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Chris Matthews Loses It: 'What Was Obama Doing Tonight!'

Full scale MSNBC meltdown.

Transcript is here...


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"Tonight wasn't an MSNBC debate tonight, was it?" Chris Matthews said after the first Obama-Romney presidential debate concluded on Wednesday night.

"I don't know what he was doing out there. He had his head down, he was enduring the debate rather than fighting it. Romney, on the other hand, came in with a campaign. He had a plan, he was going to dominate the time, he was going to be aggressive, he was going to push the moderator around, which he did effectively, he was going to relish the evening, enjoying it," Matthews said.

"Here's my question for Obama: I know he likes saying he doesn't watch cable television but maybe he should start. Maybe he should start. I don't know how he let Romney get away with the crap he throughout tonight about Social Security," Matthews complained.

Matthews then demanded that President Obama start watching cable news, specifically his program.

"Where was Obama tonight? He should watch -- well, not just Hardball, Rachel, he should watch you, he should watch the Reverend Al [Sharpton], he should watch Lawrence. He would learn something about this debate. There's a hot debate going on in this country. You know where it's been held? Here on this network is where we're having the debate," Matthews said.

"We have our knives out," Matthews said, admitting his network is trying their best to defend Obama and his policies. "We go after the people and the facts. What was he doing tonight? He went in there disarmed."

"He was like, 'Oh an hour and half? I think I can get through this thing. And I don't even look at this guy.' Whereas Romney -- I love the split-screen -- staring at Obama, addressing him like prey. He did it just right. 'I'm coming at an incumbent. I got to beat him. You've got to beat the champ and I'm going to beat him tonight. And I don't care what this guy, the moderator, whatever he thinks he is because I'm going to ignore him," Matthews said.

"What was Romney doing?" Matthews asked. "He was winning."

"If he does five more of these nights, forget it," Matthews added. "Obama should watch MSNBC, my last point. He will learn something every night on this show and all these shows. This stuff we're watching, it's like first grade for most of us. We know all this stuff."
Oct 4, 2012 at 6:32 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
After what 'MAY' have been the WH Communications Director who posted this comment here at the DB under the name D, I though this deserved a little attention since it seems the FACTS are still being ignored.



Good morning,

It's part of my job to make sure President Obama gets to hear the voices and perspectives of people outside Washington – and lately, that's not been difficult.

Everywhere the President goes, he gets the same message: Americans just want folks in Washington to work together to build an economy that works for the middle class, not just the wealthiest – and is based on rewarding responsibility, hard work and fairness.

That's why the President has proposed the American Jobs Act, a set of bold but common-sense measures that will put up to 2 million Americans back to work and more money in the pockets of working Americans.

Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress keep blocking this bipartisan proposal, putting their party before our country.

We can't wait for Congress to act, so President Obama is moving ahead with executive actions to strengthen the economy, help middle class families and move this country forward.

On Monday, he was in Nevada to discuss concrete steps we're taking, like removing caps for deeply underwater borrowers and eliminating fees, so that homeowners can refinance their mortgages and save money. On Tuesday, he announced new initiatives that will help put veterans to work in community health centers. And today, he's proposing to offer immediate relief to college students by making it easier to manage their debt while they get on their feet.

These policies aren't a substitute for the American Jobs Act, but they will make a difference. And we don't intend to stop there.

The best ideas for growing this economy won't come from Washington – they'll come from Americans like you. So let me tell you about a new way to make your voice heard in our government.

More than 750,000 people have already used a new feature on WhiteHouse.gov called We the People to create and sign petitions calling on the Obama Administration to take action on a range of important issues. Learn more about We the People here:

The President's changes to the student loan program will make it easier for graduates to make their payments and avoid default.

It's also a great example of We the People at work.

In the past month, thousands of citizens signed a petition about student loans. These individuals rightly pointed out that the weight of this debt is preventing graduates all over the country from achieving their dreams.

It's a message received loud and clear and one that President Obama – who spent almost a decade paying off his own student loans – understands.

A new report shows that our investments in student financial aid have made a big difference for families, but too many students still struggle with debt. Today, the President announced clear actions to help young people who are doing everything right and living up to their responsibilities, but having a hard time making loan payments while the economy continues to recover.

So what else do you have? What's the next issue you think needs attention? Make sure your voice is heard in our government:


We can't wait to see what you have to say.


David Plouffe
Senior Advisor to the President

...I am uncertain that this was really Mr. Plouffe but am re-posting D's comment because someone has been getting really bad advice as of late.

Oct 4, 2012 at 7:40 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn
Obama or Romney & even Jesus Christ in the oval office won't be able to do a damn thing about our economy...One word my fellow Americans we're................. " FUCKED" .................

Oct 4, 2012 at 10:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterStendec
It's all the fault of the white supremacist, racist, lone nut,right-winger media, for not allowing the first black intelligent president the use of a teleprompter!
Oct 4, 2012 at 10:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterIt is I only
Interesting John. Thanks.
Oct 5, 2012 at 4:39 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Voting Is A Choice Between A Pink Dildo & A Purple Dildo
Oct 5, 2012 at 6:30 AM | Unregistered CommenterDeep Space
You really think these debates are real?

This is all scripted

Find out who's actually in charge of the debates and what the rules of the debates are
Oct 5, 2012 at 9:13 AM | Unregistered CommenterTooFunny
Obama shouldn't watch MSNBC - it's the Left's Fox. He should read zerohedge.com and reason.com and take on the Fed and appeal to Libertarians and talk about ending the wars and having government 'bail out' people in danger of being foreclosed on instead of letting the Fed print money to give to banks to foreclose, buy and re-sell.
Oct 5, 2012 at 10:43 AM | Unregistered CommenterJohn Connor
All the liberals had meltdowns obama was shown to be a clown

The Left is Spinning Like a Top

Oct 5, 2012 at 11:20 AM | Unregistered CommenterLadyLiberty
To MY ROTTEN, FILTHY Government:

I am a citizen of the most horribly Imperialistic and brutal nation on earth, The United States of America.

STOP the endless War Mongering NOW.

Pull the Plug on the WAR Profiteers, all of whom should be EXECUTED in a Public Forum for WAR CRIMES; This means YOU, too.

Pay ATTENTION to history's lessons; America is only in danger of attacks by foreign countries because it is AMERICA who reaches it's filthy tentacles around the globe, stealing other countries' resources, enslaving innocent people, and forcing our vile form of dictatorship onto innocent victims. America's own foreign policies brought on and are directly responsible for the inevitable attack on September 11th. YOU are RESPONSIBLE; Indeed, YOU ASKED FOR IT.

STOP YOUR FILTHY, VENAL WARS NOW!! Bring the pawns and the dupes stuck in endless quagmires home. Obliterate this blasphemous war machine and all the defense contractors and prosecute the WAR DEPARTMENT. THIS MEANS YOU TOO.


Christina Marlowe
Oct 5, 2012 at 1:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterChristina Marlowe

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