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Why SOPA Is Dangerous - The Sledgehammer

This is the best breakdown we've seen of SOPA and why the proposed law goes too far:



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Saturday Night Live Presents Dick Fuld Of Lehman Brothers

SNL Archive Video - 2008

  • "You know what I did last night Seth?  I french kissed a homeless man for an Egg McMuffin."

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Financial Clearing Houses: The Next Casualty Of The Crisis?

"What happens if they go bust? I can tell you the simple answer: mayhem.  As bad as, conceivably worse than, the failure of large and complex banks,"  says Paul Tucker, deputy governor of the Bank of England.

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Fraud And Folly: The Untold Story Of General Electric’s Shady Subprime Debacle

This is a long piece but well worth the time.  Fraud, lies and more fraud.  And no one went to jail.  A sadly familiar refrain.

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Lawsuit Exposes Foreclosure Kingpin David Stern - Investors Admit Foreclosure Documents Were Forged


Jamie Dimon Questions Bernanke On New Bank Rules, Complains About TOO MUCH Regulation, Becomes Wall Street Hero (VIDEO)

From the Q&A session after Bernanke's speech.

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Simon Johnson Destroys The Myth Of Jamie Dimon's Bernanke Complaint (Crocodile Tears Fooled No One)


60 Minutes - Prosecuting Wall Street Fraud At Citigroup And Countrywide - DOJ On The Defensive

Video - Part 1 - Dec. 4, 2011

Outstanding segment from last month for anyone who missed it.  This first portion focuses on fraud at Countrywide.  This is very good television.

More inside.

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Chris Whalen: What’s The Volcker Rule Good For? 'Absolutely Nothing' (VIDEO)

Video - Chris Whalen on Tech Ticker - Jan. 17, 2012

If you want to fix the problems on Wall Street, do what Kyle Bass suggests:

  1. Eliminate off-balance sheet assets
  2. Bring back Glass-Steagall
  3. And most importantly, cap leverage at 10X

Full write-up inside.

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Obama Considering Larry Summers To Head World Bank

The architect of financial deregulation via the dismantling of Glass-Steagall could be rewarded for blowing up the world with a new post as head of the World Bank, reports Bloomberg.

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MUST SEE - Max Keiser On The Global Banking Cartel: 'Assassins, Whores, Punks & Bankers'

Video - Max Keiser - Jan. 11, 2012

Runs 90 seconds.  Max is on fire.

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Just Released FOMC Transcripts Reveal Geithner As A Greenspan Praising Buffoon, Fed Governors Completely Clueless On Housing Bubble

You're not going to believe Geithner's quotes on Greenspan's unappreciated greatness.

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Jim Rogers On France Losing AAA: "The Only Solution For Europe Is Forcing Bank Bondholders To Take Losses"

Comment from Cheyenne, writer and producer of Bailout (watch the trailer):

Great stuff from Jimmy.  I'm sick of the notion that it's clueless debtors who should eat 100% of the shit sandwich served up in bad transactions.  Worse, this propaganda is peddled by whores on a ludicrous platform of pilgrim's morality--those recklessly greedy borrowers, damn them!  How asinine, as on the other hand these very same prigs teach us to look up to lenders, whose praise-worthy acumen is somehow never questioned in bad financial transactions.  It's about freaking time that sophisticated lenders--who entered into deals with far more foresight than the borrowers ever did--are forced to dine on their own excrement.  Their venality is disgusting, not honorable.

It's good to see reality, equity really, take root more and more.

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Hungary Won't Be The Last To Make Bondholders Pay

It never ends - protect the billionaire bondholders at all costs.  But Hungary's president says 'screw the IMF.'

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