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Ron Paul On The Failures Of U.S. Intervention In Libya

Video - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Aug. 29, 2011

Full transcript is insde.  This is outstanding.

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CONGRESSIONAL VIDEO - Elizabeth Warren Testifies On JPMorgan's Illegal Military Foreclosures

Video - Dr. Warren testifies before Congress - July 14, 2011

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Dylan Ratigan - The Cost Of Corporate Communism

The concept of communism is rightly reviled in this country for the simple reason that it is blind to human nature, allowing a small group of individuals near-total control, while sticking everyone else with the same crappy systems - and the bill.

America spent countless lives and half a century fighting against this system of government.  So why are we standing for it now?

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Class Action - Shareholders Vs. Goldman Sachs, Congress Gives Millions Of Foreclosures To Wall St. Slumlords, Euro Bailout In Doubt As Hysteria Sweeps Germany (LINKS)


Dylan Ratigan Is 'Mad As Hell' - THE REMIX - 'The United States Of America Is BEING EXTRACTED!'

A remixed version of Ratigan's now famous rant.

Runs 2 minutes.  Definitely check this out.


The original video with TRANSCRIPT can be found here:

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Alyona Annihilates Obama: Don't Forget Afghanistan

If you aren't familiar with the sharp-tongued and fearless Alyona Minkovski, settle in.  She righteously rips Obama over Afghanistan.  This is outstanding.

New clip added inside.

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Chris Whalen Annihilates NY Fed Director Kathryn Wylde

Whalen said last week:

  • "I'm just appalled.  She's not supposed to behave this way.  If she wants to be an advocate for the big banks, then she ought to step down."

We covered the outrage HERE.

Here is the most gluttonous paragraph, coming from NY Fed Board member Kathryn Wylde. Characterizing her conversation with Mr. Schneiderman that day as “not unpleasant,” Ms. Wylde said in an interview on Thursday that she had told the attorney general: 

  • “It is of concern to the industry that instead of trying to facilitate resolving these issues, you seem to be throwing a wrench into it.  Wall Street is our Main Street — love ’em or hate ’em. They are important and we have to make sure we are doing everything we can to support them unless they are doing something indefensible."

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Roubini Proves He's An Idiot, Fed's Bullard Sees NO NEED For Further Easing, IMF Chief Calls For MORE Bank Bailouts, Getting A Mortgage May Never Be The Same, Gore Compares Global Warming Truth Tellers To Racists (LINKS)


National Debt Is Growing $3 Million Per Minute, Has Increased $4.2 Trillion In Obama's First 945 Days

Swallow all liquids in your mouth before reading any further.

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Michael Moore Attempts A Citizen's Arrest On AIG Executives (HD Trailer From 'Capitalism: A Love Story')


INSIDE JOB - Dylan Ratigan Interviews Director Charles Ferguson - How Wall Street Took Over Government

By Inisde Job Director Charles Ferguson

Why economists are part of the problem

Both Glenn Hubbard and Laura Tyson have played major roles in American economic policy, and both also, unfortunately, exemplify the disturbing, opaque conflicts of interest that pervade the economics discipline.

Over the last thirty years, academic economics has been penetrated by special interests, particularly financial services, in the same way that America’s political and regulatory systems have been compromised by campaign contributions and the revolving door.  In fact, the “revolving door” is now a triangular trip between industry, government, and academia.

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Nassim Taleb Reappears: "As An Industry Wall Street Has NOT Suffered And The Fed Is Doing Everything It Can To Finance Their Bonuses" (VIDEO)

Video - Nassim Taleb on the BBC - Aug. 18, 2011

Back from a Bernanke hiatus, Taleb starts where he left off - annihlating Wall Street's bonus culture helped by a corrupt Federal Reserve.  Quotes inside.  Outstanding interview.

The best of Taleb inside.

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Matt Taibbi - Obama Goes All Out For Dirty Banker Deal


INSIDE JOB - How Wall Street Became A Criminal Enterprise And Took Over Government - Feature Film Trailer, Oscar Winner 2011

This is an outstanding trailer.

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