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I Used To Think Freddie Mac Was A Pimp


Friday post dedicated to Chris Whalen and Sheila Bair. Song from Rhett and Link.

"I used to think that Freddie Mac was a pimp, but now my mutual fund is the one walking with a limp.  Fannie Mae, you almost failed me, boo.  But the faithful feds, they bailed you."



Poor Lehman Brothers....yall got the shaft (shaft!)

The government said, good luck with that (shaft!)

And AIG, old Uncle Sam he loaned you
85 Billion, but now he owns you.

Some cry out, Weve become a socialist state!
While others say, We need to regulate.
Should I vote McCain or pull the lever for O-bama?
Im thinkin either way, Ill be movin back in with momma.
(but the cookins good---and I think shell drive me to work)

You see, I dont have much job security
Im an internet comedian...Im not sure thats even technically a job. I dont think it is.
I cant put my finger on it; but you know things have gone wrong
when I cant even afford to finish this...



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Reader Comments (4)


I can practically hear this song in your next video.
May 27, 2016 at 1:13 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Bill Would Prohibit Federal Reserve Bailouts for States, Cities


The legislation, entitled No Bailouts for State, Territory, and Local Governments Act (HR 5276), is only four pages long. The purpose, according to the summary, is simple: “To prohibit the provision of Federal funds to State, territory, and local governments for payment of obligations, to prohibit the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from financially assisting State and local governments, and for other purposes.”
May 27, 2016 at 5:37 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
There were hearings on the sharing economy today. What a cluster. Folks acting as their own agents making straight up cash money. Questions asked were did the companies such as Uber, Lyft and others issue 1099's. No. Are they going to give them options for health care etc etc. The government wants their piece. In a twist of irony, Chaffetz commented that they were trying to impeach the IRS chief, and trying to help these outfits get up to speed on taxation. I can't find it on Cspan.
May 27, 2016 at 9:02 PM | Unregistered Commenterskinflint
Yeah, the IRS chief, I haven't really followed that story closely, but my roommate from college is one of his buddies now and when I saw him at the 25 year reunion a few years back, he was covering for him at every turn.
May 28, 2016 at 3:02 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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