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Gasparino: Obama Strikes Fear Into Americans With Social Security Threats While Privately Reassuring Wall Street That There Will Be NO DEFAULT If Aug. 2 Passes Without Deal

Video - Charlie Gasparino explains the truth behind Obama's public lies


Prison Planet

Fox Business - Charlie Gasparino

The rhetoric was heightened yesterday when White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer warned that the GOP’s inability to compromise “could potentially put us towards a depression,” adding, “we are seven days away from an unprecedented financial event in this country’s history.”

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who has been busy hyping the inevitability of a default for weeks, again told news shows Sunday that the government would be unable to pay its bills if an agreement is not reached, a talking point that has been enthusiastically parroted by President Obama.

However, that tone doesn’t quite match with what the Obama administration is simultaneously telling top executives at major U.S. banks, assuring them that “such an event won’t happen.”

In a series of phone calls, administration officials have told bankers that the administration will not allow a default to happen even if the debt cap isn’t raised by the August 2 date Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says the government will run out of money to pay all its bills, including obligations to bond holders,” reports Fox Business.

Once again, while striking fear into lawmakers and the American public by stoking fearmongering about the inevitability of a catastrophic collapse, the administration is fully aware that the system, maintained as it is by a fraudulent debt-based fiat money system, can always be kept artificially inflated for that bit longer.

Indeed, the doomsday rhetoric is likely to be nothing more than a ploy to increase the administration’s bargaining power and its bid to seize the power of the purse from Congress. We saw an almost identical tactic used during the 2008 bailout debate, which was eventually rammed through on the back of bellicose threats about martial law and economic armageddon.



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Reader Comments (14)

Caught on tape: Police 'stripped unarmed man naked, kicked, beat and tasered him as he lay screaming in snow'

Jul 27, 2011 at 12:20 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Jul 27, 2011 at 12:25 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Why can't the US government simply cancel the 1.6 trillion dollars of T-bonds being held by the federal reserve bank and US Treasury. ?
Jul 27, 2011 at 2:56 PM | Unregistered Commentersteever99
steever...i actually have a post up on that very subject on the front page...ron paul with ratigan.
Jul 27, 2011 at 3:10 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
The evil crime syndicate which knows nothing about governing and remains unfit to be called a legitimate government functions on despicable lies to the citizenry. The liars identified in this article are criminals and should be prosecuted.
Jul 27, 2011 at 5:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterDwayne
Jul 27, 2011 at 6:19 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
But lets not forget the 70's and all the Dems------Unions-------not getting thAre way. When many, Many, people were beat up. Limbs broak, wifes n girls raped................. Houses burned to the ground........

When the Dems dont get their way, they go into beat the shit out of everyone till they call "Unckle"............Could we see this in 10 days, you bet, but Im betting "The Boss" dont have the balls to do as they did in the 70's...........

If the Baby-Boy dosent get his way, he just could, just to make a point.......Im sure he has better sence to shut down the bottom people n make us suffer just becouse he cant get his way...............

I would vote to Not Raise the Debt, and No New Tax's.........................I stand with the Tea Party, and the few new freshmen that have the "Balls" to stand up for whats right for America........................?
Jul 27, 2011 at 9:46 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
You are so gone, Obama, Boner and the other pederasts in the White House, senate and congress, for terrorizing old disabled Americans and Social Security recipients. YOU WILL NEVER BE RE-ELECTED. IMPEACH!

Robert S. Finnegan
Jakarta, Indonesia
Jul 27, 2011 at 10:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterRobert S. Finnegan
OK, I have my 58 Chevy Rag Top. 409 Tri-Power, high lift cam. Hurst 4 speed, twin crome pipes out the Conital tire-kit.....ARE Mag rims with 10" slicks................

Deep Blue n White Interiour.............White top.........Black carpet n white Chevy floor mats................."Green Tree" smelly hangin from the 2 air vents at the knee sides, with black dice with white dots....................on my mirror...

With a Kitty with white fur n red lights a blinkin with a strap when the top was down...... I spend a many times on many blogs other than "The Daily Bail".....hangin on many street corners.

But the place I love the most is Steve's Daily Bail-Buger-Fries-&-Malts, Drive Inn.......................The talk is all the same thoe......Everyone on every corner has the same feeling about America.... We need to save our country from the "Shit-Head's"......

So i pick up "Miss Ann Marry" and we head for the DB Drive Inn, to talk it over on how were goin to "Gett-Er-Done"................

What we came up with is, we cant............

The American People live on the ground, and happy for it. The Goverment, on the other hand...................( Shit, I Sang That Song )..lives in a Bunker with a Mile High Hard Stuff............Im gona round up my Buddys and go a cruisin with our "Hot Rods" and stop this madness..........

We ran up aginst a brick wall...........Its a mile high......thats 5,2080' high......Now What the FUCK..................We cant get over the fence.........How in the "Fuck" can we stop this MaddNess, if we cant evan get to them Bastards................??????????????

Holly Fuckin Shit, Bat Man, we cant evan blow them with our Flame Thrower.............. Yea, I know T Dar, were shit out of luck here Dar..........??????? What can we do about him n what he is doin to our country....?

Maby DB can put something in thAre fries...........? Cuz I dont have a clue how to save the people of America..........The new freshmen are giving into "The BooNer" and suckin up the tax payer's money already............

We did good, but the money in the "IGA Bag" was to much to resit, hey, thAre just people.........................??????????

So what we gona do............? I guess, just let the chips fall whAre they may. Just be ready for anything come Aug.............That Bogga-Bogger-Boma, can do anything he wants, if he dosent get his way..........

I may go to Hillbilly-Peak in the Ozark's, and watch for Shootin-Stars with Miss Ann Marry, but I'll have my sling shot ready with my best steilly................You just cant trust Them ThAre Democrats & their Union Buddys, can we.....................

OK, lets see who all needs to go..................................................................OK, thats should cover it.....Crap, with all of Washington gone, things should turn-a-round and we'll be back to "Happy Days" and DB servin up the burggers-fries-malts, and Ron Paul, " Kickin-Ass" in Washington, and jobs are in demand if you have a palse........................????????? Tex !
Jul 27, 2011 at 11:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Cool, Tex. Can you translate for us?
Jul 27, 2011 at 11:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterRobert S. Finnegan
I ain't skeared...
Jul 28, 2011 at 12:09 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Naw, Gomps.......You got the Monkeys in the Corn Field pullin weeds........

Sometimes I escape into my own little fresh air bubble, and pretend I can change whats wrong... Make things right evan thoe I know dam well its to late.

But neaver give up, evan if its in the Bubble whAre everything is back to Happy Days...........When ya go to bed that night you feel like you made a diffarance, evan if its only in yr mind.............

I guess thats what makes us Entertainers Tick........You always have that Pure Bubble to escape to write yr next hit song....Stay@Home Dar, went to #-2 on the charts. ...Saveing America 1 "Pol-La-Tish-Ion" at a Time, should be a #-1 hit for me............

If you let it get to ya, yr Screwed.......................Im smokin corn in my pipe. The Monkeys Bring It To Me.......!
Aug 1, 2011 at 9:01 PM | Unregistered Commenter"Texas Dar"
Get out while you still can, or prepare to defend yourselves. Ignore current events at your own peril. We are willing to assist anyone that wishes to leave. There is no cost.



Robert S. Finnegan
The Free Peoples Of The United States In Exile
Jakarta, Indonesia
Aug 1, 2011 at 9:13 PM | Unregistered CommenterRobert S. Finnegan
@ Robert S. Finnegan

That was a Hoot, but I like the one with the smoken hot Chic with the nice pointed "Ta-Ta's" in the tight blue swetter better................LoL !

I can Only Wonder whats at the top of them Stems, under that form fitting Skirt.....??? ???? ????? !

It is to funny, but very sad. Its just 5-10 years down the road from now. When the goverment takes away all the Couch Sheeple's perks, all Frickin Hell well let lose....

Thats when a stright sight & dry powder comes in handy...?
Aug 1, 2011 at 10:52 PM | Unregistered Commenter"Texas Dar"

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