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Bailout Video Dr. Doom: Complete Bloomberg Interview With Nouriel Roubini

This is the complete 13 minute interview of Dr. Nouriel Roubini with Kathleen Hayes from Monday Feb. 9th of this week. It's typical Roubini except he's smiling more.  Maybe he has a thing for Kathleen which would be a rather sharp diversion from the mean.  Dr. Doom is envied by academic peers more for his groupies than his graphs. Young people, forget Wall Street and get a PHD in economics. Then forecast global collapse every year of your career.  Buy an apartment in Tribeca, and wait. When the roulette wheel comes up 44 black, pop the cristal and loosen your tie. Cuz, you just became a guru.

Inside I have a 2nd video of Roubini at Davos being interviewed by Becky Quick of CNBC. It's much shorter at just over 2 minutes.

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Reader Comments (2)

i have another video coming later that is roubini and taleb on CNBC together
Feb 12, 2009 at 4:27 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
"When the roulette wheel comes up 44 black, pop the cristal and loosen your tie." How about when the roulette wheel comes up 43 white douche bag.
Feb 21, 2009 at 1:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterBernardo

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