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From The Desk Of Senator Bernie Sanders: Petition To Prevent Bernanke's Reappointment (Sign It NOW!)

We Need A Change At The Federal Reserve

By Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders

The Federal Reserve has four main responsibilities: to conduct monetary policy in a way that leads to maximum employment and stable prices; to maintain the safety and soundness of financial institutions; to contain systemic risk in financial markets; and to protect consumers against deceptive and unfair financial products.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has failed in all four of these responsibilities.

As head of the central bank since 2006, Bernanke could have demanded that Wall Street provide adequate credit to small and medium-sized businesses to create decent-paying jobs in a productive economy, but he did not.

He could have insisted that large bailed-out banks end the usurious practice of charging interest rates of 30 percent or more on credit cards, but he did not.

He could have broken up too-big-to-fail financial institutions that took Federal Reserve assistance, but he did not. 

He could have revealed which banks took more than $2 trillion in taxpayer-backed secret loans, but he did not.

Mr. Bernanke did not prevent the buildup of as massive speculative bubble which dragged this nation, and the world, into the deepest recession since the the 1930s.  Since Mr. Bernanke took over as Fed chairman in 2006, unemployment has more than doubled and, today, 17.5 percent of the American workforce is either unemployed or underemployed. 

Not since the Great Depression has the financial system been as unsafe, unsound, and unstable as it has been during Mr. Bernanke's tenure. 

We believe it is time for a new Chair at the Federal Reserve Bank.  Mr. Bernanke should not be appointed to another term as Chair.


Click here to sign the petition >>


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Video: The Failed Predictions of the Fed Chairman


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Reader Comments (3)

Washington Criminal Rulers: Good luck with that whole “Tax Us into Poverty” thing! Wait until there is a tax revolt "

TO ANY OF YOU WHO MAY BE (((NEW))) TO THE AWAKENED INFORMATION WARRIORS HERE you probably will enjoy WATCHING THIS because it will SHOW YOU where MOST of this countries MADNESS Started…..

911 Loose Change (full-length)
CLIMATEGATE:while reading the speech the EPA gave on greenhouse gases it made me think and I wanted to pass this on. why want they regulate corps. dumping tons of waste in the water! why dont they even talk about it! how bout the real deadly pollution toxic waste. our kids don't even talk about it anymore just global warming they have got everybody mind on warming while they dump deadly waste in the water!

If Obama signs this CAP & TRADE Bill and the Senate ratifies this piece of garbage, every American should be on the streets of Washington the next day with those 350 million + firearms we own. I’ll be damned if my children are going to grow up under tyranny because I did nothing.
Dec 9, 2009 at 6:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
next depression cycle: 2010-????
The World of Greed - Big Banks - Financial Institutions - Inflated Real Estate - Corporate Bailouts
The Menace of Wall Street - The Federal Reserve - Government Corruption - Wars
Wake Up America!


Washington SOB's could care less about you
You wanted change and your getting it ...

"right up the kazoooo


It's time we drew a line in the sand.

If ever there was a time to revolt ... "It's now."
That's what our founding fathers recommend when all else fails.
We no longer have a government. We now have a club of
indictable, murderous, establishment criminals.
Dec 10, 2009 at 11:29 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen
"We now have a club of indictable, murderous, establishment criminals."

Indeed. Unfortunately for us however they're a very (very,very) WELL-ARMED, WELL-DEFENDED & WELL-FUNDED club of indictable, murderous, establishment criminals. So good luck with that People's Uprising scenario.

What we the American people need nowadays to defend us from an abusive and out-of-control U.S. federal government is a well-organized, well-led group of stoic warrior-citizens who are willing to sacrifice life & limb in the pursuit of Freedom & Justice for all.

You know, like the TALIBAN.
Dec 13, 2009 at 10:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterRecoverylessRecovery

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