Goldman Sachs: The Movie (Produced By Ratigan Studios)
Video: Film trailer from Goldman Sachs, The Movie -- Runs 1 minute
Sharp work from Dylan Ratigan and staff. Sources confirm Danny DeVito has been signed to play CEO Lloyd Blankfein.
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Reader Comments (22)
This guy Ratigan sure gets a lot of time here by DB. He, like most, is very opinionated but what are his positions??? What does he advocate??? It is easy to see what he will bash (Tea Party...the Conservative talking heads). My guess (based on him being DB's mentor) he is a Libertarian that sees both political parties as the same. I will never understand that. Is there somewhere that I can read where he stands on the issues? Correct me if I am wrong...
He is a Libertarian that is in love with Huffington.
He hates the Tea Party movement (why I do not know).
He was opposed to Obamacare only because it didn't go far enough from what I understand.
He is opposed to offshore drilling (before BP spill).
He is not a supporter of Obama, often calling him a DINO. Again, his liberalism doesn't go far enough for him I assume.
Ron Paul called him a "useful MSM idiot" from what I found.
Maybe he is not worth taking seriously. I really don't know. He just gets sooooo much attention here, I thought I would ask for a link to his positions on the major issues if he has them.
Not content with simply wishing her a happy birthday, Ratigan went on to declare: “Arianna Huffington, who represents such a voice of truth and the highest aspiration for any individual that hopes to improve themselves each and every day, as they go through their days, to be better, not only for themselves, but to those around them.” He concluded: “I believe she is a role model for all of us in that regard and couldn’t be happier for her.”
2....i don't have an intern....
3...msm is important because the masses see nothing else...
My folks only watch Bill O'Reilly who I can't stand but watch with them when I visit because I am civil.
The masses see nothing else but MSM...what about CNBC (or is that the same thing?)..I think a lot of people get their news from Rush, Hannity, Beck, Savage, and the lesser known talking heads out there. Many people just watch Dateline, Nightline, 60 Minutes and the like. Then there are a big group of people that are going to watch Obama on the View and then watch Oprah for their news. And yes, some get their news from Matt Lauer and Katie Couric or even worse, local news.
I have always pointed out that it is the message not the messenger, My view is that whenever someone says something that should be supported, they should get at least some credit for their good intentions (if they are good). I would just enjoy more viewpoints and more people who comment because they see something they like or interests them.
As about Tea party--I am republican and I hate tea party! I also have many reasons to hate them. I like Daily Bail, because it is THINKING blog. And opinions here are based on behaviors and facts, not based on party lines. That's how independent people behave! So go Daily Bail!
I also can't stand Rush, Hannity or any other talking heads. They don't make sense. They don't follow logic in their arguments. They just want to whip the crowd. I am sure sheeple like it.
This blog is true grassroots and honest, fun way to look at what is going on in this country. I treasure it! Thank you.
Your question typifies the reason why the ultimately DOOMED; it's called Irrational Divisiveness.
Instead of seeking what you have IN COMMON with others, YOU choose to focus on HOW YOU DIFFER. Multiply your dumbass attitude by approx 300 million and you get the Clusterfuckracy we call the USA. a place where most people couldn't find their own asses even if they used both hands and a roadmap. At least Ratigan denounces GS, the Fed and the current financial Ponzi Scheme we call our 'economy'.
So he say's 'tomatoe' and you say 'tomato". What's the fucking big deal?
The Ratigan crush lives on!!
That's flat-out hilariously true, just awesome. Thanks, RR.
As do I "Dee Dee" What a great place to vent our thoughts. Sometimes I vent way to much after 5-6 drinks, but im not kicked out for my goofey way of thinking.
"Titanic-& Gangester Bankesters...................................that took 7 drinks and sleeping till noon. Felt a lot better the next day thoe..........
Just don't vent the wrong thoughts.
I know what ya sayin, but I talk outa my hart, and thats not so smart most of the time. Let me know if I fall over board and swaller-water, OK "Z"...............Reamber, I had to drop out of high school to save the family, Oh, right, that was yr question.
Just don't vent the wrong thoughts.
Have I so far,..............................................?