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DOW Closes Down 521 Points - Bears Create Another Bloodbath For U.S. Equities

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Reader Comments (2)

Great News: Just 10% More Quote Churn And The Broken Market "Resets"



For all those wondering what may force the "GREAT RESET", we now know. According to the below email from the Nasdaq sent out 24 minutes before close, we were just 10% away from the Nasdaq essentially DKing all trades on one of its UTP channels, and "restarting the outbound message count. If the count is restarted, the UTP SIP will be unable to process any UQDF retransmission requests for the affected data channel..." All we need now are the HFT quote churners to put the empty churn knob on max tomorrow, and the market, well, breaks.
Aug 10, 2011 at 4:51 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
U.S. Considers Funding Various Mexican Energy Projects



enable the development of a 70 MW wind power generation project in the Municipality of Zacatecas. The Feasibility Study will allow the Grantee to assess available wind power resources, verify the power demand profile, evaluate the financial value of wind power in comparison to existing power supply arrangements, and draft legal documents and agreements.
Aug 10, 2011 at 6:15 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn

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