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Beware The Third Way: A Confluence Of Capitalism & Socialism

Guest post by Brett Buchanan from ItsNotRealMoney.com

What is certain about these tumultuous times is that in the end we will emerge a different nation. Transformed by a radical departure from our archetypical past today’s leaders shape the new world by way of proxy, substituting politically expedient rhetoric for the cold hard truths they fear a childish public would not understand. Design our lives without our consent, without our consult or choice, they will make our decisions for us because in their eyes we are incapable of making them ourselves.

In the wake of this great economic crisis we will be left alarmingly in debt to the rest of the world, debts which future generations will be forced to repay without ever having agreed to such burden. We will be a society of haves and have nots where the gap between the rich and the rest of us is painfully apparent to even the blindest person. We will be a nation eroded and unrecognizable to its core principles. We will suffer the subtle loss of freedoms as our government slowly chips away at our right to choose. This idea, that we are free to choose, is in fact the most important freedom we as a people were ostensibly gifted by the architects of our constitution. And it is on this freedom that our future hinges.

Choice is rooted in differences. That there exists today in the political spectrum a left and a right is a mere distraction designed to polarize the public into competing camps, in theory, creating choice. However, come election time the left and right are now overshadowed by a new centrist platform known inconspicuously as the Third Way. Hardly a household term the Third Way has in fact influenced the vast majority of political and economic changes in modern history. The Third Way is the centrist way – a compromise between capitalism and socialism, or market liberalism and democratic socialism. Proponents of Third Way claim the platform represents a synthesis of competing viewpoints, distinct and superior to both its sources, rather than simply a compromise or mixture thereof. A radical center if you will, the Third Way is a complete departure from all natural laws that govern the universe. At its core is a belief that it is better than the sum of its parts. It was a tool used by Bill Clinton to capture his second term. It was arguably utilized by George W. Bush to centralize power within the Oval Office. And it is now being levered by Barack Obama to transform a nation from what it was, into what it will be.

“something different and distinct from liberal capitalism with its unswerving belief in the merits of the free market and democratic socialism with its demand management and obsession with the state. The Third Way is in favour of growth, entrepreneurship, enterprise and wealth creation but it is also in favour of greater social justice and it sees the state playing a major role in bringing this about. So in the words of… Anthony Giddens of the LSE the Third Way rejects top down socialism as it rejects traditional neo liberalism.”
– Report from the BBC, 1999[9]

The Third Way seeks to eliminate the barriers, or broker the differences, that distinguish capitalism from socialism – a noble concept no doubt but one fraught with the perils of indecision and compromise regardless of claims to the contrary. With all his good intentions the man who plays the middle only portends to interfere with the natural outcome of events. Similarly, when government steps in to broker an outcome only temporary distortions replace what should have occurred naturally and expeditiously. The chaotic chain of events is broken. And ironically, this universe thrives on chaos – everything in an unbalanced state acting against the other to bring about balance. To interfere with this chaotic imbalance is to interfere with the natural balance of things. This is what the centrist fails to understand – imbalance ultimately brings about balance. The centrist would rather halt this process and impose its own solution – brokering what they see as the desired outcome. That the chips might fall where they may is incomprehensible to them. Centrists believe they can catch these chips as they fall and arrange them in an orderly fashion irrespective of all the natural laws that have proven the contrary – being that unnatural interference only creates more imbalance. Just as capitalism is the antithesis to socialism, positive to negative, black to white, the gray in the middle only serves to cloud what should be glaringly evident – that there is order in one side versus the other and that one side should win and one lose should not be feared.

This centrist policy permeates the political processes of our modern day government and the monetary policies of our Federal Reserve. It transcends party lines. In the case of the Fed they have argued (and won) to deregulate markets in the quest for true liberal capitalism while simultaneously strong-arming our congress into socializing the ill-effects of such deregulation. A brokered outcome if you will, irrational in its foundation, and doomed to repeat itself over and over. How can free markets be expected to act rationally when irrational forces distort natural outcomes? We know from monetary history that too much newly created money not counterbalanced by productive output causes price distortions (bubbles) as a bloated money supply settles within the confines of its economy. The same is true with overzealous government regulation and oversight of our lives, the restriction of our right to choose, and the interference in free markets – the outcomes are unnatural. History has proven at every turn that more government intervention only leads to more social discontent. Government cannot determine who wins and loses, only the winners and losers can.

George W. Bush took the first major step down the slippery-slope of government intervention in failed private markets. Barack Obama would have undoubtedly done the same – and did, continuing down the same slope. Both men’s actions are definitive proof that when it comes to the artificial support of free-markets, more succinctly a perversion thereof, it is a Third Way centrist approach that has overtaken Washington – a belief that government can step-in and save one side from itself thereby altering the natural balance of things. An ancillary benefit of causing and then controlling such imbalance is the further justification for increased centrist oversight over what should be the unfettered natural order of things. It is a never ending cycle. The more government interferes, the more justification they have for more interference.

Enter the confluence of money and government, more specifically the co-opting of our US Treasury and Federal Reserve by one Goldman Sachs and the Third Way centrist approach takes on a whole new meaning – global monopolistic totalitarianism. A mouthful for sure, this tongue-twisting three word phrase crystalizes the present power struggle being waged between those of the Third Way centrist persuasion and free market liberals. It’s ironic no doubt that a company like Goldman Sachs, one that would remove all restraints on free markets supposedly to let the proverbial chips fall where they may, has in fact abandoned that core principle and loaded its deck by exploiting the centrist approach of state control over private problems.

What Goldman Sachs understands is that when you control the supply of money, you control everything. Maybe not a literal definition of the word totalitarianism but apt nonetheless. So long as there exists even the remotest common-law marriage between the banks and government, free markets cannot and will not function. Such is the state of our present distorted reality. The centralized control of money creation, the fusion of money and government, the increasing imposition by government on our daily lives, the process by which your right to choose is slowly eroded away until there is no choice left leads to one end. Call it what you want, fascism, plutocracy, or global monopolistic totalitarianism. It’s all the same. It is a distorted reality – one designed by unnatural law in what should be a natural world.


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Reader Comments (43)

The Madoff Files: A Chronicle of SEC Failure
Over and Over, Agency Skipped 'Basic' Steps to Find Fraud, Report Says

Sep 3, 2009 at 6:18 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
I agree 100% that "there exists today in the political spectrum a left and a right (which is) is a mere distraction designed to polarize the public into competing camps" but have always felt that Obama is the culmination of a centrist "consensus builder" philosophy, aggravated by the ideology of globalism.

When you have a leader who abstains from important votes as a senator, you not only have a leader whose principle or positon cannot be determined, but you risk a leader who in fact has no position--takes no firm stand or principle derived from within his own ideological principles, but rather sees himself as an "amalgamator" of competing beliefs. But I like your explanation of it.

You might also like this post, which is similar:

I see the distraction of the old party line divisions in the context of the more relevant two new ways, Sovereignist vs. Globalist, but the wishy washy Centrist is the Globalist in sheeps clothing to me.
Sep 3, 2009 at 9:38 AM | Unregistered CommenterWil Martindale
"That the chips might fall where they may is incomprehensible to them. Centrists believe they can catch these chips as they fall and arrange them in an orderly fashion irrespective of all the natural laws that have proven the contrary – being that unnatural interference only creates more imbalance. "


You've captured Geithner and Bernanke perfectly. And that you connect this mindset directly to monetary policy (and central bank bailouts) is spot on. This one's going right into my "Bailout File." Brilliant.
Sep 3, 2009 at 10:07 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
Urgency to revolt is now:



CDC H1N1 forced quarantine docs leak
Zero Hedge
September 2, 2009

Although the current H1N1 virus does not have lethal genes yet, we have been implicitly promised by the national and global health authorities that novel H1N1 will soon return with such genetic ‘upgrades’, just as it did in 1918. Here at ZeroHedge, we are expecting a flock of economic black swans soon, and a pandemic — whether real or hyped — may be part of this flock. An economic collapse will be no doubt be triggered soon , and it will be convenient for the political elites to blame the collapse on an external factor, such as a pandemic or a war. Furthermore, the fall H1N1 pandemic may be a convenient pretext by which dangerous levels of expanding social control can be established by elites which have proven themselves utterly corrupt and morally bankrupt.

On to the documents.


CDC Warns Neurologists To Watch For Nerve Disease Following Swine Flu Shots
The CDC has followed in the footsteps of British health authorities by warning neurologists to look out for cases of the nerve disease Guillain-Barre syndrome caused by the swine flu vaccine.

Doctors in Britain were advised last month by the government to carefully track cases of the disease and report each one to the Health Protection Agency. A letter sent by 600 neurologists indicated that “there is concern at the highest levels that the vaccine itself could cause serious complications,” according to a Daily Mail report.

During the 1976 swine flu scare in the U.S., which prompted the government to order a mass vaccination program to cover the entire population, the vaccine caused more deaths than the actual virus, prompting a public backlash that cost the then director of the CDC his job.

SImilar concerns about the vaccine are now being replicated over 30 years later.

* A d v e r t i s e m e n t
* efoods

“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Neurology have asked all neurologists to report new cases of Guillain-Barre in people who get vaccines this fall and winter to the Food & Drug Administration’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System,” reports The Oregonian.

Guillain-Barre syndrome can cause paralysis and breathing difficulties and is sometimes fatal. It also produces a tingling sensation and weakens limbs.

As we have previously documented, the swine flu vaccine is being rushed through safety procedures while governments have provided pharmaceutical companies with blanket immunity from lawsuits arriving out of the vaccine causing deaths and injuries.

It was previously revealed that some batches of the vaccine will contain mercury, a toxin linked with autism and neurological disorders. The vaccine will also contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, which has been directly linked with cases of Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.

Several surveys have revealed that huge numbers of health professionals all over the world will refuse to take the swine flu vaccine despite government plans to institute mass vaccination programs. A new poll released yesterday found that just 6 per cent of pregnant women would “definitely” take the vaccine following concerns about its safety.
Sep 3, 2009 at 11:34 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Good post...Third Wave aka Communatarianism, also see anti Communatarism, a window into the thinking of the Third Wavist.
Sep 3, 2009 at 2:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterWestWright
when will you all organize revolt??

Washington Criminal Blood Sucking Pests


here are hard facts from:

Banker thugs

Banker thugs not refinancing to stop foreclosures

Banker thugs getting our blood sweat taxes at 0% and now punishing consumers with high interest rates, not honoring previous contracts with consumers who have not even defaulted on any payments

Biggest crime in human history, Working class scammed with mortgage and credit card debt scam and no one goes to jail instead you fucking criminals handed them our trillions of future blood sweat taxes to to same criminal thugs. And same criminal thugs are scamming and banging us again via same criminal scams.

Wall Street bubble create dgain and Corporate crooks biggest insider zero cost back dated stock option worthless paper being stacked up 201k's to complete pension bust next.


and should be hanged SADDAM STYLE

What Terrorists?

BIGGEST HOME GROWN FINANCIAL AL QAEDA scammmed and busted its own Working Class.


MEDIA CRIMINAL SHILLS Sensoring harsh reality facts and ANZI TYPE PROPAGANDA is on TV now..................


I have senior management friend at Solectron , which got acquired by FLEXTRONICS

he told me this:

SLR buildings going to be sold, Work from home, tranfer phones under your personal name and account.

FLEX will not reiumburse phone and electricity expenses. Sign NDA , if you get bonus, you will not share information with other employees...if found sharing info, termination ASAP.

He said FLEX management will save $6K per eliminating every employee cubicle per year


HPQ...30% salary cut across board, threatened EDS workers not to speak to the media...do Google Search

REVOLT is next
Sep 3, 2009 at 2:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
I've always found that viewing the political spectrum on an X axis with left, right, and according to this article center blinds me to much of what is going on politically.

There's a Y axis as well. Higher on that axis is more government. Left on the X axis, high on the Y axis is what we think of classically as Communism ala USSR. Right on the X axis, high on the Y axis is Fascism.

Lower on the Y axis we have social democracy, with conservative libertarianism on the right.

That Y axis is infinitely more important than left or right. The size and power of government is what people are up in arms about, as well they should. We're headed up that Y axis at an alarming rate with very little in the way to slow it down. We have government messing around in areas where free markets are much more efficient.

There's another axis of course, a Z axis representing the level of corruption and influence on government of wealthy special interests. We're pretty damn far out on that Z axis as well.
Sep 3, 2009 at 2:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterWill

I've been toying with the notion of writing a piece called "Project Mayhem for Dummies". The trouble with starting a revolution is once begun, you can't go back and say, "time-out, things weren't that bad!".
Sep 3, 2009 at 2:46 PM | Unregistered Commentermark mchugh
Will, you're obviously just a gun-totin', astroturf Republican who hates black people and the poor and hopes that America fails. ;-)

(Hey, I like the Z axis. Well said.)
Sep 3, 2009 at 3:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
Excellent article. I like Will's axis descriptions, too--great visualization tool. Most people think in only the one dimension.
Sep 3, 2009 at 4:15 PM | Unregistered CommenterSonic Ninja Kitty
we soon will be a failed state. US$ will take us their soon.

Stone ages? Afghanistan

Top to Bottom Criminals in Power and total control of Home Grown financial Al Qaeda. Transfer of Wealth to few from middle class almost going to be complete. Next wall street crash will wipe out , what is left of pensions.

Obama Adverting Propaganda is exactly NAZI(HITLER STYLE)

My Allegiance to Constitution not OBAMA(Chicago Mob Shill)

Have you folks seen the commercial? Allegiance to Obama Barks in the commercial?

You wanted change and your getting it ...

"right up the kazoooo."

Transparency? Who is kidding whom? Wake up!

"Dirty Politics" has been elevated to a degree I have not ever before experienced. As a result "we the people" have become insignificant. The power struggle between two miscreants, Republican or Democrat is tearing our society to ribbons. The horror is, neither one gives a damn about us. That we are being trashed, and our generational society is being destroyed is of no import. We are being left to fend for ourselves and left to devise ways to survive and navigate the continuing roadblocks created in their war of "Power."

Health care reform could be addressed in a civil debate (obviously none existent) and should be transparent, without coded terminology, making it possible for the average "John Doe" to evaluate, comment and be engaged. That is what our country, our constitution, our republican set up is all about

I'm fed up with either party's "bullshit"

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of
Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies

The era of hope and change is dead... and it only took The Obama team six months in office to kill it.

Never has an administration taken office with more inflated expectations of turning Washington around. Never have a media-anointed American Idol and his entourage disintegrate so fast, so hard, so disgracefully.

The American people are now faced with the awesome, monumental task of picking up the pieces and reconstructing the damage done to our constitutional society. A society that had a future they believed in and were working hard to promote it.

My statement to the banksters:

First let me say that I am for peace. I do not believe that citizens should take to arms because with technology being what it is, that would prove hurtful to our children and grandchildren. But I do call for the government and or military of the United States to do what is necessary, including the use of force to protect the United States citizens from the bankster cartel. The great American experiment was the result of the founding fathers determination to be free of the central bank of England, a private bank, and our independence is derived from that protection of our people by the founding fathers. As to the present state of affairs, here is my statement:

You banksters have the AUDACITY to ask us to cooperate with you in your economic recovery after you have killed the golden goose of world prosperity, we consumers right here in the USA.

There is such a thing as divine retribution for unscrupulous behavior, even a greater judgement for that which hurts many, many people! We have been deceived by your fancy Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and its tools, the Federal Reserve Bank and FASB. You have given us off balance sheet banking and ponzi loans. You robbed our treasury. You hit us with mark to market. You threaten that again in 2011. You plan to put the off balance sheet toxic assets, which you devised, back on to the bank balance sheets in 01/2010 to hurt the banks and make us buy treasury bonds out of fear even there is no intrinsic demand for that massive debt. Had you not allowed off balance sheet banking in Basel 2 you could have maybe gotten away with your evil deeds. But what is done is done.

I declare to you banksters (and plead that our government to take note) that the Bank of International Settlements is public enemy number one of the United States and should be taken down, by force if necessary. http://bank-abuse.com/TowerofBasel.html

The United States government, or military if necessary, has the duty to protect the American banks from these banksters so that our big banks, such as Bank of America, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Citibank and a few others, will not feel the desperate need to take advantage of the citizens of this country with unfair loans and interest rates and fees. Woodrow Wilson said 1913 was a time of great error. That is when he allowed the arm of European Central Banking, known as the Federal Reserve, to usurp the monetary power of the congress of the United States and her citizens.

It is past time that we urge our military and civilians in power to do something about this to save our nation from years of financial ruin.
Sep 3, 2009 at 4:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Ken...we're toast. Plain and simple...you rant about change or die. We are already dead...a zombie Nation who is broke and in debt to levels that cannot be repaid. Either we start over with a new currency, default across the board on ALL debt (both public and private), or watch as it slowly implodes. This implosion could take a decade or it could be avoided with another world war. I am betting we get the latter as a "acceptable" reason to default. I am not sure but I KNOW the system has failed and cannot be repaired. It's like an science experiment that cannot be repeated...pass or fail. It has failed.....AB
Sep 3, 2009 at 4:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterAin't Bullshittin'
Call it what you will, but the proper name for the third way is Gramsci Socialism. I like Brett, very well written.

The link between business and Fascism was clear to German corporatists. Auschwitz was not just a way for Nazi's to get rid of Jews, which was wrong, it was also a major source of cheap labor. As Richard Rubenstein points out in The Cunning of History, "I.G. Farben's decision to locate at Auschwitz was based upon the very same criteria by which contemporary multinational corporations relocate their plants in utter indifference to the social consequences of such moves." I.G. Farben invested over a billion dollars in today's money at Auschwitz and, due to the endless supply of labor, adopted a policy of deliberately working the Jewish slaves to death. In such ways do economics and freedom become intertwined. Those who think it can't happen here should consider that four days before Mussolini became premier, he met with a group of industrialists and assured them that his aim "was to reestablish discipline within the factories and that no outlandish experiments .... would be carried out." In Friendly Fascism, Bertram Gross notes that Mussolini also won "the friendship, support or qualified approval" of the American ambassador, Cornelius Vanderbilt.

There was even an attempted coupe in America by corporate elitists to turn America into a Fascist state. Thank God for Major General Smedley Butler, who blew it for them. Those who were guilty not only did not go to jail for their treason, but two Presidents have come from a family who had business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act.

It has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy before their elections to the Presidency.

The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late Senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Next time, they require more workers... to compete with their "friends and trading partners"

All partisan voters are responsible for what is coming...

"The Holocaust was the result of a perfectly rational argument -- given what reason had become -- that was self-justifying and hermetically sealed. There is, therefore, nothing surprising about the fact that the meeting called to decide on "the final solution" was a gathering mainly of senior ministerial representatives. Technocrats. Nor is it surprising that [the] Wansee Conference lasted only an hour -- one meeting among many for those present -- and turned entirely on the modalities for administering the solutions .... The massacre was indeed 'managed,' even 'well managed.' It had the clean efficiency of a Harvard case study "

John Ralston Saul

Corporatism is Fascism

Benito Mussolini
Sep 3, 2009 at 5:54 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Ain't Bullshittin'

I absolutely agree with you, I warned Barney & Dodd crooks before the collapse. Sec fleeced dogs should be on food stamps, they aided Pension loot to bust levels now.

We are now Perma DEBT SLAVES for generations to come and it is all Bubble after Bubble crime by Federal Reserve/Wall Street/Corp.... all criminal thugs created DEBT blessed by All Presidents since Reagon till present.Nixon did amajor damage with Godl standard thrown out.

This Biggest DEBT Ponzi scam in Human History enslaved us all. And Criminals rewarded by Chicago Mob Shill and White house is GOLDMAN SACHS Terrorists extended Branch Office.

I ask all fellow Americans:

Do you want to be all debt slaves for generations to come?


Are you ready to grow balls to revolt and take our Nation back from this Home Grown financial Al Qaeda?

I recommend non violent weapon to revolt Gandhi Style:Civil disobedience

Civil disobedience:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_disobedience

Step1: dump all Mutual funds
Step2: No more pension contributions
Step3: with cash in pensions buy Treasury ASAP.
Step4:Stock food for to survive for 4 weeks
step5: stop all payments to banker thugs on any DEBT.

This Weapon will kwipe out Home Grown Financial Al Qaeda.

Military at junior level are all middle class and convince them to join the revolt to take our Nation back from this home grown Al Qaeda

We launch new party and abandon DEMON-RATS and REPO-CONS

We refuse to honor any National Debt enforced on us with scam wars and abandon green scam currency.

URGENCY is now...................world war is not solution for us here at home.

Sep 3, 2009 at 7:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Ain't Bullshittin'

Prepare NeighborHoods to help each other out during this revolt, we can survive and must be committed to keep it non violent.

Here some more facts for the records:CNBS NAZI propaganda Network

Kneale Abuse

In response to this piece of idiocy by Dennis....

I must reply with this...



Sep 3, 2009 at 7:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen

"Step4:Stock food for to survive for 4 weeks"

Better make that 3 months, and assume no electricity, stores open, or water.

Standard procedure response to crisis.
Sep 3, 2009 at 9:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Got it 4 months now

I grow everything , stocked wheat,rice, sugar, ..................lpg big tank.......big water tank

scream at www.whitehouse.org
barney frank crook
chris dodd crook

Why Should I not call you Chicago Mob Shill?

This is the reality in USA


Salaries slashed by 25%
Working hours cut
Forced workers to work from at their own communication bill expense
stopping matching contribution to worker pensions

But Rewarding themselves with criminal act of back dated zero cost Stock Options to loot USA working class pensions by stacking these zero cost worthless scam options.






I CAN GO ON................






Hey Banking Committee proven criminal blood sucking pests

Treason Treason Treason; You crooks can't fool us..

We refuse to be Perma Debt Slaves

You criminals are not our representatives but criminal rulers not obeying the constitution
video for criminals to watch now


Make the Video link in this post VIRAL Please


Kneale Abuse

In response to this piece of idiocy by Dennis....

I must reply with this....
Sep 3, 2009 at 11:38 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen

America is in Utter Denial of its Fiscal Catastrophe (snippet by Stewart Dougherty he is a specialist in inferential analysis)

To those who study the numbers, it is now obvious that America’s fiscal situation is hopeless. Given the country’s current debt and unfunded liabilities of $75,000,000,000,000, an amount growing by at least $5,000,000,000,000 per year, it will be statistically impossible for the United States to pay its obligations unless it repudiates them in large measure, or the dollar is sacrificed on the altar of searing, society-altering inflation.

This number "$75,000,000,000,000" is incorrect, where did the USA get this much money?

The total wealth in America was $27 trillion dollars in 2000.
(Wolff, 2000)


Where did America find 50 trillion?

How did the USA triple in wealth, while the GNP only increased by 50% (half)?

Nominal GNP:

2000 - 9.661,90
2001 - 10.300,90
2002 - 10.641,10
2003 - 11.297,30
2004 - 12.001,10
2005 - 12.770,60
2006 - 13.452,00
2007 - 14.196,60
2008 - 14.408,30 (trillion)

If you own money to someone this means that someone gave you this money.

How did this someone produce 75 trillion dollars when the entire wealth of America is only 27 trillion? (Year 2000)

How did this someone triple the wealth of America but was only able to increased the GNP of the USA by half? (50%)


Now if you tell me that The Fed's with the inner Washington circle printed this money without registering it as Public Debt, then, well, then we have a big stink on our hands. Its possible the money was printed and deposited into banks across the USA for the biggest US scam of the inner-circle political feeders the USA has ever come across.

The White House allowed the loyalists to borrow this capital from the Banks, then allows as many of those Banks to fail but bails-out the US citizens accounts-holders with more Federal printed money so as to not raise suspicion as the loyalists make a run with the failed Banks money.

This is exactly what has taken place! Expect many banks to fail. Expect at some point for a panic to incur. The scam money is too large, they over bite more then they could chew.
Sep 4, 2009 at 11:54 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen
House of "Deception and Lies" =White House

Real Unemployment Rate Hits 16.8%
As markets digest the worse, yet somehow better, than expected 9.7% unemployment, the real state of the labor market is much worse, as indicated by the U-6 number, which has hit a recent record of 16.8% on a seasonally adjusted basis. As a reminder, the "U-6 represents total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workers." In other words, in reality the U.S. labor market is likely about as bad as Spain in terms of undoctored jobless data.
And while pundits were touting the inflection point in June when U-6 hit 16.5% and started to retrace, the most recent monthly data has crashed yet another green shoot in the great propaganda game.

In reality, the 16.8% is low. Shadowstats.com pulls out all the gerrymandering done to the underlying methods of measurement over the years to produce a real number somewhere around (and most likely now north of) 20%.

They also produce corrected numbers for inflation and so on that will make you head spin. Take a look if you can.


Sep 4, 2009 at 12:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Author John Pilger notes Obama worked for a company linked to the CIA.


Know-Nothing-in-Chief (Obama knows nothing about economics)
Is President Obama an economic illiterate? Harsh as that sounds, there's growing evidence he understands little about economics and even less about economic growth or job creation. Yet, as we saw at last week's presidential press conference, he's undeterred from holding forth, with seeming confidence, on economic issues.

Obama professes to believe in free market economics. But no one expects his policies to reflect the unfettered capitalism of a Milton Friedman. That's too much to ask. Demonstrating a passing acquaintance with free market ideas and how they might be used to fight the recession--that's not too much to ask.

But the president talks as if free market solutions are nonexistent, and in his mind they may be. Three weeks after taking office, he said only government "has the resources to jolt our economy back into life." He hasn't retreated, in words or policies, from that view.

At his press conference, Obama endorsed a surtax on families earning more than $1 million a year to pay for his health care initiative. This is no way to get the country out of a recession. Like them or not, millionaires are the folks whose investments create growth and jobs--which are, after all, exactly what the president is hoping for.

Another tax hike--especially on top of the increased taxes on individual income, capital gains, dividends, and inheritances that Obama intends to go into effect in 2011--is sure to impede investment. It's an anti-growth measure, as those with even a sketchy grasp of economics know. But Obama doesn't appear to.

The president also spoke favorably at the press conference of taxing "risky" ventures by Wall Street investors. It wasn't clear what risky investments he had in mind. Never mind. Reckless risk-taking is hardly a problem at the moment.
Sep 4, 2009 at 1:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Fellow Americans:

it is ow our duty to revolt, we have been enforced to be permanent DEBT SLAVES by biggest scam in human history and it is our Blood Tax reward to same criminals baneker/wall street terrorists by our Washington Blood Sucking Pests and OBAMA( Chicago Mob Shill)

Revolution is a Duty of the People


Crime: Treason

Don't be Cowards, grow balls .....................
Sep 4, 2009 at 2:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
My Fellow Americans:

When blood sucking pests start bullying us in Town Hall meetings , it is time to revolt


Oath Keepers Video for more info, visit www.oathkeepers.org

Revolution is a Duty of the People

Rally for the Republic DVD Trailer

Debt Slave

Debt Slave

This video (especially the beginning) is quite disturbing and is not for the faint of heart (you've been warned). It is however very powerful in making it's point - that we've all been programmed, lied to and bamboozled throughout our lives - programmed to be ignorant of the real issues that matter; to think like a herd of sheep and wrap our lives around materialism and debt - to feed the commercialistic profit making mechanisms (the industries, corporations and banks) who own and control our government through their puppet master strings.

We as humans basically just want to be happy - but we wrongly believe it can be achieved through materialistic purchases - thinking: "if I only had that new car or big house I would be happy and fulfilled, like all those smiling people in the commercial"; "if only I had that three karat ring I would be the talk of the office, the girls would be jealous and I would look accomplished"; "that new 650 quad runner certainly would make me content and I'd be a man's-man to boot" (as it sits in the garage quickly depreciating after a couple months of use).

Face it people: Materialism doesn't bring long-term happiness and buyer's remorse is typically the end result after the novelty wears off. Are the many years of debt service and a stretched family budget really worth the purchase? Are you really any happier now that you live in a big house? Are you really any more successful or smarter because you now drive a Mercedes? Is that $1,500 brand-name suit really any better than a $300 suit.

We as a society have been programmed to chase each other through an impossible dream of material happiness, yet we're blind to the fact that the "everyone else" that we aspire to be are merely just sheeple - brainwashed people not in control of their thoughts or lives and mindlessly following each other (like sheep) to a debt-slaved destiny and slaughter - think about it!

Please don't immediately discredit this information without trying to think outside the box for a few minutes. Allow yourself to ponder the message and if you have any inkling that it's factual, make an attempt to free yourself from the mainstream thought controlling tentacles of our corporate owned programming medium - television (turn the damned thing off) - and try to then think outside the box regarding other issues and areas of your life. Know that your mind is free - question everything, think for yourself, read daily and nourish your head with truth - do not be nor follow the sheeple to a debt slave prison!
Sep 4, 2009 at 2:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Fellow Americans:

This describes the in pictures...the crime by washington blood sucking pests

Sep 4, 2009 at 2:53 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
My Fellow Daily Bailer's,

Check out the Rally for the Republic video Ken linked to above. If you were in any way involved with the Ron Paul campaign last year, this clip is guaranteed to move you. Libertarians and other freedom-minded people don't usually "do" propaganda, but this is good stuff. Apparently SOME libertarians do "propaganda," and they do it pretty good. Check it out. We need more of this. Anyone know how to make good youtube vids about the bailouts? Some of the town hall clips could be really useful when coupled with bailout footage, Brad Sherman's martial law speech, some bacckground music... stuff like that. Anyone?

Also, I have to admit that I usually just skip right over Ken's extra-long "My Fellow Americans" posts, but he's right about the need to show TPTB our numbers, our strength and our ability to put bodies in the streets. As it stands, we really don't know what our numbers and strengths are. On the internet, we're scattered across a number of sites, mostly financial ones. At some point soon, I think it will be necessary to get all of the likeminded people together somehow -- if not physically, then certainly on-line. It might be best if the bloggers themselves somehow get connected with each other and then sort of convey relevant information and strategies to their regular readers. I really don't know. But I do know there's probably more of us than we realize and our success will depend on maximizing whatever potential we have. By necessity, things would have to be "big-tent" and somewhat fluid in terms of our precise concerns or demands, but we would have to agree on some core principles of fairness and transparency, particularly regarding the bailouts and the spending, but also -- perhaps -- the increasing intrusiveness of govt. I don't want to ramble on too much, but what ideas do others have?

Also, I understand that Steve has been working "behind the scenes" as well. Is there anything happening on that front that you can tell us about?

The fuel and tinder are there -- we just need the spark.
Sep 4, 2009 at 2:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
This is an awsome site! Gotcha bookmarked.
Sep 4, 2009 at 3:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterBeck
I thought some of you might like this.

Sep 4, 2009 at 5:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
The Third Way = communitarianism

More about communitarians here: http://www.nikiraapana.blogspot.com/
Sep 5, 2009 at 3:59 AM | Unregistered CommenterJohn
James H.

Thank god you folks realize , we need to show our collective strength.Let us make an effort to launch one youtube lke platform of our own collectively and use twitter+facebook hybrid model for collective communication.It is need of the hour now as main stream media has sold its soul to extreme far left . NBC/ABC/CBS/CNN...all in sync with Chicago Mob Shill.

Example: Cindy Sheehan used and now abandoned

Proof:ABC's Gibson on Cindy Sheehan's War Protest: 'Enough Already'

Here is great group which has given me an opportunity to share my thoughts and input for bringing us all under one platform

Please contact: Bruce Marshall @(802)767-6079
He likes my idea of launching our own communication and media platform. Collective resources can educate masses to make big difference in 2010 elections outcome now. We need to vote out criminal rulers in Washington DC next.

This clip is a lesson:

FOR LIBERTY Excerpt #2 - Showdown In Iowa

Here is criminals scared of Dr Ron Paul movement to Audit the fed:

unemployment is at a 26yr high. there goes "maximum employment."

fire the fed. and make alan blinder part of the 26 year high in unemployment.



these criminals need to be voted out:Nancy and gang too

"This Is My Town Hall Meeting! I set the rules...and you're not going to tell me how to run my congressional office!"
Sep 5, 2009 at 9:50 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Dear Fellow Americans

I am a naturalized Citizen, was not even born here but I will shed every drop of my blood for protecting the USA constitution , which is to me real bible close to the spiritual path of one Mighty Creator who created us all. Our nation is now hijacked by evil Banker/Wall street terrorists with blood sucking pests in their pockets. They no longer represent us my fellow Americans, they are criminal rulers.

The Spirit of the Founders: RJ Harris 2010

The Spirit of the Founders ~ Liberty Candidates ~ Help is on the way!

This is why I will shed every drop my blood to protect USA constitution:

"God has no marks, no colour, no caste, and no ancestors, No form, no complexion, no outline, no costume and is indescribable.
He is fearless, luminous and measureless in might. He is the king of kings, the Lord of the prophets.
He is the sovereign of the universe, gods, men and demons. The woods and dales sing the indescribable.
O Lord, none can tell Thy names. The wise count your blessings to coin your names." (Jaap Sahib)

Guru Gobind Singh Said:"Those who call me God, will fall into the deep pit of hell. Regard me as one of his slaves and have no doubt whatever about it. I am a servant of the Supreme Being; and have come to behold the wonderful drama of life."

Extracts from Guru Gobind Singh's writings;

"God has no marks, no colour, no caste, and no ancestors, No form, no complexion, no outline, no costume and is indescribable.
He is fearless, luminous and measureless in might. He is the king of kings, the Lord of the prophets.
He is the sovereign of the universe, gods, men and demons. The woods and dales sing the indescribable.
O Lord, none can tell Thy names. The wise count your blessings to coin your names." (Jaap Sahib)

The rise of the Khalsa

The Guru was then named Gobind Singh instead of Gobind Rai. Guru Gobind Singh was the first one to take Amrit from the Khalsa, the Five Beloved Ones. About 80,000 men and women were baptized within a few days at Anandpur. "The creation of the Khalsa was the greatest work of the Guru. He created a type of superman, a universal man of God, casteless and country less. The Guru regarded himself as the servant of the Khalsa. He said, "To serve them pleases me the most; no other service is so dear to my soul." The Khalsa was the spearhead of resistance against tyranny." (Miss Pearl, S. Buck)

The creation of the Khalsa caused created a sense of unity among the Sikhs and their supporters. This unity and the resulting perceived strength in the Sikhs did not go well with the local rulers. The continuous gatherings at Anandpur sahib and the presence of many thousands of the congregation, some armed with fierce weapons caused anguish with the surrounding hill Rajas. These developments most alarmed the caste ridden Rajput chiefs of the Sivalik hills. They perceived the Sikhs as lower caste beings who had posed no danger to their authority. However, the creation of the Khalsa changed that. Firstly, it disturbed their system of discrimination and division; secondly, they could see that the forces of the Guru were becoming dangerous in number and in armaments.

Guru Gobind Singh JI
How great was Guru Gobind Singh JI, who sacrificed everything for the cause of humanity!


The Guru prepared the community to wage an armed struggle against the tyranny of the State. ... in explicit terms, that when all other means to restore righteousness fail, it is but legitimate to take up the sword. ..... resistance against tyranny and injustice
Sep 5, 2009 at 10:08 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Brighten your day -- watch the clip that Ken posted entitled "This is my town hall meeting!", or as I have renamed it "Baron Hill (D-IN) is a Grade-A Certified Dumbass!"

[to his credit, Hill voted "NO!" on both bailout bills]
Sep 5, 2009 at 11:09 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
My Fellow Political Terrorists,

More funny stuff from his lordship Baron Dumbass.

Sep 5, 2009 at 11:18 AM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
Check this out. Hilarious. Spot on. Cranky, responsible adults like us need to reign in the mindless spending of the spoiled brats in Congress.
Sep 5, 2009 at 12:28 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames H
My Fellow Americans:

Economic System is already bust, What scam is Washington and Banker thugs running now?

Must read facts here:



Entire crime is exposed here, When will we revolt?

Why are we serving scam debt enforced on us now?

Why no revolutionary is willing to lead?


Media is now in pocket of terrorists, FOX still fighting to reveal hard facts..

abc.nbc/cbs/cnn..all crooks sold their souls
Sep 8, 2009 at 3:02 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen
UN Says New Currency Is Needed...

to Fix Broken ‘Confidence Game’


Watch the rats abandon ship in the bond market as the world expels dollars.

All the while the architects who created the panic will ultimately provide the solution with a global currency.

Tyrannical rule of unimaginable power is the objective and Americans are handing in their liberties with little attention and little resistance.

Emperor Obummer the puppet along with our paid off congress and owned media will applaud this as progress for Americans.

Free boarders between Mexico and Canada will be normal along with a lower living standard for Americans as we adjust for the peso and other 3rd world countries. American wages will ultimately have to compete a billion people who make less than 1 dollar a day.

This is no longer conspiracy. The power elite are showing their hand for global government(UN)/global health supervision (W.H.O.)/global banking and currency.

Only the people can save the republic.

The story goes that, as Ben Franklin left the Constitutional Convention in 1787, he was approached by a Mrs. Powell, who asked him, "What have you given us, Dr. Franklin?"

"A republic," he replied, "if you can keep it."

Tee Criminal Bankers enjoy: Record bonuses in '09!

DOLLAR FUMING AND GOLD SHOOTS THROUGH 1000.........Dollar will be Collapsed by Banker thugs per their wishes

USA Bamboozled Generation let it happen at their watch......

((((((((((Don't Cry for me Amerintina))))))

Mercy mt Lord

Cowards with no Balls............
Sep 8, 2009 at 9:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen
James H

Must watch video for all of us and for what?

Salbuchi - We, The People Fighting You, One-Worldlers...

Sep 8, 2009 at 10:29 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Ken wrote: when will you all organize revolt?

I have tried for months to organize anger into action both here on the site and on my own...it's a tough road...getting other bloggers with a large audience to join forces has not worked...

I have ideas but they require a much larger audience to succeed...your passion is noted and appreciated. You are welcome to suggest thoughts, but what is needed ultimately, is a journalist from one of the major cable or broadcast networks to champion the movement...dylan ratigan seems the logical choice, but i highly doubt you will see him cross the line into organization of civil disobedience...

I think about this issue more than any other...there are simply no easy answers...to succeed you will need a group of financial/political blogs to work together in outlining the details and disseminating the information...then you will need access to the cable and broadcast airwaves...and i highly doubt CNBC, MSNBC, CNN or Fox will be receptive to the message of financial protest...they won't give you time....
Sep 8, 2009 at 11:23 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

This piece of yours is really good..it's going up next...

Sep 8, 2009 at 11:27 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Ken and James.

The Baron Hill stuff is hilarious...he's the Rep. for 95% of Bloomington but not me...ours is Steve Buyer, District 4...I will get it posted...

Getting together with other bloggers is more difficult than you can imagine...the one thing that we all have in common is being inordinately busy...no one has the time to take on a new project alone...

Larry Flynt has the potential to get a movement going...we have been in touch with his office a few times but we're now waiting on them to take the next step and we've heard nothing for about 10 days...

I'm trying to get offices set-up for The Daily Bail with a few employees and several interns so that we have the people power to start working on some of these ideas...but it all takes time...
Sep 8, 2009 at 11:57 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

Really...did we need to go to the birth certificate issue...?...

We have a lot of legitimate complaints...but that issue is a killer to anyone who touches it...
Sep 8, 2009 at 12:14 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, a Democrat, spent much of the past month in his home state of Ohio, which has been one of the hardest hit by the recession.

"You need about a day out there to see that people are really angry," Brown said in an interview with Reuters. "Some of this crowd helped to bring down our economy and they don't seem to have learned their lesson. Too many are still given big bonuses for a job that has been bad for our economy.

Wall St bonuses spark outrage on Main Street USA

China Backs State Firms on Oil Options Losses
The agency did not specify the names of state firms and their trading partners involved in the issue.

Beijing's derivative default stance rattles market

CHINA is angry with Derivative fraud SOLD to them...........what next?

Mercy my lord
Sep 8, 2009 at 1:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterKen
Holy Crap! I didn't even check the comments on this guest post I wrote until now. A lot of good stuff from all of you.

I'm starting to think that what we are witnessing is an all out ideological war being waged on multiple fronts. Some of you mentioned Globalism, some Fascism, others Socialism, etc. It's obvious a tectonic shift is taking place in the power base that dictates both domestic and global economic policy. Always wanting to keep an open mind I try never to lose sight of the possibility that even those greedy Wall Street guys and their political whores in Washington do in fact have an underlying motivation to maintain US Dollar hegemony - which means they will bend to public sentiment at some point in order to maintain the status quo, just as they will have to bend to foreign sentiment.

A recent article on Daily Reckoning really caught my attention the other day - http://dailyreckoning.com/this-recovery-is-an-imposter/

The simple fact that the US Dollar and global economy has not collapsed so far is in itself remarkable. Some group of guys, somewhere, maybe in the Fed boardroom, or the BIS in Basel, have staved-off Armageddon until now. The question is can they maintain their scheme. What sacrifices will they be willing to make along the way? And at whose expense?

In the end I truly believe this crisis was not an event masterminded by a cabal of bankers in some smoke filled study in an English country estate. Rather, I think the pursuit of wealth itself is to blame - and fiat money and fractional reserve banking of course. The system is what it is. And that the lions of the financial world would try to dominate the plains is a mere fact of life. I just think they got too far ahead of themselves, they took too much meat from the herds, and now there's nothing left for them, or us for that matter. They took it all with a credit card called finance capitalism. So what does that make the lions of the financial world? It makes them stupid that's what it makes them, because they couldn't think to leave enough meat for everyone else.

Thanks for all the comments.

Brett Buchanan
Sep 8, 2009 at 3:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterBrett Buchanan
The Government's Effort Has Failed

The Federal Reserve's latest (through July) G19 update is out, showing consumer credit.

To say that these figures are ugly would be an understatement. In fact, there is simply no way you can spin this - while this contraction in credit has to happen it has horrifying implications if our Washington policymakers don't get on the stick and deal with the underlying issues here and now instead of pretending that everything is ok or worse, try to "borrow our way to prosperity."

Let's start with the "Full Monte"; this is the "de-noised" version of The Fed's "annualized" rate of change chart (click for a larger version of any of these):

The important point is that we have never been here before in the post-Depression era. Any and all claims that "The Consumer has reached a bottom", or "The Recession is over" (based on July data) or any such is pure nonsense. There is not only no sign of a bottom there is no change in the second derivative - that is, the rate of change continues to be essentially straight down!

Sep 9, 2009 at 9:10 AM | Unregistered CommenterKen

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