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How The NY Fed, Under Stephen Friedman & Tim Geithner Pressured AIG Officials To Withhold Details Of Payments To Goldman Sachs, Other Counterparties

Originally published in January 2010.

Below is a sentence from an email exchange between NY Fed and AIG officials (originally written by AIG) that was crossed out by Treasury lawyers.

As a result of this transaction, the AIGFP counterparties received 100 percent of the par value of the Multi-Sector CDOs sold and the related CDS have been terminated. ML III has now acquired approximately $[62.1] billion in par amount of Multi-Sector CDOs and has aggregate liabilities resulting from its borrowings from the NY fed of approximately $[___] billion.

I would subtitle this story:

Subpoena the hell out of Stephen Friedman and Timothy Geithner

There are a number of ways to look at this morning's news that the New York Federal Reserve, under the direction of Chairman Stephen Friedman (who served on the board of Goldman Sachs at the same time and who profited millions from an illegal stock purchase of GS shares) and President Timothy Geithner, pressured AIG officials to keep silent about counterparty payments at PAR to Goldman Sachs ($14 B), Societe General ($16 B), Deutsche Bank, Merril Lynch and others.

One way would be to say that there's nothing new here.

Hugh Son disclosed the framework of the allegation in this piece.

We did our part with the The $25 Billion Dollar Secret.

Eliot Spitzer went after Geithner and Friedman, over at Slate.


TARP Inspector General Neil Barofsky in his November report found Tim Geithner and Friedman personally responsible for tens of billions in losses to taxpayers for NOT negotiating with AIG counterparties.

So what's all the fuss about this morning?  More details.

It started in October when Rep. Darrell Issa sent a letter to current FRBNY President William Dudley (also a Goldman Sachs alum):

“As you know, in late 2008 American International Group (“AIG”) was attempting to negotiate a haircut for banks that held $62 billion in credit default swaps (“CDS”) from AIG.  AIG was reportedly seeking to persuade the banks to accept haircuts of as much as 40 cents on the dollar in order to retire these CDS contracts.”

It is also disturbing that, at the time this secret deal was made, FRBNY Chairman Stephen Friedman, a member of the board of Goldman Sachs, purchased more than 50,000 shares of Goldman Sachs before knowledge of the FRBNY’s bailout of Goldman Sachs and other AIG counterparties became public knowledge.  According to news reports, this transaction has earned Mr. Friedman over $5 million in profit.

Finally, according to one AIG executive quoted in news reports, the FRBNY may have attempted to manage public disclosure of its decision to pay AIG’s counterparties at par by pressuring the company not to file pertinent documents with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”):

They’d tell us that they don’t think that this or that should be disclosed.  They’d say, “Don’t you think your counterparties will be concerned?”  It was much more about protecting the Fed.

These allegations raise serious questions about the transparency, accountability and wisdom of the FRBNY’s actions. The American people have a right to know the full details behind the FRBNY’s decision to stop negotiations with AIG’s counterparties and pay them billions of dollars of taxpayer money.

Dudley had replaced Friedman (Goldman director) who resigned after his GS stock purchase (with inside information that GS would be made whole on AIG counterparty payments) was made public.

Tangentially, where is the SEC in all of this?  Friedman should be investigated, and subpoenaed for 2 things: his GS stock profits and his role in securing GS 100 cent countrparty payouts.

Back to the story.  Today Issa released the emails (below) he received from Dudley and AIG in response to his letter.


E-mails from N.Y. Fed to A.I.G. to Not Disclose Counterparty Payments


The emails demonstrate what Hugh Son wrote back in November, that officials (mostly lawyers) from the NY Fed did in fact PRESSURE AIG officials NOT to disclose any of these details in required 8-k filings to the SEC.

Moreover, the pressure continued for no disclosure at the same time as SEC officials were demanding that these same details in fact BE DISCLOSED.

(This must have been a NEW experience for SEC officials, so accustomed to reacting ONLY after laws have been broken, and after they've been tipped.)

Asked to comment this morning on Son's article and Issa's release of the emails, the New York Fed admits it's guilt but puts the blame on AIG officials for following their advice.

  • "Our position has always been that if AIG's securities lawyers determine that AIG is legally obligated to make a particular filing or disclosure, then that is what AIG must do," Thomas Baxter, the New York Fed's general counsel, said in a statement. "It was appropriate as a party to the Maiden Lane III transactions for the New York Fed to provide comments on a number of issues, including disclosures, with the understanding that the final decision rested with AIG's securities counsel."

In other words, "Sorry. You shoudn't have listened to us.  It was your decision not to disclose to the SEC, not ours.  We were merely offering our opinion."

Issa's reaction this morning:

  • “It appears that the New York Fed deliberately pressured AIG to restrict and delay the disclosure of important information.  Taxpayers deserve full and complete disclosure under our nation’s securities laws, not the withholding of politically inconvenient information.”


In this case, the cover-up is equal to the crime.  The next step is simple.  Two subpoenas for Stephen Friedman (one from Congress and one from the SEC for his Goldman stock swindle) and 1 fat subpoena for Tim Geithner and a text from President Obankster's Blackberrry, letting Tim know that his services are no longer required at Treasury.



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Reader Comments (14)


Geithner's DisgraceThe new AIG report reveals how the Treasury secretary—and U.S. taxpayers—were fleeced by Wall Street banks.

By Eliot Spitzer
Jan 7, 2010 at 4:48 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

Tim Geithner — does he belong in the Cabinet or the prison?
Jan 7, 2010 at 4:50 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Tim Geithner's Fed Ordered AIG To Keep Bailout Details Secret, Emails Show

Jan 7, 2010 at 4:50 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Geithner's New York Fed Pushed AIG To Keep Sweetheart Deals Secret

Jan 7, 2010 at 4:52 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Jan 7, 2010 at 4:52 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

WASHINGTON, Jan 7 (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve Bank of New York in late 2008 urged American International Group Inc to limit disclosures about the insurer's full payments to major banks after its bailout, according to email traffic distributed by a U.S. congressman on Thursday.
Jan 7, 2010 at 4:53 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

Liddy On AIG Payouts At Par: "The Fed Made Us Do It" (Video)
Jan 7, 2010 at 4:56 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
We live in a banana republic. These kinds of things happen in Nigeria, Somalia....and here.

Steve, you are the man!! AMAZING reporting!! Thank goodness you are back from vacation--oh boy--grab some popcorn, everyone!
Jan 7, 2010 at 7:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty
It could be baloney, but I remember a Chris Whalen IRA article from way back that mentioned how Geithner threatened some reporter or other about disclosure of certain facts relating to the AIG counterparty payments. Smoke? Fire? Too bad the WH press corps lacks collective balls.
Jan 7, 2010 at 8:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
that rings a bell with me as well james...i'll have to think about it...


and thank you snk...i always appreciate the kind words...i put a bit of time into this one...

by the way, your bernanke piece will be published within the next few days when we start to cover bernanke again prior to the full Senate vote...

Jan 8, 2010 at 2:15 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I think Bill Black made it perfectly clear nearly a year ago that Geithner completely dismissed the FBI report dropped in his lap on the securitization fraud EPIDEMIC as Chairman of the NYF in 2004. Then he states publicly under oath "I've never really been a regulator". What more is needed to prove that the stripes of this Wall Street Weasil will never change.

He is a disgrace, and should be crucified right next to Summers and Paulson. I can't think of three more treasonous traitors to pitchfork the piss out of while dangliing from a rope, tied to a burning cross.
Jan 8, 2010 at 9:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterWil Martindale
and on that note wil, i think it's time to post your GS 'scarlet letters' piece...
Jan 8, 2010 at 12:28 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
These punks are pirates for the English royal family and the Rothschild bankers. They will only change when hung from the yardarm at dawn. How many accounts can be found in the Caiman Islands for these guys? Don't ask Prince Chaalllz or the rest of them for help. They can only make withdrawals without authority to inspect.
Apr 16, 2011 at 2:10 AM | Unregistered CommenterHoward T. Lewis III

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