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Financial Comedy Genius: South Park Is In Recession And Needs A Bailout (Video) 

I try to restrain my descriptions, but the following South Park video clips are bailout comedy gold.

Even if you don't normally enjoy cartoons or animated television, you will enjoy these clips.  For people who are unfamiliar with the show, South Park shamelessly attacks everything and everyone.  It is sarcastic and runs afoul of the censors every week.

Last night's episode entitled 'Margaritaville' on recession in South Park was maybe their best ever.  Here's a clip.  There are 6 more after the jump.

I have embedded some short clips here but they don't allow the full episode to be hosted outside of Comedy Central.   You can skip most of the commercials and watch the entire show (21 minutes) here.

Stan takes his $100 check and makes an investment in South Park Bank. Aaannd it's GONE.


Randy's speeches about the economy and personal responsibility are gaining followers. "The economy will take thy Broncos cap from thy head. Instead of cars that use gasoline, we can get around on llamas from Drake's farm. Instead of video games, thy kids will play with squirrels."


The prophet Kyle finds his voice. "A young jew is speaking heresy toward the economy."


Randy and the town council discuss the measures they have taken to appease the economy.


The townspeople punish Garrison for needless spending, but Kyle tries to stop him from being squirrelled.


Stan visits the stock exchange and learns about securitized debt.


Stan finally figures out how our bailout economy functions.


See also:

Financial Comedy Collection   (newest at the bottom)


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Reader Comments (5)


1 minute youtube speech by British MP Daniel Hannan.

My speech to Gordon Brown goes viral

Mar 26, 2009 at 3:29 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Paradise goes bankrupt

Island paradise the Seychelles has the dubious honor of being perhaps the most indebted country in the world.

Mar 26, 2009 at 3:56 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
We asked four economists — Paul Krugman, Simon Johnson, Brad DeLong and Mark Thoma — to tackle this question.

Paul Krugman, Op-Ed columnist, Princeton University
Simon Johnson, M.I.T.
Brad DeLong, U.C. Berkeley
Mark Thoma, University of Oregon

Mar 26, 2009 at 3:57 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
How come we never hear about Iceland? Are all the people there starving and angry or what?
Jul 3, 2009 at 1:05 PM | Unregistered CommenterMemememe

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