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Bank Bailout Congressional Video Part 2: House Rep. Mike Capuano Wants Criminal Indictments of Failed Bank CEOs. Comes With South Bostie Kick to the Nutz

"Basically you come to us today on your bicycles, after buying Girl Scout cookies and helping out Mother Theresa."

"I don't have one single penny in any of your banks."

"C'mon, all of a sudden money's not fungible in your entity. It's fungible (pooled) everywhere else, but not in your entitities."

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Tags: ny ag cuomo wants to be president so watch the f out, prison cellmates named bubba

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Reader Comments (1)

These rants are fine and dandy now... but where were all these senators and congressmen when all this tomfoolery was going on behind closed doors? Now, all of a sudden they have our interests at heart! To me it looks like grandstanding for their "constituents" when they all probably received money from all these banks.
Mar 21, 2009 at 8:26 PM | Unregistered Commentereye on the ball

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