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Break Up With Your Bank (Original Song)

Video:  Break Up With Your Bank by Sky Seals

There is a challenge/contest that goes with this video which is explained below.


Want to put your editing skills to the test and help put a stop to the big banks? It’s the Break Up The Big Banks green screen challenge. Just take the video, add whatever you want, and our favorites will be featured at moveyourmoney.info and breakupthebigbanks.com.

Got something to say? Say it! Go to town, and make this video a tool to get people to break up with their bank.

To enter, download the video here, apply your brilliant idea to it, and email a link to your submission to breakupthebigbanks@gmail.com by March 1st.

Thanks to singer/songwriter/guitar player Sky Seals and to videographer Tom Phillips and his colleagues as the American Movie Company and Digital Alchemy for their help with this contest.

Now, go move your money and get cracking on your video!





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Reader Comments (1)

Obama hits the DONATE BUTTON for his 2012 Presedential Election campaign...4 BILLION...

In spite of President Obama’s pledge to freeze discretionary spending and reduce earmarks, ACORN stands to receive nearly four billion dollars in President Obama’s fiscal 2011 budget.

DB attacks...Palin, Newt, Bachmann, next stop...Cheney.
Feb 13, 2010 at 10:45 PM | Unregistered CommenterDB's Ignored Conscience

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