Banking Mayhem On Display At MSNBC
Check the health of your local bank. Click the photo and you'll go directly to the article and interactive chart. Then click on any state, then your community and see the financial health (simple easy ratios) of any bank you choose. Best interactive graph I've come across. My bank doesn't look so good, with an extremely high 29% of assets listed in the 'troubled' category.
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Barclays has been accused of "banking by sleight of hand" after creating a new company to take over its most toxic assets and ringfence future losses.
The story of prisoner F95488
While walking around Wallstreet, Lloyd Blankfein hears a voice whisper, "If you build it, they will come", and sees a vision of a clearinghouse. Believing he is somehow being asked to build it, and fearing he is in danger of "turning into" an honest person—whom he resented for their lack of spontaneity—Lloyd strongly wishes to do so. Although skeptical, Wallstreet is supportive. Watched by incredulous taxpayers, Lloyd plows under AIG and builds the clearinghouse. Picking up the thread, John Mack says "people will come" to relive their greed, "for it's time they have, and money they need."
I re-checked and that was the exact number for mine...
we sold them our best assets.