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Bailout Nation 

Fellow financial blogger and all-around nice guy, Barry Ritholtz officially published 'Bailout Nation' a few weeks ago. When The Daily Bail (and others) were unfairly attacked by Playboy Magazine early in our first month, Barry went out on a limb for us and published our response to Playboy on his blog.  It was an extremely kind gesture on his part that we won't soon forget.  From an email he sent us at the time of publication, here are Barry's own words on 'Bailout Nation':

At long last, BAILOUT NATION is now available!

The book was a long time in the making, required two publishers (cause the first one chickened out).  It is full of insights that you won't find anywhere else.  I name names -- call out the bad players for their actions, and show you just how much the CEOs were paid for destroying their firms (about $1.5 billion to the top 20 firms!)

If you have been watching the bailouts with an increasing sense of frustration, and want to know 1) how this happened; 2) who is to blame and 3) what we can do about it, this is the book for you!
Thank you -- and enjoy the book!

-Barry Ritholtz

After the loop we have a short clip from Barry on the continued bank bailouts.

See also:

Ritholtz Emasculates Geithner

Barry Ritholtz On Banks: "You Can't Drink Yourself Sober"



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