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Bailout The Daily Show Video: Jon Stewart Tells The Truth (sort of) About CNBC And Rick Santelli. Maria Bartiromo Gets Appropriately Skewered. Broadcast March 4th


This is the video clip that has people laughing this morning.  It's Jon Stewart from The Daily Show last night tagging Rick Santelli and CNBC.

I think it's very funny if not slightly misleading in parts.  Jon seemed upset and the crowd was genuinely disappointed that Santelli cancelled or bailed out on his apperance on last night's show.  He asks if they would have liked to have seen Santelli, and they go nuts with applause.  He attempts to zing Santelli a few times, but likely hopeful to have him as a guest in the future, he backs off and launches the majority of his comic attack upon CNBC the network.  And those 6 minutes of the clip are incredibly well put together.  It's a video collage of CNBC idiocy and save for not understanding that Fast Money is a trader's show, it gets everything right.  I love to ridicule CNBC but I will also always stand up for the truth tellers.  And Dylan Ratigan is one.

On the other hand, the breathless, orgasmic clip of Maria Bartiromo fondling John Thain is priceless.  I'm going to say something we all believe.  Maria Bartiromo is a fucking idiot.  And she deserves as much ridicule as can be shovelled her way.  Sometime around '99 somebody at CNBC made the decision to elevate her to top anchor status and give her the final hour.  That person should be fired immediately, and I speak for millions of viewers when I say her lack of intelligence is incredibly insulting. You mangement twits put brunette barbie with a telecom degree at the top and millions of us have despised and muted you for it ever since.

Breathe in and out.  When discussing Rick, Jon falls into the now well-worn trap of criticizing Santelli for only getting upset about the mortgage bailout.  For the final time, this argument is demonstrably false and I'm not even going to waste my time linking the youtube videos to prove it.  You can find the clips yourself.  Listen, you can fairly dislike Santelli for being a conservative tied to Kudlow if you don't like conservatives.  But you can't make the point that Rick has been soft on any of the bailouts.  I have provided evidence in previous posts.  Clusterstock and Joe Weisenthal have made this point repeatedly. Finally, in his own defense Rick himself issued this statement earlier this week.

Snip below:

"Just for the record I have NOT been in favor of any of the bailouts not in the Bush administration nor the Obama administration.  Not for the banks, the insurance companies, or the homeowners that purchased homes they can no longer afford.  I have consistently questioned the notion that hard working Americans that have played by the rules should be on the hook for others ill fated financial behavior.  This is very easily proven.  The record is in the video archives of CNBC for any media outlet interested in representing the facts."

It's a losing argument and should not be attempted.  If you don't like Rick, then by all means use another line of reasoning to show your displeasure, but trying to state he only just recently got upset with the bailouts is complete and utter bullshit.

Now, enjoy the comedy.

Inside we have a 2nd clip from last night's show called 'The Dow Knows All.'



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Reader Comments (9)

Ratigan is on fire on Closing Bell today.
Mar 5, 2009 at 3:11 PM | Unregistered CommenterGraphite
"On the other hand, the breathless, orgasmic clip of Maria Bartiromo fondling John Thain is priceless. I'm going to say something we all believe. Maria Bartiromo is a fucking idiot. And she deserves as much ridicule as can be shovelled her way. Sometime around '99 somebody at CNBC made the decision to elevate her to top anchor status and give her the final hour. That person should be fired immediately, and I speak for millions of viewers when I say her lack of intelligence is incredibly insulting. You mangement twits put brunette barbie with a telecon degree at the top and millions of us have despised and muted you for it ever since."

I seriously love what you write.
Mar 5, 2009 at 5:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterGenevieve
I can't stand Santelli regardless of his supporters. Right-wing puppet.
Mar 5, 2009 at 6:19 PM | Unregistered CommenterRick Santelli is a Punk
"Maria Bartiromo is a fucking idiot."

Mar 5, 2009 at 6:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaria Fartaroma
"You management twits put brunette barbie with a telecon degree at the top and millions of us have despised and muted you for it ever since."

More of this please.
Mar 5, 2009 at 6:24 PM | Unregistered CommenterCNBC Sucks
I haven't had cable for years- my CNBC viewing is sporadic, and I'm not a "financial" person. But really looking at the clips in concert, and seeing the hosts parroting the information from the CEO's marketing themselves, are these shows really just an infomercial for whoever is hot for whatever stock or market at the moment.? A bunch of opinion and speculation and dreams of hitting it big. There is no journalism involved in this. Should we expect to get some true investigative reporting? Is that only for the print media that is slowly dying? Or from Congress when they finally pretend to give a fuck after realizing a lot of us are reallly pissed off?
Mar 5, 2009 at 6:57 PM | Unregistered CommenterAngry Jones
Just look pretty and tell me what to buy and sell to make me rich - then get out...
Mar 5, 2009 at 7:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterP-Owed
Maria Bimboroma had that hot little tough paesana Brooklyn thing going on back in the day, but now she's hit the wall and is entering the SOUP CHICKEN http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=soup+chicken zone. Another couple months she's gonna look like Joy Behar, but with Rachael Ray's fat culo.
Mar 6, 2009 at 1:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterChubbz DeLinquente
@ Everyone

A reader sent me a message saying when he attempts to watch videos on the site it takes him to a login page.

Has anyone else had this kind of problem when watching videos here?

If so, please speak up so that I can work to solve it.

Mar 9, 2009 at 1:49 AM | Registered CommenterDailyBail

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