HILARIOUS VIDEO - Warren Buffett Fails The Cherry Coke Taste Test On Bloomberg TV
From Bloomberg earlier today. Major kudos to the segment producer for creating a truly beautiful moment as Emperor Warren appears naked in front of millions.
By the way, Becky Quick's favorite uncle claims to drink 5 Cherry Cokes per day.
We wonder how Buffet might fare on a bailout taste test?
Would he perhaps be able to differentiate the taste of foreclosure fraud at Bank of America from mortgage origination fraud at his beloved Wells Fargo? And what about collusion, racketeering and subprime ratings fraud at Berkshire darling Moody's?
We wonder how those frauds taste to Warren.
Or does he think, like with Cherry-flavored beverages, that all fraud simply tastes the same... including his own personal ripoff of taxpayers:
Reader Comments (4)
This is a must read.