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Website For Voting On Demands For Occupy Wall Street

Check this out - an online, real-time voting website for #OccupyWallStreet.

Read the list inside and VOTE now:

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War Veterans To Join Wall Street Protesters

Updated on Oct 4, 2011 at 7:05 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

UPDATE - Interview with former Marine at #OccupyWallStreet protests.

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COMEDY - Media Makeover Tips For Occupy Wall Street

Video - Comedian Andy Cobb visits the crowd at Occupy Los Angeles and dresses the protesters as Tea Partiers.

This is pretty funny - Runs 2 minutes.

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Bernanke On Bank Bailouts, Repeal Of Glass-Steagall

More Flashback Friday.

B-52 speaks before the Economic Club of New York.  You'll notice Maria, upper right, taking copious notes during the 4-minute clip, as she pretends to be a journalist.

Bernanke said that he doesn't endorse rolling back the 1999 law that allowed commercial banks to engage in Wall Street trading and investment banking.

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Bush: "I Abandoned Free Market Principles To Save The Free Market System (And Wall Street Bonuses)" - VIDEO

Friday Flashback - In just 15 seconds this clip perfectly encapsulates the madness of bailing out Wall Street millionaires and billionaires.

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VIDEO - Bernanke Tells Congress: "Operation Twist Is NOT A Game Changer For The Economy"

Congressional Video - Bernanke Questioned by Sen. Casey - Oct. 4, 2011

Bernanke's testimony from this morning - He almost admits that the U.S. economy is in a new recession.  Start watching at the 50-second mark, and continue watching until 2:15 for Bernanke's discussion of Operation Twist.  Bernanke responds at the 4:20 mark to a question on China's undervalued currency.  Total viewing time is approximately 2 minutes.

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Chris Whalen On Original Sin, The Rescue Of Bear Stearns & The False Bailout Narrative


Robin Williams With Charlie Rose On Wall Street Bailout Junkies: "Listen Man, I Just Need Some Liquidity"

  • "I just need $2.5 trillion.  I'll pay you back next week."

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VIDEO - Nobel Prize Winning Economist Joseph Stiglitz Addresses Wall Street Protesters - #OccupyWallStreet

Question on military Keynesianism...

Yesterday Dr. Stiglitz and author Jeff Madrick met with the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters to support their cause, speak and answer questions.

Full clip inside.

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VIDEO - Clueless Corporate Apologist Meets Wall Street Protesters - #OccupyWallStreet

Source - Alexander Higgins

It's a little difficult to hear in some parts, but it's an entertaining clip nonetheless.  She keeps asking for the protesters to 'read the law and do something productive.'  Perhaps she should read a few economic blogs and learn about the fraud perpetuated by Wall Street, which we've been highlighting daily for 3 years.

We doubt she has any clue about the trillions in stealth bailouts for Dimon, Blankfein et al, coming from the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury.

At 5:50 am in the morning a corporate elitist stopped by the protest at Liberty Park to let them know how pissed she was that traffic was blocked by the Brooklyn Bridge arrests, which stopped her from introducing her friend to a really good man.

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ANONYMOUS Issues Threat - On October 10 The NYSE Will Be Erased From The Internet - Operation #InvadeWallStreet

Updated on Oct 4, 2011 at 2:42 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

A new Anonymous statement to the media regarding a DDOS attack set for October 10th.

Transcript is inside - Runs 2 minutes.

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Leading Economist Says: "New Recession Is Unavoidable, U.S. Economy About To Get MUCH Worse"

Full write-up inside.

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VIDEO - Angry Union Man Addresses Crowd At Wall Street Protests - #OccupyWallStreet

This is highly recommended - Runs 2 minutes.

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VIDEO - Step By Step Account Of The #OccupyWallStreet Brooklyn Bridge Arrests: "We Were Led To The Slaughter"