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MUST SEE - Max Keiser On The Global Banking Cartel: 'Assassins, Whores, Punks & Bankers'

Video - Max Keiser - Jan. 11, 2012

Runs 90 seconds.  Max is on fire.

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Just Released FOMC Transcripts Reveal Geithner As A Greenspan Praising Buffoon, Fed Governors Completely Clueless On Housing Bubble

You're not going to believe Geithner's quotes on Greenspan's unappreciated greatness.

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Jim Rogers On France Losing AAA: "The Only Solution For Europe Is Forcing Bank Bondholders To Take Losses"

Comment from Cheyenne, writer and producer of Bailout (watch the trailer):

Great stuff from Jimmy.  I'm sick of the notion that it's clueless debtors who should eat 100% of the shit sandwich served up in bad transactions.  Worse, this propaganda is peddled by whores on a ludicrous platform of pilgrim's morality--those recklessly greedy borrowers, damn them!  How asinine, as on the other hand these very same prigs teach us to look up to lenders, whose praise-worthy acumen is somehow never questioned in bad financial transactions.  It's about freaking time that sophisticated lenders--who entered into deals with far more foresight than the borrowers ever did--are forced to dine on their own excrement.  Their venality is disgusting, not honorable.

It's good to see reality, equity really, take root more and more.

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Hungary Won't Be The Last To Make Bondholders Pay

It never ends - protect the billionaire bondholders at all costs.  But Hungary's president says 'screw the IMF.'

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SURPRISE SURPRISE - New CNN Poll Shows Obama Tied With Romney And Ron Paul In November Showdowns, Gingrich & Santorum Trail Behind

Despite the headline, this is not a surprise to anyone but establishment GOP insiders.  This is the third poll in recent months showing Ron Paul competing favorably against Obama in a general election.  Dr. Paul might not be able to win the Republican nomination, but he and Romney are the only 2 candidates with any chance against Obama.  Moreover, when you consider that Romney is a Bush-Obama clone (both love bailouts, war, cronyism, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve), it becomes abundantly clear that Ron Paul is the only choice for fundamental change.

Perhaps that is why in New Hampshire last week, nearly half of ALL young voters voted for Dr. Paul.

Full details on the brand new CNN poll are inside, plus a few Ron Paul stories you might not have seen.


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Ron Paul & Dylan Ratigan: Cancelling Debt Held By The Fed

Video - Dr. Paul with Dylan Ratigan - Is Debt Cancellation An Option? - July 13, 2011

For anyone who missed this clip the first time around.

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Ron Paul Annihilates Fox Debate Moderator Gerald Seib: "I Want To Cut Military Money, NOT Defense Spending, You Need To Learn The Difference!"

Video - WSJ's Gerald Seib Learns A Lesson - South Carolina Debate Jan. 16, 2012

Outstanding short clip.  The neo-con, war-mongering fascists tremble whenever this question arises.  Dr. Paul points out that he has received twice as much in military contributions to his campaign than all the other candidates combined.

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C-SPAN Gets Hammered With Prank Calls About Mitt Romney's Penis Size (HILARIOUS VIDEO)

You gotta love live TV.  This is comedy gold.

TARP-loving troglodyte Judd Gregg is the first victim.

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Santorum Staffer Says Women Shouldn’t Be President Because It’s Against God’s Will, Morgan Stanley Caps Bonuses, Fannie & Freddie Bailout Total $183 Billion (Links)

Links are inside.

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LIVE STREAM - Occupy Congress

Live video is inside to save space on the front page.

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TSA Air Marshal Arrested For Robbery At Occupy Boston

Details inside.  This is a bizarre story.

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Blue Chip Companies Bailing Out Weak Eurozone Banks

Role reversal Euro-style.  With 2% yields in the cash markets, this makes sense intuitively for cash-rich lenders, but with the possibility of default looming large, the loans are now secured.

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Dr. Obama's Miracle Green Job Elixir Gives $737 Million To Solar Firm Linked To Pelosi's Brother-In-Law


Protesters Ready Igloos To Occupy Davos