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Did Donald Trump Just Ink A Deal With The Devil?

Trump Picks Goldman Sachs Alum As National Campaign Finance Chairman



By John Titus

There’s a certain aroma—shit—about Donald Trump’s selection of a campaign finance manager from Goldman Sachs, and it comes from the timing of events.

Two days earlier, Ted Cruz, whose own entanglements with Goldman dogged him throughout his campaign, shocked everyone by suddenly ending his candidacy. Up until then, Goldman appeared to have its bases covered in the presidential race: it has owned the Clintons outright since the early 1990s, and its claim on the two-horse in the Republican race was solid headed into a favorable stretch.

But then came Cruz’s surprise announcement.

Not only did Cruz’s forfeit directly undercut his own steadfast representations that he would gut it out all the way to the convention, it came before a series of primaries in states where Cruz was projected to do well.

Cruz’s decision, in other words, didn’t make any sense. At least it didn't two days ago.

Today, however, we learned that Donald Trump, the presumptive presidential nominee on the Republican ticket, has hired Steven Mnuchin, a former partner at Goldman Sachs who worked at the bank for 17 years.

Trump’s decision to "reverse course" and borrow money, reported a day ago by the Wall Street Journal, is that the presidential race is projected to cost up to $1 billion, significantly more than the $36 million Trump has removed from his personal coffers thus far. Like every other candidate, Trump was going to need other people’s money sooner or later if he wishes to have a realistic shot at the White House, and that time has come.

Even if this is true, though, it fails to explain why Trump chose to ally himself, even indirectly, with Goldman Sachs, the most powerful criminal banking enterprise on the planet. Trump could have chosen any number of financiers not allied with Goldman to achieve his putative goal—and he would have kept a certain stash of ammo against Hillary Clinton (his likely foe) bone dry. Clinton herself received $675,000 from Goldman for 3 speeches and refuses to release the transcripts. Any notion that Trump would pound on Hillary for concealing her own words to Goldman have just been weakened somewhat—by Donald Trump.

One must wonder why Trump made the particular choice that he did.

But there's a predicate in the chronology here that's worth considering first, and that's Ted Cruz. Why did he suddenly drop out? What could have induced him to do that? One possible answer may involve his $1 million debt--to Goldman Sachs--which never appeared on his Federal Election Commission disclosure form.

But Goldman wouldn't have made any debt-forgiveness deal unless it got something--something worth a lot more than $1 million.

Is Steven Mnuchin Goldman's chad in such a deal?

Who knows? One thing's for sure, though. It didn't take Goldman Sachs' fabled blood funnel very long to find an opening in Donald Trump's campaign once his nomination path was clear.


Photo by William Banzai7

Post author John Titus/Cheyenne



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Reader Comments (16)

Left-wing revolution echoes grassroots momentum of tea party


NEW YORK – In an anti-establishment movement from the left that bears some organizational resemblance to the tea party on the right, Democratic Party candidate Bernie Sanders has turned to a George Soros-sponsored, labor-union organizer and computer hacker to run his nationwide ground game.

Many within the Clinton camp suspect Exley is connected to the international network of computer hackers that exposed Clinton’s private email server in 2013.
May 6, 2016 at 7:53 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Yeah, it's hard to say. This looks bad. The guy was a founder of One West Bank, which bought the IndyMac loans from the FDIC and then proceeded to engage in some shady foreclosure/HAMP arbitrage.

I suspect Trump simply knows the guy personally and thinks he's "fantastic."

May 6, 2016 at 7:55 AM | Unregistered Commenterpitchfork
Great point, Dr. Pitchfork, which actually might be quite a bit stronger than you've let on.

Most of those foreclosures aren't just shady, they're fraudulent. They're fraudulent in that the foreclosing party manufactured and filed with the court false documents, including affidavits signed under penalty of perjury and even bogus promissory notes--papers without which the court rules the opposite way.

In these cases, and there a millions of them, people had their houses stolen.

The psychopaths who work for the TBTF banks, of course, don't care about this. As Tim Geithner taught us, homeowners' only value is as runway foam.

But these scumbags will most definitely care about this: those foreclosure judgments where the promissory notes were bad ARE VOID AS A MATTER OF LAW, AND ARE SUBJECT TO BEING OVERTURNED IN LATER CASES REGARDLESS OF HOW MUCH TIME HAS PASSED.

That's because the foreclosing party never had standing (a legally cognizable injury), and thus those foreclosures don't meet the constitutional requirement for "cases and controversies." In legalese, the courts lacked jurisdiction, and thus every ruling the judges in those cases issued--including the foreclosure judgment itself, on which title to the homes now rests--is as legally binding as "Curious George Meets Scooby Doo."

A motivated plaintiff, in other words, could take chain of title across great swaths of the heartland, and pull it apart at the seams.

But now a key member of Trump's team is caught up in that massive fraud, with every incentive to make sure that doesn't happen.
May 6, 2016 at 10:33 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Great find, john. It would appear that our favorite criminals have a way of making sure they're a key team members for the so-called "outsiders." After a while the whole thing starts to look like a chess game being played in a giant red white and blue vat of gooey fraud.
May 6, 2016 at 10:39 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
Here is a little more from the NYT.

Soros and Other Liberal Donors to Fund Bid to Spur Latino Voters


From the WSJ

Soros Takes Stakes In J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs

May 6, 2016 at 11:07 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
As Soros continues to bankroll the Left's far reaching progressive plans, he's more interested in the bottom line, which is evident by his own words, “I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do.”

True to Soros' nature, he’s cashing in at the Bank of Obama, despite what it's doing to our economy. Starting with the fact that Soros was involved in crafting the trillion-dollar so-called "Recovery Act," which President Obama signed into law in February 2009. A massive economic stimulus bill –– among the biggest in history –– that was sold to the American people as a means save our economy, however, recent revelations reveal the real intent behind the stimulus package; a key tool for advancing clean energy, of which at least ten percent was earmarked for that purpose –– it was packed full of "clean energy provisions."

More here: http://greencorruption.blogspot.com/2013/03/left-wing-billionaire-george-soros.html#.Vyy4UUvHLHM
May 6, 2016 at 11:30 AM | Unregistered Commenterjohn

Ben Carson on Wednesday floated Ted Cruz as a possible attorney general in a Donald Trump administration, noting that it could allow Cruz to prosecute Hillary Clinton.

“I think he would be terrific on the Supreme Court, or I think he would be a terrific attorney general. Or he could be both,” Carson told Fox News Radio’s John Gibson.
May 6, 2016 at 12:05 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Good story Cheyenne, measured and fair. Goldman's influence is always worth watching. As for Ted Cruz as Attorney General, it would be a step down from the Senate. I doubt he would take it.
May 6, 2016 at 12:33 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
A Europe of Donald Trumps?

From the Irish Sea to the Carpathian Mountains, right-wing anti-establishment movements are on the rise.

May 6, 2016 at 12:36 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Trump backs Brexit, brands migration crisis a ‘horrible thing for Europe’

May 6, 2016 at 12:44 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Sadiq Khan wins London election, becoming first Muslim mayor of major Western city

May 6, 2016 at 12:45 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
The last billionaire maverick was Ross Perot, a guy I enthusiastically volunteered for when I was barely able to vote.

Trump hiring this Mnuchin character has got me wondering, recall that Perot's company EDS played a roll in implementing MERS.

Perot dropped out of the race and a Clinton landed in the wHite hOuse.
May 6, 2016 at 2:21 PM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
"recall that Perot's company EDS played a roll in implementing MERS."

No shit? I swear, while the rabbit hole seems damn near bottomless, I find it astonishing how often 1992 has turned up when researching American villainy.

It's good to see you again here, chunga.
May 6, 2016 at 3:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
The Klintons and the Arkansas mob are always involved. I think that was around the time of Filegate. She's still being investigated by FBI and they still won't pin anything on her.
May 6, 2016 at 4:17 PM | Unregistered Commenterchunga
Yeah, she knows where the bodies are buried. The odds that either Atty Gen Loretta Lynch or FBI Dir James Comey, who separately assisted money-laundering HSBC, will lay a glove on Hillary are zero.

Nevertheless, as long as this theater show is running, you have stories like Guccifer's here that keep adding facts that help prove up criminal behavior. It unquestionably has long-lasting effects.

Case in point: Eric Holder never convicted anyone in the big banks above the level of file clerk, but most people now know those institutions are criminal. That wasn't true in 2009. In fact people thought I was crazy for saying shit like that back then.
May 6, 2016 at 4:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
I thought that Perot had sold EDS. He did sell to GM which under the agreement he sat on their board of directors. After having insulted the white glove execs there, they summarily dumped him from the board. $700 mill helped their cause in this endeavor. I don't think he had anything to do with EDS after that. I may be wrong.
May 7, 2016 at 7:26 AM | Unregistered Commenterskinflint

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