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FILM TRAILER: William Hurt As Hank Paulson & Paul Giamatti As Ben Bernanke In HBO's Too Big To Fail

Video - Too Big To Fail

The film is based on Andrew Sorkin's book of the same name.  Fear-mongering and lies, Wall Street distortion, fluff and propaganda - you can't go wrong with any of the above.  Call it anything but the truth.




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Reader Comments (3)

A pro Bush pro bailout movie of the week from Holy Wood presented here at the Daily Bail. I can't wait to see it. Who is playing Sarah Palin and who is playing Katie Couric?
Mar 29, 2011 at 12:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterHello There
EPIC FAIL.... How does this movie stack up against The Insider???? Which story will the public believe? Certainly not the Feds or Governments. I can't believe these actors would consider a movie that shovels shit upon the masses at a point where the masses need the truth!!!
Mar 29, 2011 at 1:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterTruthseeker

There is a material difference between Ferguson's film and Sorkin's. Inside Job is a straight documentary. Sorkin's film (from the preview), a narrative complete with actors. One is factual, one is pure spin.

What's unusual about the Sorkin preview is that it's unclear whether some of the actors' lines (e.g., "we were THIS close to collapse") are the character's lines or the actor's.
Mar 29, 2011 at 1:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne

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