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Saturday Afternoon Reading (June 26, 2010)

Same format as usual.  I am placing all the links in comments below.  They are in no particular order.


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Reader Comments (56)

I am sure she was warned.
Jun 26, 2010 at 10:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterZarathustra
"Cash-strapped North Korea has demanded the United States pay almost $US65 trillion ($75 trillion) in compensation for six decades of hostility."

Blow me, blow me very much. But we will do as we have for many administrations, send them food and heating oil this winter while they continue to plot against us. "

That is directed at North Korea of course...

"I am sure she was warned. "

I bet anyone would buck up if someone was standing on the airhose, I bet they felt very brave... Maybe someone should give them a medal.
Jun 26, 2010 at 10:34 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
Spain's Debt Maturity Wave Hits Next Month And It's Already Obvious They Don't Have Enough Cash


Line 'em up, knock 'em down...
Jun 26, 2010 at 10:47 PM | Registered CommenterDailyBail
Any cop who uses a taser on an 86 year old woman needs stood in a wash tub full of water with a 110 volt hotshot shoved up his butt. Don't give him a medal give him some metal. Stand his accomplice next to him and give some too along with anybody else who thinks their actions were proper procedure.
Jun 27, 2010 at 5:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush
"Any cop who uses a taser on an 86 year old woman needs stood in a wash tub full of water with a 110 volt hotshot shoved up his butt. "

Gobies hero not mine Sagebrush, I originally said "We had some jack boots here shoot a chihahua multiple times in the owners (fenced) yard here because they were afraid for their lives, makes you wonder what will happen if they really meet a terrorist..."

The medal was sarcasm, because Gobie was trying to justify this cowardly behavior. The problem is, many incidents like this are occurring daily in Amerika, We also had a eighty something year old lost alzheimer patient body slammed by the police while he was looking for help, breaking multiple bones and his hip, he was bedridden the last couple years of his life after that "incident".

With civil servants like these, who needs terrorists to victimize America, we get to pay taxes to support terrorist activities against our own people while the eunich's justify their "actions". Depriving someone of oxygen is a known form of torture.

We also get to pay their pensions...

We also had a prison guard here recently caught selling drugs to prisoners. Ever notice, more and more PD's are starting to dress more like a paramilitary organization in the last 10 years?

Lets not forget the prosecutor running around naked for several years, many Republicans said he was a naturalist.

There are no Democrats in office where I live, so who can I blame for this type of conduct?
Jun 27, 2010 at 6:33 PM | Unregistered CommenterS. Gompers
@ S. Gompers

I liked the sarcasm and no doubt about it you're right, it's getting crazy out there. Some of the things going on remind me of Germany 1933-36 in the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

I think power corrupts public officials and cops as much as money corrupts those parasites in the U.S. Congress and the Presidential administration.

I guess we have to blame ourselves if we allow this type of conduct to unchallenged. Of course if we challenge it we will probably have our butts shot off and I'm kind of attached to my butt. we're damned if we don't and shot if we do. Hell of a deal ain't it.
Jun 27, 2010 at 8:48 PM | Unregistered CommenterSagebrush

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