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Farmageddon: The Unseen War On American Family Farms

Documentary film trailer - Get more detail at the...



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Reader Comments (22)

I know the what but I don't know the why? Why are the small farms in the video being raided? Is this an clever advert?
Feb 20, 2011 at 6:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterFarm Supporter
Farm Supporter--

My guess would be that such raids are in the interests of Monsanto, Dow Agro, Cargill et al. They like each other, not competition.
Feb 20, 2011 at 6:43 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
From NPR...Raw milk -- milk that comes straight from the cow or goat without being pasteurized -- has been effectively banned in many states because the Food and Drug Administration says it presents a health threat. But people who believe it's an important part of a diet with more local and natural foods are finding ways to get it, and they say it's worth the risk.

Cheyenne, I don't think it has to do with what you said.
Feb 20, 2011 at 7:02 PM | Unregistered CommenterFarm Supporter
American Agriculture and the Family Farm



While farmers have always had to face numerous challenges in trying to make a living, be it by having to contend with the weather, pests, low prices and countless other farming-type problems, it is a 'natural' circumstance. These type adversities go with the territory, they are to be expected. However, once government got involved in agriculture it created an unnatural environment... one which became increasingly contorted. It became ripe for deviousness.
Feb 20, 2011 at 7:07 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
An undercover TSA agent was able to get through security at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport with a handgun during testing of the enhanced-imaging body scanners, according to a high-ranking, inside source at the Transportation Security Administration.

The source said the undercover agent carried a pistol in her undergarments when she put the body scanners to the test. The officer successfully made it through the airport's body scanners every time she tried, the source said.

"In this case, where they had a test, and it was just a dismal failure as I'm told," said Larry Wansley, former head of security at American Airlines. "As I've heard (it), you got a problem, especially with a fire arm."

Feb 20, 2011 at 7:55 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Farm Supporter--

Perhaps. But it's no accident, of that you may rest assured. Cui bono? Fwiw, the USDA has long since surrendered its credibility, what with its absurd production estimates. I'm convinced that the USDA exists so Bernanke's every prediction-gone-way-wrong looks reasonably normal.
Feb 20, 2011 at 7:58 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
@Farm Supporter
Cheyenne is absolutely correct in the first post about the pressure from large conglomerates. A great example of this was given in the documentary "Food, Inc." In fact, the farmer where you witnessed the free ranging chickens in the above video was actually in the "Food, Inc" documentary explaining how he came under fire for his farming practices.

Now, are major conglomerates the whole story? Obviously not, but they are a large part. I would reccommend watching "Food, Inc" if you have a chance--it's worth the time. You'll at least think differently about High Fructose Corn Syrup...and maybe even about Monsanto and Tyson.
Feb 20, 2011 at 8:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterInWestor
Food, Inc Trailer:

I thought I remembered a good portion of this forcusing on Monsanto and it's RoundUp Ready genically altered seeds. Try to find a soybean that's not produced by Monsanto. I guess it's pretty hard.
Feb 20, 2011 at 8:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterInWestor
I think you could include Tyson, Delmonte, Medow Gold, Safeway, King Soopers, WalMart and any corporation involved in farming, food production, or marketing. Small farmers and food producers with healthy organic products scare the hell out of them. They've spent the last 30 years or more breaking the small farmer. Today with federal and state governments helping they're going to make damn sure they stay broke so they can sell us stuff I'm afraid to eat if I read the label. I don't have a degree in Chemistry or Genetics so God knows what I'm eating cause I sure as hell don't. I know one thing, My lawn and rock garden are turning into a vegatable garden this spring.
Feb 20, 2011 at 8:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
Milk has been drank for thousands of years before pasteurization so this argument is bullshit. What it does is eliminates all the grubby middlemen from tacking on their buck. Meanwhile these same entities continue to allow Jack Decoster to remain in business.

It has everything to do with what Cheyenne said, Agribusiness (not farmers) creating greater monopoly through eliminating competition to protect their own unclean practices, as in the case of Jack.

Meanwhile they seek greater deregulation for themselves so they can operate in even more unsanitary ways.

No one has ever gotten sick from my food.
Feb 20, 2011 at 9:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Good for you Sagebrush.
Feb 20, 2011 at 9:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Do you think any of these companies have lobbyists on Capitol Hill? McD's? Tyson?

#1 Beef Purchaser? McDonald's

#2 Chicken Purchaser? McDonald's

This article shows Tyson bullying competition in 2008 and sustaining large losses by keeping chicken production high during a period of oversupply--in fact they increased production. Why? They could sustain their losses for a longer period than their competitors which forced the competition into bankruptcy. Corporate Greed is everywhere.
Feb 20, 2011 at 9:29 PM | Unregistered CommenterInWestor
great links InWestor...thanks...
Feb 20, 2011 at 10:31 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

Excellent links, and yes manipulations like that are becoming the norm as antitrust laws have diminished, yet again in many industries, monopoly practices are growing. With those practices come greater calls for deregulation, or more appropriately the elimination of laws to protect the consumer/ environment/ etc., which were developed after past frauds, outbreaks of foodborne illness, disreptions of markets, etc.

Tyson has had numerous FDA/ USDA/ EPA violations yet wants to be your sole source of nutrition in its field.




Still the herds munch on in support of Deregulation. After all, without regulation (laws) there would be no crime (since no laws were broken). However, Tyson Foods, Jack Decoster, Goldman Sachs, Monsanto, and many others thank all for their continued support of their war against America.

To big to fail is to big to exist in any industry.
Feb 21, 2011 at 1:51 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
"antitrust laws have diminished"

Since the TSA granted itself a perv license, I drive around a lot more for long stretches. There are like what? Four radio stations across the whole country? The playlists are all the same whether you're in Florida, NC, IN, IL--doesn't matter. The radio stations all have similar names--the Rocker, the Bone, etc.

If you were a space alien and landed here, you'd be convinced that the most popular band ever was either Boston or Journey.

Most amusing is the way all of a sudden some semi-obscure oldie finds its way into the rotation--all over the country.

One pretty good antidote to the mind-numbing uniformity staying off interstates. Yeah, it'll cost you time, but your soul will thank you.
Feb 21, 2011 at 6:10 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Here is a little 'rap' music (from farm country) that should get a little more air time......

Feb 21, 2011 at 7:25 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
You are not supposed to notice that Cheyenne, big brother (government), and big sister(corporate owners of government) know what is best for you, meanwhile their incest continues on...
Feb 22, 2011 at 2:26 AM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Proposal to REQUIRE CDL licenses for farm tractors and associated equipment.



For many in rural Central Texas, it's one of their most enduring memories of childhood: Their first time behind the wheel of the family tractor.

The time-honored initiation into working the family farm could one day be a thing of the past, with discussions underway in Washington to require operators of farm equipment to have a commercial driver's license, or CDL.
Jul 29, 2011 at 9:03 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
2012-2017 Narco-Plant Spraying Contracts: $75 Million



Up to $75 million in contracts in support of U.S. State Dept. crop-eradication initiatives worldwide are expected to be awarded over the next five years. According to a draft Request for Proposals (RFP) dated March 1, State’s Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) is looking for contractors that can provide aircraft equipped with defensive armor protection that are capable of spraying herbicide from altitudes of up to 12,000 feet.

Note: The key phrase here is " capable of spraying herbicide from altitudes of up to 12,000 feet.". Spray planes can only spray effectively at 1000 feet or less (including forest fire water bombers). Spraying at an altitude of nearly 3 miles AGL (above ground level) will only allow whatever they are spraying to drift for 20 or more miles.
Mar 18, 2012 at 6:58 AM | Registered CommenterJohn
From 12,000 feet they are going to kill a lot more than drugs, the dispersal will be huge. we used crop dusting when I was young, the closer the better. Our guy would cross the road under the power lines.
Mar 18, 2012 at 12:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Santorum supporters shocked, angered at Greene County Caucus
Ron Paul walks away with 59 percent of delegates, Romney 36 percent, Santorum 5 percent


Im Tellin Ya's.........The Sheep have open thAre eye's. This is happening all over the country. Im sure the MSM will neaver say a thing, but the people will be mad as Hell, becouse one of them Slime Balls are going to be the RNC pick.

What will all the Sheep do , now that they know RP is our man, Hummmmm, I dought it will be pretty...................? & that Piece of Crap, and Chunk o Shit sure make ol Nute look good. Maby he will pick RP for his VP.........?
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- At times, the Greene County Republican Caucus on Saturday seemed to teeter on the brink of chaos.

"Madam Chairman, this is not Russia! This is America!" cried one woman into the microphone in the University Plaza Convention Center's center aisle.

From the moment the doors opened at 8 a.m., it was clear supporters of candidate Ron Paul were playing for keeps. Many wore hunter orange, with the ring leaders sporting Secret Service-style listening devices in their ears tied to two-way radios. Long time party members commented more than once that they had never seen so many young people at a Republican caucus.

Oh It Gets Better.........!
Mar 18, 2012 at 3:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar

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