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Video: UK Protesters Attack Car Containing Prince Charles


Video: South Korean parliament descends into mass brawl

From earlier today.

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BREAKING: Ron Paul to Chair House Sub-Committee On Domestic Monetary Policy - Paul Calls It Official! (Video)

Updated on Dec 10, 2010 at 7:03 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

The good doctor can't stop smiling in this clip...

UPDATE - It's now official - Paul named Chairman

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JPMorgan, Bank Of America Municipal Bond Scam May Be 'Tip of the Iceberg'

Jamie Dimon thinks about the culture of fraud he's built at Chase.  

Bid-rigging always seems like such an easy game.  At least until someone at Bank of America gets scared and starts talking to the Feds.

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Lemonaid - The Essence Of Bailouts - Must See


Bernie Sanders On Tavis Smiley - Bush Tax Cuts

This clip is way too political for me, and I don't often agree with Sanders, unless he's talking about Bernanke, but he strikes a note here.

I would have no problem with the 2-year extension had it been paid for - balanced by commensurate cuts in federal spending.  The Pentagon would be a good place to start.  But there were no spending cuts.  Congress couldn't find the balls guts.  So the tax cuts should have been allowed to expire.  

The 2-year increase to the deficit because of the extension will be approximately $700 billion, about the price of TARP.  The easy fix, that won't hurt anyone but the military, is to cut the Defense budget by 50% over the next 5 years. 

I think the neo-cons just bombed my computer.

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VERY COOL: Hans Rosling's 200 Countries 200 Years

A living, breathing chart of humanity's wealth and health.

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Former Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs General Hugh Shelton Drops A Bomb On Jon Stewart: "We Were Willing to Kill a U.S. Soldier On Purpose to Start the Iraq War" (VIDEO)

Disturbing clip.  Runs 1 minute.

For those wondering why I cover the wars - All moral issues aside, of which there are plenty, if we have to borrow - let's face it, it's stealing - if we have to steal from future generations to pay for our current love of killing, then it will be reported here at the Bail.


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Bernie Sanders' Letter To Bernanke Seeking FED Emails


Russia, China Abandon Dollar In Trade Agreement


Dylan Ratigan's Steel On Wheels - Get America Back To Work - Town Hall Event - WATCH LIVE NOW

The idea behind this event is to bring different sectors of the political spectrum, from activists to investors to corporate leadership, towards building a Jobs Movement where we advocate for jobs in America that make things for Americans.  The focus will be on removing the four bottlenecks of jobs: megabanks, the health care cartel, corrupt trade practices, and the aristocratic tax code.  The tour is done in partnership with Nucor Steel, whose CEO Dan DiMicco will be one of the participants in tonight's town hall.

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Janet Tavakoli: Fraud As A Business Model Within The Structure Of The Wall Street Ponzi Scheme (Powerpoint)

Video:  Janet Tavakoli interview with Katie Couric

Story also includes Janet's semi-humorous powerpoint presentation on bank fraud presented at an investment conference Wednesday.

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Bernanke's Bailout - So That's Where The Money Went

By Gretchen Morgenson

Last week, the Fed provided spreadsheets identifying the companies that used the credit facility each day. Changes in these borrowings offer a window onto how quickly panic tore across Wall Street in September 2008.

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Joseph Stiglitz: A Five Point Plan to Cut the Deficit and Repair Economic Damage