Detroit To Obama: We Voted For You, Now Bail Us Out!
'Obama owes us some bacon.'
According to Detroit Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, President Obama owes the city some government 'bacon' for supporting him in the 2012 election. In a recent council meeting, Watson said, "Our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president and there ought to be a quid pro quo on that."
"After the election of Jimmy Carter, the honorable Coleman Alexander Young [Detroit's former mayor], he went to Washington, D.C. and came home with some bacon."
Youtube version of same clip for readers who have FLASH problems.
Reader Comments (18)
Five Senior Goldman Sachs Execs Gave $130K To 'Obama Victory Fund' WHILE Eric Holder Was Deciding Whether To File Criminal Charges
As for this article screw YOU DETROIT pay your own damn bills the money O has comes from the taxpayers!
Obama Set to Unleash Lawsuits to Mandate Racial Preferences
Robert Reich, Obamas Hand Picked Racist: Jobs Must Not Go To "White Male Construction Workers"
The past stinks, but it's over with, lets get on and get moving now.
Make an effort to stay in school and college. Make an effort to quit being the leading race in unwed mothers. Quit thinking crime is the way out. Show respect for yourself and others- get morals which include honesty, fairness, equality, hard work and caring for each other. Most of all lose the "ego".
There have been Asians, Irish, German, Scottish, Native Americans,- and especially the Chinese, Japanese, and Irish who have overcome great hardships from racism in the past. They haven't lived their lives in hatred for how they were treated, but they persisted and have overcome by hard work and the ability to persist, and as a result have gained respect.
The ability of equality is here in this country, but if you fight it, refuse it, mock it and do nothing, then nothing is what you will get- it's called freedom.
Where in the world, other than America, would you have the "choices" to become greater? It is before you, yet you sit and complain of the past instead of planning for a great future. Get out of the hole and get moving- go for it- use the resources, use your minds. If not, then it is your own fault!
God doesn't like self pity- why should you? He loves us all and wants us all to do what is right for ourselves as well as for him.
or.right to throw US citizens in internment camps and take their businesses from them? No I think we have a case of some people not wanting equality but rather extraordinary privelige.and hand outs without merit for any of it. I'm not
saying the system is fair but stop playing the victim or else that's all you will ever be.
Very will stated Sir........I reamber a piece I came across right after obama got into office and built his secret goverment within the goverment, that goverment CANT Ask Any questions what Oh Great One's people do. It was about Detroit and how the democrats have litraly stoled the city into bankrupcey. How Bama is going to do that to the country in the next 8 years. ( they knew back then he wasent going anywhAre ) How America will become the new Detroit, I think it was called. Well, they sure knew what they were talking about..........
Here in the Branson Mo. aera you would NEAVER GUESS, times are as bad as they realy are......???? But the shops and Big Malls tell a differant story. Yup, their comming in droves. Go Cart Tracks are full. Andy's Custard Stand, you wait in line from mornning to night. But nobody is buying the big or real stuff that made these buissnes good money before 2007.....
Shops make enough money to stay open for the season. But lack money to survie the 4-5 mo. down time.....And no part time jobs in the off season. "YES" that person was right. obama is going to prostute America till its just like Detroit Mich.................! Tex
It seems as if nobody in the US has ever heard of Weimar and it's abberations.
Mitt should have carried around a billion mark note with him and patiently explained to the uneducated, unenlightened fools that this is what they would be buying their popcorn and oven ready Pizzas with in a couple of years : Baskets full of them:
Billion mark notes.
Obama heads to Michigan auto plant pressing case on fiscal cliff