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Economics Quiz At The Super Bowl: How Much Do NFL Players Know About Bernanke, Gold & Unemployment?

Video:  CNBC's Darren Rovell quizzes players from the Saints and Colts on Bernanke and more -- February 5, 2010 -- Highly entertaining

Someone exclaimed 'crook' immediately upon seeing Bernanke's picture, and he didn't know it was Fed Overlord Bernanke.  He just thought Ben's mug made him look like a thief.  Nice.  Couldn't have scripted that part any better.

For his part, Rovell should have used U6 numbers for the unemployment portion of the quiz.  It's irresponsible to say that only 10% of workers are unemployed.  Considering BLS job-loss shenanigans, the number should be reported as 17% by all financial reporters.



(Just a screenshot...video is above)



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Reader Comments (3)

Keep in mind, these are pretty much ALL college graduates. I'm so glad Obama is committed to education. Well, he's not so much interested in making people smart as throwing money at colleges.
Feb 6, 2010 at 10:22 PM | Unregistered Commentermark mchugh

Feb 6, 2010 at 10:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
mark, steve,... have any of you seen this? needless to say, I haven't read or bought Sorkin's book, but here's yet MORE evidence that throughout 2008 Paulson, et al. were either lying their asses off or doing nothing whatsoever about a coming meltdown.

Feb 6, 2010 at 10:51 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H

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