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Alex Jones Disturbs The View With Rant On TSA Abuse, George Bush, The Fed And The $23.7T Wall Street Bailout

Video - Alex Jones on The View - Feb. 28, 2011

Start watching at the 4:30 mark.

Jones was on the show to talk about his friend Charlie Sheen, but for Jones every conversation leads back to bailouts, the Federal Reserve and America turning into a police state.  Heart of Darkness / Apocalypse Now reference at 5:27.


  • "Charlie's tired of being held up like the devil -- we've got the TSA puttin' their hand down people's pants...we've got the banks bankrupting the U.S...."
  • "[Charlie] didn't steal $23.7 Trillion like the Federal Reserve..."
  • "Let's compare George Bush -- a million dead Iraqi's.... (shouting)  Torture!  Secret Arrests!  America is turning into a POLICE STATE!"
  • "Charlie says you have a right to kill him, but not to judge him, as General Kurtz said."
  • "Stay clean, don't use drugs, Infowars.com!"



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Reader Comments (4)

These are certainly strange times we are living in, friends, when AJ can get on The View.

You guys forgot to mention that Alex also got a 9/11 Truth reference in there, too. "New rule" for that phony elitist Bill Maher: THIS is what being politically incorrect REALLY looks like, Bill; it's not by being a thug and throwing out We Are Change members from your audience instead of actually debating 9/11 truth on the evidence. But keep on believing in your jihadist box cutter mythology, Bill; we know who signs your checks.
Mar 1, 2011 at 9:10 PM | Unregistered CommenterGreg Diablo
These cackling hens, especially the black one, don't want to hear the truth of reality. Whoopi jumps right in when he mentions the acts of the terrorists that reside in the White House and wants to stick to just the gossip bologna that dumb down the American Idiots that even watch this pathetic piece of trash show.
It's sad that the financial terrorists that run our government have all these people on the show scared to death that they will call in their loans if they even mention anything about the truth to the public.
Alex Jones, though I am not a complete fan, is just too smart and intelligent to sit very long with this group of imbacils.

In a world of lies, telling the truth is revolutionary.
Mar 1, 2011 at 10:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterGeorge
There are degrees of truth to what Alex says, and sometimes not. But the man himself is a bit of a lunatic. I dont know how he can spout off like he does daily on his show. What you saw on "the view" was tame compared to his show.

Mar 2, 2011 at 4:55 PM | Unregistered CommenterShane
AJ speech are always dramatic - doesn't mean it contains some truth, better to exaggerate than keep silence of the millions of death America's heroes caused in different war theaters.

...and yes America's chicken coming home to roost and the picture isn't very pretty - Wall Street not only takes money for the wars, but it foreclosures and takes badly needed jobs away.
Mar 2, 2011 at 7:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterHCG

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