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End The Fed! Nationwide Protest September 22

Adam Kokesh joins the protests planned for a week from Saturday at Federal Reserve banks across the U.S.

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Start watching at the 1-minute mark.


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Reader Comments (5)

End The Fed Bumper Stickers


Some pretty good ones for sale.
Sep 12, 2012 at 5:05 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Sep 12, 2012 at 8:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterChasVoice
hahaha...that videos is hilarious. So Adam is our latest and greatest leader for this quarters protest. Well I think its gonna be in vain, and a complete waste of time. Its not that I'm pessimistic about this event, I'm just realistic about the probable outcome. That would be NOTHING but a waste of time.

Protesting in the streets went out with Vietnam. Now its just an avenue to get your teeth busted in, tazed, jailed, and a likely court hearing and possibly a black mark on your record.

The problem is they won many years ago and are just now celebrating, and they will celebrate even more in the coming years. Their plans have been in the works for many decades...even centuries. They have contingenices even if you send a million people to D.C. They already have a plan. That's because they are so much more intelligent than you. More disciplined. More aggressive. That's not to say they aren't evil....they are (obviously).

But you're going to have to put the fear of god into them. That's the only thing that will work. You'll have to disrupt their lifestyles. Interfere in their personal lives and families. Fuck with their assets.

The point is you have no control over anything but your own personal actions. That's it. I would suggest you nix the protest. Rent a hall. Educate people. Offer free lunch. Doing something civilized that includes some planning, thinking, discussion and an action plan. All these dweebs leading these protests are simply misleading you, and many are likely shills. don't you get it. You have to deal with them on their level. That's unless you decide to step up the game.

You know what I mean. Right?
Sep 12, 2012 at 11:19 PM | Unregistered Commenterdogismyth
Look at this hit piece I don't believe this for a minute

Ron Paul One Of The Most Corrupt Members Of Congress, Report Finds

Sep 13, 2012 at 2:14 AM | Unregistered CommenterLiberatedCitizen
Gary, in my opinion, the Fed needs to be nationalized so the Treasury can utilize the existing infrastructure, as long as the currency creation power is reinculcated back to the government. I do not support Ron Paul's Austrian school glad backed currency. Gold is a commodity, and can easily be manipulated. The bankers are already buying up most of the gold. Also, if we have to pay our debts and interest in gold, then the banks will eventually end up with all the gold, even if the Treasury is issuing its own currency. I do agree that gold and silver should be available to circulate as money, but I believe fiat currency works fine IF, and only IF its volume is tied to a constant such as population or GDP or something along those lines. I firmly agree with Bill Still on this matter. I highly recommend his books and films.
Sep 13, 2012 at 12:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterVictor Spoils

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