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Bernie Sanders Vs. Katie Couric


Katie Couric asks Bernie if he would be willing to serve as Hillary Clinton's vice-president.



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Reader Comments (3)

There are several new stories up on the video page.


I've been working over there this morning.
May 16, 2016 at 2:07 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
DB, I get an error in the video section trying to comment. I bet everyone else is too. I will put it here instead… Also can you move the video link over next to home (and bold both) and re-locate the recent stories over where the video link is. I bet a lot of people miss that.

Jane Sanders: Bernie will provide tax returns when Clinton releases transcripts


Jane Sanders said Tuesday that her husband will make his tax returns public when Hillary Clinton releases transcripts of her paid speeches for Wall Street.
CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Sanders about when she might release her husband's old tax returns, as the senator from Vermont has said his wife prepares them each year.
"He's counting on you to release them. You did release the 2014 tax returns. What about earlier years? How's that looking?" Blitzer said.
"You know, what's interesting is we released the 2014," Sanders said. "Hillary Clinton hasn't released a transcript yet."
She then confirmed that she'll provide the returns when Clinton publishes her Wall Street transcripts, before trying to turn the interview away from the topic.
"Honestly, Wolf, these are not the issues that are of concern to the American people," she said. "I implore you as a leading, wonderful host of a major show, please talk about the issues that concern the American people instead of delegate math and who can win or who can lose."
May 16, 2016 at 2:54 PM | Unregistered Commenterjohn

Thanks for alerting me to the comment problem. I turned the captcha system off and it should work fine now. As for moving the links at the top, it's not as easy as it sounds. I would have to add other links at the top to get all of them to slide over. It's strange.
May 16, 2016 at 3:18 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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