Geithner Blames Regulators But Excuses Himself - Charlie Rose Video
PBS Video: Geithner on Finreg - July 22, 2010
Not sure how he keeps a straight face through the lies. He blames regulators in a general sense with no acknowledgement of the role he played as President of the New York Fed. Rose is complicit. Four minute summary is above. The complete interview is available below.
Reader Comments (13)
Yes, Ken, that is pretty much the entire article you pasted in. Thanks alot. But this has nothing whatsoever to do with Charlie Rose and Geithner's lies. But yes, thanks for wasting my time.
--Dr. Pitchfork
'I've never been a regulator, for better or for worse,'
~ Tim Geithner March 26, 2009
Geithner wasn't asleep at the switch; He didn't even know he was supposed to be at the switch.
I believe Geithner was was a major player in a conspiracy to keep the Wall Street banks and their investors from having their asses handed back on a platter.
That the U.S. taxpayer is paying the bills means nothing to those involved including Geithner. Other having to make sure Congress doesn't develop a conscience and instead keeps to their usual corrupt agenda to keep the taxpayer paying the bills, every thing is going according to plan. Things are great on Wall Street.
It would be uncivilized to have poor ultra rich just because they invested in crooked investments. Even though they were aware of the risks involved, some how they seem to have been saved from losing everything by friends in high places.
My Sons 401K tanked completely all the money he had put in to it for 15 years gone. As he isn't considered elite, ultra-rich, or even rich. He and people like him are considered expendable along with millions of others up and down the income ladder.
That Slimmey Little Scum Douch-Bag, knows qxactly what hes doing. You would think hes crazy, but hes not. You, We, fall right into his trap. If you feel Creepy just seeing him, He IS Creepy.......
The "Squm-of-the-Planet, and they sit right next to ........ at the table. Watch Him, he needs to sneak up on each word he says. It took my a wile to take a part this guy. Hes a master at "The Face Mask"........He, like many would push thAre Mother Under the Bus, for Gain......
I just picture him spinning in the big chair at the NY Fed, trying to get pecils to stick in the ceiling.
You know he sucks at that, too. (Switch? What switch? Oh, sure I'll have lunch with Lloyd and Gary.)
Mark, I'd love to see a picture in the news of him spinning around one of those trees on the White House Lawn with a caption reading, ( Justice is Served )
(3:00 mark) I get the impression that he evades the questions about Bailout bonus transparency because he has to ask someone else. I never hear him say want he wants to do or will do.
Don't get me wrong, a puppet is every bit as despicable as the mastermind (maybe more so). I just don't see him as the mastermind. He seems more like someone who should be making cookies in a hollow tree (do young people get that reference?).