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Alyona Annihilates Obama: Don't Forget Afghanistan

If you aren't familiar with the sharp-tongued and fearless Alyona Minkovski, settle in.  She righteously rips Obama over Afghanistan.  This is outstanding.


Video - Alyona with C-Span's Brian Lamb



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Reader Comments (14)

How this guy has the audacity to accept his pay while not doing his job as POTUS & CIC makes me wonder what kind of a man some folks in this country elected to lead them . What is the OBJECTIVE/DEADLINE for our fight in Libya and also for the WITHDRAWAL from Afghanistan. The latter will be known as Obama's "Viet Nam"
Apr 4, 2011 at 2:42 PM | Unregistered Commenterthebestofspain
If we were to attack Bahrain, Yemen and Syria, to aid in their humanitarian crises, would your response be the same as it apparently is to our supporting our NATO allies in their humanitarian efforts in Libya?

And to thebestofspain, why not Bush's Vietnam? When the failures of that war are brought up, a lot of the discussion centers (correctly) on Johnson.
Apr 5, 2011 at 12:39 AM | Unregistered Commenterbrian
....."WoW" a Chic, with Balls.......! She sure knows her stuff...? She leaves Obama Speachless !
Apr 6, 2011 at 9:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterTexas Dar
Each time she says 'Obama" she should be saying "Goldman Sachs".

In reality, Obama is just Goldman's house boy, allowed to front them in the White House only so long as he carries out their bidding.

We have a government "of the top 1%, by the top 1% and for the top 1%" which reigns over the "sheeple" who spend their time hating each other over phony issues.
Apr 8, 2011 at 4:22 AM | Unregistered CommenterHerb
Alyona: The first time I said to myself I was "listening" to you.....I have to apologize, because I was not really listening. But when I came back --- and I really don't know why I cam back to your clip.....I guess the Good Lord, whom I worship faithfully, wanted me to give you a "fair shake" and really listen to what you had to say.....for as it turns out....YOU WERE REALLY SAYING SOMETHING that the good President should really liste to as well. You "said your piece" very succinctly, and with great intelligence....I was very impressed. And YES! Mr. President, you can't have it both ways.....you have to be the Commander in Chief all the time, not just when it is convenient.

My dear lady, I will look forward to your posts in the future.....YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, AND IT IS CERTAINLY WORTH TAKING THE TIME TO LISTEN TO YOU. My daughter will be proud of me.....she thinks I am a male chauvinist pig.....and she has to try hard to keep loving me.....but I don't make her not be a feminist to keep loving her!!
Apr 18, 2011 at 3:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterJack F. Sneed
jack...alyona is certainly beautiful but she's smart and talented as well...that's why we publish her...
Apr 18, 2011 at 3:55 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Sure, Alyona is being logical but her logic has no place in politics, the gang that can't shoot straight with us, the citizens and taxpayers, are using their version of logic and that centers on timing during an election cycle. In the late spring and summer of 2012 gas prices will go down, rational economics will surface and wars will be at low ebb. Coincidentally Obama will become wise, considerate and patient as Ghandi, as well meaning as MLK, as all-embracing and as benevolent as a just God. Sadly, he will win, but our "Hope and Change" requires his helpmates in the Congress, the Social Democrats, be reduced in numbers that will provide the Republicans the balance to override his veto of legislation.
Apr 18, 2011 at 5:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterVernonC
I love it when the RUSSIANS finance a pacifist to complain about American wars or war efforts. Funny how Alyona Annihilates Obama over Afghanistan and Libya, but somehow ignores new Russian nuclear plants in Iran, Russian weapons in the hands of Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al Quaeda. You know, I just don't remember her disgust over the Russian missile that took out a school bus in Israel a week ago- or the hundreds of missiles supplied by Russia to Iran and then shipped to Gaza and are now slamming into Israeli towns and civilians.

When the Russians shot down the Polish Jet carrying their leaders, her silence was deafening. I don't remember her angst and humor when the Russians went into Georgia last year. She just did not think it that important that Putin shut down freedom of speech, Russian free press, and jailed its editor. It is just so odd, that on RUSSIA today,we hear about the US wars, but not so much about Russian military escapades, spies, weapons sales, murders, and world wide mayhem. I sure am not fond of Obama, but -not from RUSSIA today, tomorrow, or the day after.
Aug 29, 2011 at 2:33 AM | Unregistered CommenterNachum
She is just an RT tool, and it is quite sad that many on this website are getting fooled.

Jack Sneed--you who "worship the Lord...", would you care that she is rabidly pro-abortion?
Aug 29, 2011 at 11:41 AM | Unregistered CommenterMandrake
The Russians and her are fooling no one. She is just a talking head like Fox news. Putin has his hand up her ass making her mouth move. OK, how many articles has she spouted about the Russian exploits? Post the ones where she blasts them. When will she blow her mouth off about Georgia? Want to hear that one. She has NO politics, a commie in Lib cloths.
Aug 29, 2011 at 2:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterInurface

You're right! SO...

If you "wonder" how an affirmative action empty suit like BHO got elected, just consider how all the clones on this site latched onto this broad.

And Daily Bail--please don't be so quick to admire what is posted on RT. Yeah, the Ruskies are our friends, just like during and after WW2. Same scam, different eras.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me...
Aug 29, 2011 at 2:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterMandrake
God - she is an admitted Democrat. She voted for Obama. She is part of the problem. Too bad, she does have some good words but going to have to stop listening to her!
Aug 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterDEH
One thing I love about Daily Bail is how it rightly recognizes that the right/left wing arguments are such a charade; it's two wings attached to the same bird.

Thus, it disappointing that obvious trolls, such as "Mandrake," show up here with his/her/its "commie lib" crap, an obvious giveaway that they still believe in the cause of the "right wing." Hey, right-wingers, you don't know what you're talking about, so stop trying.

-Who cares if it's RT. I'm glad they gave Alyona a voice (who's as American as you, and then some, so deal with it). I'll take the truth from whoever will tell it. Just because you lack the ability to recognize truth from BS from fact doesn't mean the rest of us do.

-Lots of people voted for Obama and feel burned as a result. If you're holding that against Alyona, then unless you didn't cast a vote for president last election, that means you probably voted for McCain--in which case you have NO room to talk. (And if you voted for McCain, there's a great likelihood that you voted for Bush before that--ENOUGH SAID!)

-The "Russkies" of WW2 and the cold war were the Soviets--and they haven't existed for 20 years. Got it? Russians =/= Soviets. Your comparison has no basis in reality.

-Yes, Russia DOES has the moral high ground right now. How many wars is Russia currently in? That's right: zero. How many are we in? Let's see...Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen...and we're hoping to start with Iran, Syria...That's enough; my point is made. The last war Russia was in lasted all of five days, against Georgia, which was started by that Bush ass-licker Sakashvilli. Before that, they were in Afghanistan, way back in 1989--and THEY had the collective brains to stop.

-Given that Russia has much to risk and lose if our country finally collapses, I don't blame them at all for wanting to set up a new organization that will actually tell us what Fox, CNN, lamestream media et al won't.

And a couple more:

-If you're pro-Israel, then you're undoubtedly in favor of giving Israel $3 billion a year. And in that case, you have NO business complaining about ANY of this country's money problems.

-If you're using religion as your argument against abortion, then you definitely don't have the brains to be discussing the other issues on this site. Religion and the Bible are phonier than Obama.
Aug 29, 2011 at 11:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterA DB fan
Oh dear. I'M a troll? I'm truly amazed at your lack of reading comp skills. How did you conclude that I'm right-wing" exactly? Let me tell you something. I'm based in the DC area and virtually all politicians, regardless of party affiliation are scum. I have met many of them, and--as I have heard over and over from "first-timers"-- the initial impression they always get of the representative is how stupid that person is.

We're so far gone in this country, that I truly wonder if a political solution exists at all. We need to get some morality back, first. But then, as an atheist I guess you wouldn't understand that.

SO--what is the deal exactly with Alyona? That she is slightly attractive and has an attitude, with a mouth to match? That she is against pointless wars? As others on this forum have said, if she is so against pointless wars and killing, let her speak against the Ruskies also---except she never will.

And, what does Israel have to do with anything? You are not a troll, but are simply a moron.

BTW "Ruskies" refers to the Russians, period. They still can't be trusted, and seem to take extreme delight in supporting our enemies. Russia has the high moral ground????? As Dickens said, "I'll retire to Bedlam."
Aug 30, 2011 at 9:25 AM | Unregistered CommenterMandrake

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