This Is Where Goldman Can Stick Their Guns (PHOTO)
Goldman Executives Reportedly Buying Guns To Defend Against Angry Taxpayer Vigilantes
Goldman Executives Reportedly Buying Guns To Defend Against Angry Taxpayer Vigilantes
Video: DNC Chair Howard Dean says "we are going to have both." A short clip from earlier this year that has just been made public. Runs 2 minutes.
Video: Elizabeth Warren With Dylan Ratigan -- Aired November 19, 2009
Warren, head of the Congressional Oversight Panel shares her frustration with the gap between what TARP was supposed to be -- a help for the American taxpayer-- and what it has become: a swinging door of cash for Wall Street. And now Geithner wants TARP extended. Rubin, Summers & Turbo get spanked.
Photo represents the cerebral summation of Bernanke's thinking in response to the crisis -- put some money in a bucket and give it to the groups who caused the problems.
Foreign Policy Magazine is impressed by the bucket.
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