 1 p.m. Eastern Saturday and he emerged from the bedroom naked, threw her down and tried to sexually assault her, Browne said. She somehow broke free and escaped the room and told hotel staff what had happened, authorities said. They called police.
When New York City police detectives arrived moments later, Strauss-Kahn had already left the hotel, leaving behind his mobile phone and other personal items, Browne said. "It looked like he got out of there in a hurry," Browne said
From the N.Y. Post:
The French political bigshot who heads the International Monetary Fund was arrested for allegedly sodomizing a Manhattan hotel maid today — getting hauled off an Air France flight just moments before takeoff from Kennedy Airport, police sources told The Post.
Three Port Authority detectives pulled Dominique Strauss-Kahn from the plane’s first-class cabin just two minutes before it was due to depart for Paris, the sources said.
Strauss-Kahn, 62, was turned over to NYPD officers from the Midtown South precinct, and the case is being investigated by the Special Victims Unit.
Since Strauss-Kahn was flying first-class, we're posting Hugh Hendry on "champagne socialists." Highly entertaining.
Video - Hugh Hendry with Jeremy Paxman - March 9, 2010
He was being questioned by the NYPD special victims office. No charges have yet been filed.
The 32-year-old woman told authorities that she entered Strauss-Kahn's room at the Sofitel near Manhattan's Times Square at about 1 p.m. Eastern Saturday and he emerged from the bedroom naked, threw her down and tried to sexually assault her, Browne said. She somehow broke free and escaped the room and told hotel staff what had happened, authorities said. They called police.
When New York City police detectives arrived moments later, Strauss-Kahn had already left the hotel, leaving behind his mobile phone and other personal items, Browne said. "It looked like he got out of there in a hurry," Browne said
Read more:

New details suggest Strauss-Kahn left the hotel in a hurry...

Updated with response from DSK's lawyer.

Updated with revelations of a 2002 assault.
Reader Comments (37)
Nicolas Sarkozy dismay as Dominique Strauss-Kahn in sex scandal
Old levee breaches in Mississippi as main levee holds
Rare but Grisly Swimming Pool Accident Spurs Unusual Prosecution of Executive
Computer problems had negated the lottery's results, it said. The exercise will have to be repeated, and those announced as winners will have to wait it out with the previous losers.
The decision reopens competition for 50,000 wild-card visas for people who otherwise would have little hope of qualifying. About 15 million had applied, so the bad news for 20,000 was good news for many others who had thought they had lost.
Inflation hawks say the Federal Reserve's easy-money policies will lead inevitably to an upward spiral in the prices of everything from bread to haircuts. Inflation doves say that if policy makers are careful, that doesn't have to happen.
Who's right?
Both sides seized on the projections issued Friday by the trustees of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds to push for changing the programs, which are among the biggest drivers of projected budget deficits. However, Democrats and Republicans are far apart on what steps to take and how soon to act.
with WSJ stories that require a sub...just paste the headline into google and click-thru from will be able to read the entire story this way...
"Hmmm, I have an idea. If there are any Indiana cops who still respect the Constitution, please do your state a huge favor, and go barge into the home of "Justice" Steven David--during supper would probably be a good time. Barge in, without a warrant, and without any legal justification, guns drawn, and start ordering people around. See if "Justice" David does anything to resist. If he does, lock his fascist ass up for violating his own idiotic legal ruling."
It'll be OK just swallow.
Bob Chapman Explains Silver Market Manipulation, Take Down By Bullion Banksters!
650 Years Ago:
How Venice Rigged the First, and Worst, Global Financial Crash by Paul Gallagher Printed in the American Almanac, September 4, 1995.
(Comment: International Bankers, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, et al (Ashkenazi/Khazarian ‘Jews’) – sit atop the secret society structure, globally. Fiat (paper) money is their game. All foreign currencies are pegged to the US Dollar, and the US Dollar was taken OFF the gold-standard, in 1971, under tricky-Dick Nixon. The U.S. Dollar is constantly on the precipice, ready to CRASH, at a moment’s notice, along with ALL the other fiat (paper) currencies. This is why they viciously attack the price of silver. ‘Venetian’ Bankers infiltrated the British Empire, and created Freemasonry. They infiltrated the American Empire, on numerous occasions. President Andrew Jackson ‘killed the [Central] Bank’ – that’s what it says on his gravestone – ‘I killed the bank’. Freemasonry (like the Bolsheviks were, and the ADL) is, fundamentally, ‘Jewish’ ( Governments, globally, tend to have a disproportionate membership in Freemasonry. Any wonder then, that governments are more into serving the Bankers (Ashkenazi/Khazarian ‘Jews’), than they are in serving their own people/citizens? (Hmm…Caesar, Kaiser, Khazar…very interesting!)
How The Venetians Took Over England and Created Freemasonry
Conference Address by Gerald Rose, Schiller Institute Conference, September, 1993
Printed in The American Almanac, November 29, 1993
The Secret of Oz (William T. Still)
The Money Masters (William T. Still)
New World Order: Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (William T. Still)
The History of the Money Changers
“Economists continually try and sell the public the idea that recessions or depressions are a natural part of what they call the ‘business cycle.’ The timeline below will prove that is simply not the case. Recessions and depressions only occur because the Central Bankers manipulate the money supply, to ensure more and more is in their hands and less and less is in the hands of the people. Central Bankers developed out of money changers, and it is with these people we pick up the story in 48 B.C. below:”
Do You Know Where You REALLY Live?
The ‘American’ Empire, since the establishment of the so-called ‘Federal’ ‘Reserve’ in 1913 (owned by Goldman Sucks/Rothschilds) – has been an extension of the British Empire/City of London/’Crown Corporation’/Rothschilds, et al. This is why the American Military is used as a ‘global’ police force. Primarily in the Middle East (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc.) – to use up the foreign oil resources, BEFORE tapping into the vast oil and natural gas resources that exist right here in the U.S., as well as to establish a central bank or fiat currency system there – tied to the US Dollar, of course! And, to rape these countries of all their economic and natural resources! Ultimately, their wish is to destroy the national economies of the world (can you say Greece? Ireland?) – introduce a one-world currency (just ask George Soros) – possibly destroy this, too (then offer another of THEIR pre-planned “solutions”) – always toward more centralized control over every living and non-living thing on the planet! And, their ultimate STATED goal? De-population.
Crash JP Morgan – Buy Silver! Episode 96, The Keiser Report
The Silver Bullet and the Silver Shield “The BEST article written on silver in Ten Years!”- Jason Hommel
By buying up silver (and some gold) – we can totally usurp the Banksters – we, effectively become OUR OWN CENTRAL BANKERS…
latest update on DSK...
Party like it's 1214. Rule-by-men has gone full tilt boogie.
As for Indiana's purported elimination of the Bill of Rights, not too surprising either. There are legions of good old boys up here in Vietnam, Indiana who mean well, carry guns, roast bowls, and will give you the shirt off their back. But Jesus their eagerness to believe the Terrorist Cartoon Network is flat-out spine-chilling.
SCOTUS can't touch state court judgment until after the state's Supreme Court weighs in. There is no intermediate appeal to one of the regional federal appellate courts (absent circumstances that don't obtain here). For SCOTUS to consider the case, however, the losing party must file a petition for cert, OR the same issue must arise in another action and go all the way.
Bottom line is that the 4th amendment is dead in Indiana for at least for awhile. I can't imagine this case NOT getting flipped. Then again, I couldn't have imagined much of anything that's happened in the last three years.
and here's the story from vietnam indiana...
Just a differant view. Boy, are we screwed now. Maby the up rising will start in In. instead of Washington......
...................."NO" Wait......? Bill Clinton said that wasent having sex, so the guy should go free, right....? Come-on, if Bill Clinton said so, he should know after all................................Fuc*in Cree*y Bast*rd.......................!
That this pile of misinformation was put together by 2 writers astounds me for some reason. It's like Dumb and Dumber wrote this. Meantime, Wal-Mart's CEO busts out and says customers are running out of money, which goes unreported.
MSM is a sick joke.
more allegations of sexual assault by DSK...
ron paul chimes in...
p.s.: eh, oui, sarko n'est pas mieux, pas original: il y a eu bien des tsiganes dans le camp de montreuil, pendant la guerre...
"égalité, fratérnité"?!
nihil sine deo!
NOTE: the following link is an explicit cartoon image may be offensive to Viagra users and others.,r:10,s:20&biw=1003&bih=567
Then, on the other hand, these people think they are above us and can do as they want, to who they want. This one will be fun to follow, and see what happens next.
Jjust like Jail, Jail & JAIL !
At the arraignment the perps lawyer made out to the judge that they had a watertight "alibi" proving he was not there at the time alleged, but had been out of the hotel for SEVERAL hours (at 4pm).
Then when his alibi (his daughter) is blown (because its leaked there were security cams up in the hotel), then, they change his story and his other lawyer goes on prime time TV to make a statement to the effect that they were (now) making out it was consential.
His lawyers are CRIMINALS and the perv is clearly a LIAR and therefore GUILTY !
Killing the lies the surplanters have deceived you with...