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Coach Knight: 'Trump And I Are Gonna Try And Beat Your Ass Every Time'


Turn your volume all the way up for this clip as the audio is a little weak. The video is set to begin with Knight's response, but it's probably worth watching the whole clip.

"But let me tell you another thing about Mr. Trump. And I think we are a little bit alike in this regard. If we're involved in something that we want to win, and particularly something that’s necessary, we're going to try and beat your ass every time we can!"





"Donald Trump is the most prepared man in history to be president of this great country."





"There will never be another Benghazi under a Trump administration."



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Reader Comments (16)

I'm actually pretty shocked by Trump's non-answer. It's the only time I've seen him grope around blindly in the dark for a handle, like a talking mole. It's also the only time I've heard him give an answer like a male elite, as if he lacked the experiential DNA that the rest of us take for granted.

Kudos to the WW2 vet for the action on that curveball. Well done, sir.

At the same time this segment raises one question (i.e., wtf was THAT, Donald!?), it answers another (i.e., who should Trump name as his VIP?). The answer is now apparent: Bob Knight.

The media's intense hatred of The Donald is coming from all segments at the very top: banks, big pharma, MIC, etc. There's a very realistic chance that Trump would be the target of an assassination attempt. He could reduce those odds dramatically by naming a VP who's even more of an alpha male--and let's face it, Trump's real alpha self scares the shit out of the fake pussies at the top--than he is. I can't think of anyone who fits that billet better than Bobby Knight.

Then again, that answer to the vet's question... wtf?
Apr 28, 2016 at 7:52 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne

I had a similar thought about Trump's demeanor. I've seen him grope for answers before (not often), but this was the first time I'd seen him acting congenial in a non-"alpha" way. Not that he was obsequious, but Knight's presence had an effect on him. Maybe that's what threw him off his game a bit in terms of answering the damn question.

But to your other point, I think you're right. The pussies at the top are scared of him -- not just because his demeanor is "alpha," but because they know he's at least a near approximation to a real man. Whereas, they, themselves, are all bootlicking snakes.
Apr 28, 2016 at 10:41 AM | Unregistered Commenterpitchfork
Perhaps I should've used the word badass instead of alpha. Trump's a badass....


...and the elite definitely have it in for badasses, as we've just witnessed with the decision to remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill. And make no mistake, AJ was a badass. The lead paragraph of Jackson's badass bio offers a clue as to how badasses react to being pushed around by elite pussies:

"Andrew Jackson enlisted into the Continental Army at age twelve and served as a courier in the Revolutionary War, running important packages and battle orders across the front. While he performed his job admirably, he was eventually captured and taken prisoner by the Brits, making him the only U.S. President in history to ever have been a Prisoner of War. They put him to work as a servant to a powerful British General who was a major prick. One day this cockhead General ordered Jackson to spit-shine his boots. Jackson told the guy to go fuck a donkey. The redcoat got so pissed off that he slashed Jackson in the face an hands, leaving him with a couple of badass scars. He was eventually released as part of a prisoner exchange and served the rest of the war."


It just gets better from there, but I digress...

Trump's answer was intensely non-badass. Watching it, I actually suffered a flashback to my days in a corporate law firm, to the awkward times when elite partners would try to establish some kind of a rapport with us serfs by talking about some topic they obviously had no idea about.

If I'm working in Trump's campaign and know he's gonna meet Bobby Knight, do I give DT the rundown on great coaches who started under Knight, or do I show him something that conveys the man with far greater force, like the chair-throwing incident, or play him the game-face video, or Knight's motivational half-time speech (seen right here on db.com)? That Trump's people failed to get across to him that Knight's a guy WHO DOESN'T TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE FOR ANY REASON makes me wonder who DT's surrounded himself with.

Fortunately Knight picked up on that similarity between himself and DT and delivered the goods.
Apr 28, 2016 at 11:11 AM | Unregistered CommenterCheyenne
I had a similar thought about Trump's demeanor. I've seen him grope for answers before (not often), but this was the first time I'd seen him acting congenial in a non-"alpha" way. Not that he was obsequious, but Knight's presence had an effect on him. Maybe that's what threw him off his game a bit in terms of answering the damn question.


Good catch.

This is pretty normal for Knight. He does this to people all the time. I've seen it my entire life. People cower when they around him.. Some of it is his physical presence, He is 6" 6,' 250. But mostly it's Knight's personality. He has mellowed tremendously with age, but the younger Bobby would never allow anyone, including friends to challenge him. He has always been this way. When he was 26 and coaching Army he would chew out the multi-starrred Generals who attended the games for not cheering loud enough.


The General Who Never Was

Requiem for Bobby Knight
Apr 28, 2016 at 1:12 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I spent the night at Knight's house a few times when I was a kid. I was friends with his son Tim. One time, Bobby woke us up at 4 AM to make Tim go outside and clean the cages and feed the fucking rabbits they had out back, that Knight kept for training his hunting dogs. He was like the drill sargeant from the Kubrick vietnam movie. Barking orders as we stumbled out of bed. He was trying to build discipline in Tim I guess.
Apr 28, 2016 at 1:48 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

That's awesome that you have Coach Knight stories like that.
Apr 28, 2016 at 7:42 PM | Unregistered Commenterpitchfork
He could be a really nice guy as well. He sent me a personal letter when I graduated high school. I still have it.

When we first moved to Bloomington in 1970, I was 3. Knight took the IU job in 1973 I think. My dad and a couple other young docs became friends with Knight and he wanted all of them to be at his practice, everyday. These guys all had fucking jobs at the hopital, but they showed up almost every day. But eventually there were conflicts because of Knight's demands, so they mostly stopped hanging around. But there was a period of a few years I remember that my dad was there a lot.
Apr 28, 2016 at 7:56 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Wow. That is cool. Nobody writes letters anymore -- that's something to treasure.

I hope you keep it somewhere safe. Like the bank. LOL.

I was going to say I'd frame it and hang it up, but maybe I wouldn't, actually. Do you display it or just keep it tucked away somewhere?
Apr 28, 2016 at 8:03 PM | Unregistered Commenterpitchfork
Assembly Hall is one mile exactly from my parents house, so as a kid I would hop on my bike and go over there in the afternoon after school. This is after my dad stopped going to practices. One time when I was 11, Joe Ruff and I rode our bikes there, and then snuck in the building. We went down to Knight's office and were checking things out (it was empty, late afternoon, no secretary), so I was sitting in his chair and Joe was looking at the photos on the wall, and all of a sudden Bobby comes flying into the room, screaming his head off at us. He's 6'6'' 250 and his face was red and pulsing with anger. One of the student managers had seen us in the hallway and alerted Knight.

The only reason he didn't kill us is that he knew our dads.

We got kicked out on another afternoon for riding our banana-seat 5-speed schwinn bicycles up and down all the ramps inside the arena. We were flying all around the inside of the building, it was all good times 'till we got busted, again by one his student managers.
Apr 28, 2016 at 8:03 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail


Yeah, this happened. All we needed was some duct tape, and a few carefully-crafted lies to our parents.

So the pressbox atop the football stadium fascinated me as a kid. Joe and I would go there a lot on our bikes, and sneak into the stadium through a busted fence. We would go up to the pressbox, using the very old elevators and go inside and check it out. Sit in the chairs, bang on an occasional spare typewriter, chek out the field, look at the incredible sky-high views of bloomington, etc.

So during the day we put some tape over the lock thing so the door wouldn't automatically lock when it closed, which was how it was made to work. We came back later that night, it was a Friday, and there was a home football game the next day. The tape worked and we were able to pull the door open. We brought sleeping bags, a radio, some sports illustrated mags, 2 flashlights and some food, and we spent the night sleeping on the floor of the pressbox. We woke up early the next morning and got the hell out before anyone showed up for the afternoon game.

My life was so much better when I was young.

That's really the moral of the story.
Apr 28, 2016 at 8:16 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

The letter is in a folder in my filing cabinet, with other high school shit like all my applications, acceptance letters, original SAT scores, and shit like that. I kept all all that stuff.
Apr 28, 2016 at 8:32 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
And Hamilton gets second wind from a Broadway show despite the fact he died face down in the dirt as a result of a man named Burr who had a chapped ass and didn't mind showing Hamilton the correct way to fire a round.
Apr 28, 2016 at 9:42 PM | Unregistered Commenterskinflint
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