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HEL Fire Laser: Presenting A Somali Pirate's Nightmare

Video - Maritime Laser Test - April 8, 2011

The Office of Naval Research and their industry partner Northrop Grumman successfully disable a small target vessel using a solid-state, high-energy laser (HEL), mounted onto the deck of the Navy's self-defense test ship, the former USS Paul Foster (DD 964).

From the BBC

The US Navy has fired a laser gun from one of its ships for the first time.

Researchers used the high-energy laser (HEL) to disable a boat by setting fire to its engines off the coast of California.  Similar systems had previously been tested on land, however moist sea air presented an extra challenge as it reduces a beam's power.  The navy said that ship-borne lasers could eventually be used to protect vessels from small attack boats.  The US military has been experimenting with laser weapons since the 1970s.  Early systems used large, chemical-based lasers which tended to produce dangerous waste gases.  More recently, scientists have developed solid state lasers that combine large numbers of compact beam generators, similar to LEDs.


Video - Feb. 2010

The Airborne Laser Testbed (ALTB) research and development platform successfully fired the onboard High Energy Laser (HEL) to engage an instrumented target missile, called a Missile Alternative Range Target Instrument (MARTI).




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Reader Comments (6)

Japan may raise nuke accident severity level to highest 7 from 5

Apr 11, 2011 at 3:40 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
That Laser will work great on pirates who sit still for 20 minutes while they melt the engine covers. At 25 knots or better I think I'd rather have Twin M2 50 Cal. Brownings and turn the engines into scrap metal. Also probably be more cost effective then the laser.
Apr 11, 2011 at 7:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
nice one sage...
Apr 12, 2011 at 11:02 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
What we need is a Somali cruise line.

Apr 12, 2011 at 11:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
.........@ Sage................... Twin M2 50 Cal. Brownings

You can blow the hart out of a "Shit-Head" @ 1/4 mi. with one of these, maby get a "Hard-On" doin it too........?

********** @ Gomps *********** What we need is a Somali cruise line.

I knew if i sent this to everyone I could think of, it would make the rounds. This is Real, by the way........& they do provied you with the Big Stuff, if you can aford the rounds.

Those that can, think of the fun of rapping off a box-or-two............? Hey................. I wonder if the shooter gets to mount his kill, like we do with Game........?

I would go for the "Deer in the Head-Lights" look..........? Sorry, I have a very big "Wossy-Hart" but it stops when its about hurtting a Animal, Child, Woman, or inasent person.

Thoes 4 people knew dam well where they were going, but, they wanted to hand out Bible's to the bad guys. Killing them wasent the answer. Killing the "Killers" was...................? Can I bored that cruise now...............? I have a few 50's I want to plant.............Sorry guys, im not in a good mood tonight.
Apr 12, 2011 at 9:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Somali Pirates donate to Clinton Foundation


LONDON — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday threatened sanctions on anyone blocking reforms intended to end Somalia’s “hopeless, bloody conflict” and counter militant and pirate groups seen as a growing menace to world security. This comes as it was reported that Somali pirates pulled in $170-million from ransoms in 2011, up from about $110-million in 2010.

Addressing a conference aimed at energizing attempts to end more than 20 years of anarchy, Clinton also demanded greater efforts to cut funding for al Qaeda-linked Al-Shabab militants fighting Somalia’s weak Transitional Federal Government (TFG).

Al-Shabab is the most powerful of an array of militias spawned by 20 years of conflict in Somalia, where armed groups have a history of wrecking attempted political settlements and perpetuating war, instability and famine.
Sep 2, 2016 at 6:55 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn

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