MAKE THIS GO VIRAL - Oakland Police Throw Grenade Into Crowd That Is Trying To Help Injured Protester
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Video - Occupy Oakland Protest - Oct. 25, 2011
Find this cop and prosecute his ass from here to San Quentin.
UPDATE #2 - Olsen is now listed in CRITICAL condition
UPDATE #1 - The injured man is Scott Olsen, a Marine Corps veteran twice deployed to Iraq and member of Veterans for Peace. He is in the hospital now in stable but serious condition with a fractured skull, struck by a police projectile (believed to be a tear gas cannister) fired into the crowd.
After protesters run to the aid of the injured Marine, Oakland Police deliberately throw a flash grenade into the crowd. Whatever you think of the Occupy movement, police behavior of this kind is criminal and should be prosecuted.
Address for the hospital where Scott Olsen is recovering, if you wish to send a card.
Highland Hospital
1411 E. 31st Street
Oakland, CA 94602
Complete coverage of the Oakland police brutality is below.

Reader Comments (99)
Crooked bankers, corrupt politicians, corporations running amok and you attack the people who are trying to change things for the good of the nation.
People like you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Rogue cops everywhere would do well to scan the comments to this article.
And we ARE winning. We didn't want this fight, would have been happy to mind our own lives, but TPTB have brought this whole thing on, made rebellion necessary. Blessed be the bloggers who have been educating the unwashed and unrich. Sure, it is true enough that if the economy were humming along, there is no way millions of us would be organizing to challenge the system. If systemic fraud hadn't weakened the economy like leeches being applied to a patient, we probably wouldn't be having these discussions.
This reminds me, though, shouldn't we be having an Occupy K Street?
While there should be an OCCUPY it should be at the attacking the root and that is the Federal Reserve. It's created the problems and every offer accepted from this mischief is simply another nail in the coffin. Wake up!! Those that make the money are the real government and law. Don't let the sacrifices and the injured become the propaganda of mischief makers.
"Follow the trail people. House of Rothschild ----- George Soros ------ Open Society Foundation -------- Tides Foundation ------- Adbusters ------------- Occupy Wall Street. There you have it. PRS Problem - Reaction Solution." This is the funding trail.
It seems that OCCUPY Wall St is not disorganized as promoted. Check out the Red October story at
Yes there is and has been something going on, but don't let the one's creating the problems be the solution no matte how cleverly they make the solution.
You mean these guys?
If these protesters had really wanted to make a difference, they would have already joined the Tea Party, which has been active for more than two years now.
People have a right to peaceful assembly. They do not have a right to sit in their own filth for weeks on end, pissing and pooping all over everything and each other, stealing from each other, having sex like animals right out in the open, making threats against the so called rich instead of working hard to become one of the rich, and tying up the police who are having to deal with an unruly mob instead of doing their jobs, which in turn makes the crime rates go up due to lack of patrols.
I reserve judgment on the grenade incident until I hear the entire story, but having seen the behavior of the Occupy mob in recent weeks, I feel like the police were just doing their job and did what had to be done.
Did the protesters defy an order? If so, the police had every right to throw a grenade or use whatever force necessary.
Not in America. Police have clear rules regarding when force can be escalated.
Where is your proof at all the accusations you lay upon the protestors?
You really believe what you say and ask?! There is clearly someone injured on the ground. There are clearly people trying to help. There is clearly an officer throwing a grenade into the crowd. You justify that with a crowd failing to follow orders? Does the crowd of people engage the police at all?
Secondly, anyone can bark out orders. But where is there a lawful right to bark out orders to harm a group of peaceful protesters where there is no aggression? Do you mean that the people of the land are simply obligated to follow orders "just because". That is just because the so-called authority has guns, tear gas, grenades and batons? Sounds like you subscribe to the " Just Because Law"?
I imagine that the aggressive state actions upon peaceful protesters with Martin Luther King were justifiable in your mind? You really look at the state action upon unarmed peaceful people as legally justifiable?!! Is "legal" the word you ofter use to harm others whereby to harm your neighbor personally would make you a criminal?
Well what goes round... and may your legalism visit you in the same way sometime. If it does I'm sure you'll remain in character and not describe your demise or harm as right or wrong but purely a matter of legality.
All new, perfectly legitimate, soon - to - be - legal U.S. citizens,
apart from the utterly recent, legal ones who are not liked by people
who need to scapegoat, are required to demonstrate, soon before
their new U.S. citizenship is granted, that they know the following.
All Americans are in fact inheriters of a rather demanding requirement
of citizenship. They are required to bravely insist that their rights
be respected.
This is expressly stated in the Declaration of Independence as to
the right to being treated as free, equal and entitled to the pursuit of
happiness even if the persons standing next to them don't like them.
They are required to enforce their own rights incumbent upon that
which are granted in the Constitution.
Those rights are obviously under attack, including by police who don't care
that their masters are denying their own children clean air, food, water, and
who don't care that all manner of what makes a capitalist society workable,
the joint provision of safety nets, along with everything having to do with
quality of life and the happy future of their own children, including the provision
of good, ample teachers' and nurses' services, are also under attack.
What is preposterously obvious from sites like DailyBail is typical of every
opportunity for corruption. The FDA wants to deny you all access to
natural supplements in favor of their own liver destroying compounds.
What is favored is all manner of the psychologically disturbed folly of those
who have corrupted the system.
The Police must be following the Mubarek method of toppling their own government. The litigation is going to get really expensive for budgets that are already stretched. God speed on recovery Scott.
Throwing tear gas at a wounded veteran while dressed up in your frilly little girl scout uniforms, Your mamma's are probably so proud...
Thanks for the chuckle, Gomp. I hope Olsen recovers, but I also hope his plight helps people to see what TPTB really think of our veterans. Yes, politicians and such will bend over backwards saying how much they love our wonderfulextraordinarygodblessthem heroes, etc. but if they really thought all that much about veterans (or any of the rest of us for that matter) we wouldn't be in this situation, now would we?
Now, D, David, and "Money Bags" I Strongly Recamend you do not try and watch these. They require some sort of Intellangence to be smart enough to watch 2 One Hour Shows. Thoes that do watch them, will thank me for the links.
Like everything else goverment, its a Fu*kking Trick, and once they have you, Yr Fuck'ed For Life............Please, Only the Real Smart People, need watch these.
Like I told Cheyenne, take yr lap top in the Crapper in the mornning and watch 30 mi. wile you Pop Out Something that looks like Barry Obama.........In 4 mornnings you will understand why some of the OWS are mad as Hell...................?
College education is the largest scam in U.S. history!
Meet Michael CliffordHe takes failing universities and injects them with lots of capital. When they go public, he can make big money.
..........P.S. Only the Smart People, "Please"..........I dont want the "Blow Hards" to know what they have no clue......They could join us and have something worth talkin about........ Tex !
I will not engage I the mud slinging you people seem to enjoy.
My initial post was intended as advice. Although many of you disagreed with it, I thought I share a quick article from CNN
Oct 27, 2011 11:33 AM EDT
Linsky: Occupy Wall Street needs leadership
By Marty Linsky, Special to CNN
(CNN) -- I would not take anything away from the success of Occupy Wall Street in bringing so many people together in Lower Manhattan and elsewhere. It is quite an accomplishment.
Notwithstanding what has happened so far, the hard work of leadership has not yet begun.
It is relatively easy to get disempowered, angry, frustrated people together to rail against a wide range of enemies and scapegoats. It is quite another to effect change.
Like it or not, the values and processes that have created the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon are inadequate and ill-suited to taking the next steps and creating real impact.
The democratic, inclusive, and consensus-driven norms that have guided OWS up to this point will not get it to the next level -- that is, if there is real interest in changing the current reality rather than just complaining about it and speaking out against it.
Another view: Occupy beta tests a new way of living
Here are three big examples of the self-imposed constraints that will get in the way.
First, everyone's grievance is equal to everyone else's grievance. Anti-capitalism, lack of health care for the uninsured, tuition hikes at public universities, and many other complaints share the stage. The message is muddied. Clarifying the message and focusing on specific targets are necessary next steps. They will inevitably leave some of the grievances on the cutting room floor, and leave those who care most about those abandoned grievances disappointed and alienated both from the rest of the group and from their own constituents who are not camping out at Zuccotti Park, but who expected them to ensure that their particular issues stayed front and center.
Second, the nonhierarchical consensus-driven process will soon reach the end of its utility, at least in its purest form. If OWS is to lead change rather than just call for change, some individuals will have to step up and take on authority roles. The presence of authority is essential in order to move this work forward. Someone, or some ones, will have to provide some of the functions of authority -- direction, protection and order -- so that the movement can begin to make hard choices, create priorities, allocate human and financial resources, and keep the anarchistic outliers from undermining the potential outcomes.
When people have different agendas, the downside of operating by consensus is that the only way to get everybody to agree is to agree on something that is so ethereal and abstract it becomes meaningless. That works in an election where you are mobilizing people to vote (see Obama 2008 and "Change We Can Believe in"), but not to generate change from the outside in.
Third, the movement will have to decide whether it is willing to create change by infiltrating the dreaded system it is trying to change. There is no other way except violent revolution, and if those in Zuccotti Park think there has been pushback so far, wait till they see what is in store for them if there were to be violence.
History has important lessons here.
The great movements of the 1960s in civil rights, women's rights, and opposition to the Vietnam War were narrowly focused, well organized, strategically brilliant, and, while attracting large numbers of people, managed by people who took on authority roles and made essential decisions, albeit often with significant consultative processes.
They all used their share of extreme measures, but all were directed toward capturing the attention and support of people on the sidelines. Violence, when it surfaced at all, was perpetrated by the system, with the protesters having adroitly stimulated the establishment powers to overreact, thus generating more popular support for their cause.
The over-the-top response by law enforcement to nonviolent civil rights protests was so embarrassing to Northern liberals like me that we had to get involved and provide the civil rights cause the additional personpower, financial resources and political clout to create change.
More recently -- and both sides hate this comparison -- in a remarkably short period of time, the tea party movement went from a rowdy group of people who felt disenfranchised in different ways to a nonviolent army with a sharply focused, clearly articulated agenda, and fierce commitment to infiltrate the system in order to change it. It has been amazingly successful, influencing elections and the political discourse and soon winning elections with candidates who were completely beholden to its agenda, whether they believed in it all or not. Whether you like it or not, the tea party has changed the system.
Where does that leave OWS?
Very soon, it will come to a fork in the road. Numbers are very important in a democratic society, and OWS is beginning to have numbers that have caused some establishment members they are railing against to take notice, either positively or negatively. Right now, the Zuccotti Park protesters are being used by those establishment folks, one way or the other, to shore up their own bases and spruce up their own images. Those numbers will only translate into power, and then change, if they can be harnessed to raise the heat on the decision-makers to get them to do something they would otherwise not do. That translates, alas, into joining the system they are protesting against, by taking a page out of the tea party's book and working in campaigns, raising money, and running for office.
Leadership is a risky and subversive activity. The crowds at Zuccotti Park and their colleagues in other cities have yet to demonstrate that they are interested in anything other than, well, demonstrating.
You and Linsky have it exactly backwards. The Tea Party was not "successful" because Eric Cantor now poses as a leader, but because they resisted leadership for as long as they did. Freedom Works did not help the Tea Party, they helped themselves and the GOP by using the Tea Party's legitimate anger.
The very fact that you and Linsky feel the need to go out of your way to promote "the system" or "playing the game" shows that the old ways of doing business are under severe stress.
None of this means that organization and delegation of duties are obsolete -- it's just that the energies on the ground are being harnessed toward very different ends. OWS doesn't need to do the Georgetown/DC cocktail circuit. What could they possibly achieve anyway? Dylan Ratigan has already teamed up with former lobbyist Jimmy Williams to Get Money Out of poliitcs (through a constitutional amendment) and Cenk Uygur has started WolfPAC to pass an amendment -- by going through the states -- that would ban money from elections. WolfPAC already has thousands of volunteers.
That's leadership, but it isn't the kind that made sense in the past. Rich guy, you sound sympathetic to some of the OWS goals, I'm just trying to help you understand how certain things about politics are changing in response to the failures of the very system you advocate.
The people never have and never will need federal lobbyists.
More time and effort was put in by the president to meet the deadline to raise the debt in order to further provide to the, as the president said in the video, "more funds to the bankers who have a lack of ethics". Paraphrased though it may be, it's basically where he his placing his reasoning as an explination. I say with the utmost confidence that a major reason for the protests is that people inherently know that any explinations we are getting are nothing more than pitiful excuses.
He mentions what happened regarding the bank baillouts was "unethical but not illegal". Classic fense riding answer. If you listen closely, at one point he addresses the issue as illegal and unethical in the same sentance. It remains so and worsens by the minute because the president himself is no better than the thugs that pose as police officers. Officers, what a loosly used term at this point. My question at this point is, would you have tossed that explosive if your lieutenant ran out to assist the young man who was injured? Of course not. Nor would it have happened if any of their family members were out there. To think otherwise is simply naive.
Call it what you wish but to think people will just ignore this type of behavior is thinking in the wrong terms. People inherintly know when they are engagued in wrongdoing. We as a whole recognize the difference.
Rich Guy obviously skipped psycology 101 at what ever school he attended. To be angry at anyone for reasons dear to yourself, you first have to care. Give a shit, that is. Another undisputed reason for the protests is to put to use (in the peaceful way demonstrated, though one sided thus far) your god given gift of anger. Placed there like fear or any emotion for a purpose. In this case, used to remove yourself from being a victim. Rich Guy, 5%, whatever? If you were truly in that bracket, I for one sincerely dought you would cruise the net to find youself here only to proove a point what ever that may be? The so called 1% simply do not care. Perhaps because the don't have to or they don't want or need to. Why you would respond to such irresponsible, childish yet quite criminal action that apparently left one man to face brain surgery the way you have is beyond my comprehention.
I will say this though. If I knew you fell victim to such unnecssary violent action. There is a strong chance I would not lift a finger for you and I would not wish that on anyone. I'm only sad to be reminded that there are people like you at all out there. Rich Guy 5% Just keep in mind, no matter how much you make, taking it with you is not an option.
You mean these guys?
Brilliant, Dr. P.
Listen to the song on the site below. If you like it and agree with the message, buy it and the artist will donate 100% of the profits to support the Occupy Oakland protesters who are standing up for their beliefs in the face of police brutality. You can pay as little as $0.25 and as much as you like.
If you don’t care for the music and just want to donate something to the protesters then go here…
Vernon, how dare you tell Scott Olsen where he belongs? And insinuate that someone you don't know, that is in critical condition right now and cannot defend himself, just wanted to be with "loose girls"? A "mob formed for media attention"... do you have a mind reader? Do you know what's in the hearts and minds of the tens of thousands of protesters accross the US? Do you know what's in MY MIND? I'll tell you, so you can shake loose a bit of that programming that's lodged itself so well. I am sick of a government which only listens to those with money... that allow the laws of the land to be WRITTEN by the corporations (see: ATCA, E-PARASITE)... I am tired of the two-tiered justice system in which a white-collar criminal is given a slap on the wrist, a fine (the good old days) or NOTHING in return for his fraud and betrayal of the American people while the poor and middle class experience an increasingly capricious and unjust system, and when they complain are killed for their efforts (see: Sunny Sheu, murdered for exposing a corrupt judge). I am sickened in my heart to know that my president ordered the murder of an American citizen without trial, no matter how much of an asshole he was it WAS NOT RIGHT and never will be. For that alone I will spit on the president if I ever see him, my contempt cannot ever be lessened for what he has done and for what he has failed to do. I am sick of "free speech zones" and corporate media which behaves every inch as if it were the state-run media of any crappy communist country people like you like to rail about.
When the leaders no longer listen to us through the "civilized" process of votes, phone calls, and letters, the true patriotic citizen will protest. And that is why I do it, and I hope in time you will see why this is important.
The are millions of robotic sheeple in the U.S. today who are incapable of accepting any facts that disagree with the establishment agenda. No matter how incriminating the evidence, they refuse to see the truth and are blind to reality.
Anyone who disagrees with them, deserves to be beaten, clubbed, gassed, or shot and if they survive arrested for inciting a riot.
These attitudes are as damaging to the future of the country as the crooks in D.C. and the thieves on Wall Street.
Money Bags, may have some what of a good point. We are at the point of the stick has been shoved into the bee hive and 10 million Hornets are now out side and the sky is black with Pissed Off Hornets looking for someone to Sting.
Or the goverment has stuck the stick in the fire ants hole and now all 50 million Fire Ants are on top of the dirt looking for someone to sting......
If we could get a voice like DR to speak for the entire movment would be a right next step forward. He was down there, understands their reason and we all look up to him.
As long as OWS is faceless, voiceless, like the Tea Party, the 1% can stay strong. It realy worked Great for the Tea Party becouse the Dems. had no one to point a finger at. They could not see the monster comming at them.
But this time its differant, a lot differant. Its not the Rep. holding back the Dems. Its the people holding back the Goverment, the world goverment........
The whole world is now in with us. Every country is demanding the same things. Its now time to have a one voice for all of us to vent threw. I agree, we need 3 main things we stand for First. The other 10-12 gripes need to be below the top 3.
We need to get the top 3 on the table and the 1% to understand its over. If America will lead the way the rest of the world will follow...We have enough Fire Ants, boots on the ground. We now need to get everyone marching in the right direction at once.
We need a spokes person. I know OWS trust DR. He is already working on getting big money out of goverment....We need a voice that wakes up the cops and let them know we are fighting for them as much as we are fighting for our selfs. Were all in this togeather.
We need the good cops to turn their anger to the 1% with us. We need the man in the field with the Beugle calling the battle cry. With out nobody knows when and where to march...........The 1% only laugh at us for posting our demands on the internet. Most just drink more wine.
Daily Bail, you know DR, see what he thinks or who he would ask to be the voice of OWS............? Its now time to write down the top 3 things on a Rock and throw it threw the 1% window....!
Someone accused you of being a lawyer?? Interesting . You say corporations cannot be "persons" and that we're a "Democracy"?? Hmmm, I guess I should throw away my Black's 1st & 6th legal dictionaries along with my Bouviers? Perhaps you should try Wikipedia. It mentions something along the lines of corporate personhood. But what do I know, I'm not a lawyer or legal thief.
In fact you may be 100% true because you probably subscribe to the "just because law". Just as presidents have abused Constitutional law and abuse uh I mead executive privilege, it cannot be and is not abusive under the just because law. Why? Well just because.
Of course a lie repeated often enough becomes a believable truth. So when you call America a Democracy are you just so inured to the lie or a promoter of it? You can't source the Constitution or D of I to justify that lie, but of course under the "Just Because Law", as is self-evident, well just because.
So as a "Federal Reserve lobbyist" did you lobby a 16 Trillion dollar debt to the American people and their children as well to help bail out "Rich Guys" like yourself. That 16 trillion dollar debt went to foreign corporations & foreign banks. How has that helped our 23% plus unemployment rate here?
I hope your arrogance catches up with you. You help create the problems and when real flesh and blood people complain because they're starting to catch on to your mischief, you taunt them with $750 an hour and tell them it's there fault. You offer solutions that only the mischief makers can really use. Which of course supports what someone else wrote about you. "Your worried." Because why would an otherwise $750 dollar an hour "person" (I define your personhood as having the characteristics of flesh and blood people but you gave up your natural born and self-evident rights for the love of money and now you're just a legally approved person of the just because law.) spend the time you are in this conversation? What kind of "truth" are you repeating to make believable?
Well look at this. We have a presidential adviser in here too. Hopefully people will look beyond the BS message and keep wondering and asking,, "What's wrong and how did we get here." I think president smiley wants you to forget how he and the rest before him have offered solutions for the problems they created. All he offers is another failure of a solution that will gain us more failures as solutions. Please look past the smiles and pretended concerns. His biggest financial support came from wall street (Goldman Sachs). He's already made promises of bigger profits to the pharmaceutical industry.
There is only one man who gets it. There is only on man that wants to return our stolen freedom and liberty. There is only one man that understands how to slowly back out of the mischief while returning freedom, liberty, real dignity and a return to prosperity. There is only one man that believes that Constitution is a document of the people and not of corporations. It's the same man that exposed the $16 trillion given to foreign banks and corporation.
You really want to go after the root of the evil tree? Then AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE COMPLETELY.
Lastly a corporate bought and paid for media like the Columbus Dispatch that dares not print that Ron Paul won the first Ohio Straw Poll vote by 53%, cares absolutely nothing about any real grass roots efforts to get to real truth and real news.
How much are you getting paid to troll? I hope you're not just a useful idiot. You at least ought to make a buck on the misery and harm of others.
"The are millions of robotic sheeple in the U.S. today who are incapable of accepting any facts that disagree with the establishment agenda. No matter how incriminating the evidence, they refuse to see the truth and are blind to reality.
Anyone who disagrees with them, deserves to be beaten, clubbed, gassed, or shot and if they survive arrested for inciting a riot."
I agree, but there is something suspicious about the similar tenor of many of these posts - typically one or two lines, signed by a single name. No debate, simply a targeted attack. Mean-spirited and senseless. We know the gov't was interested in getting into the ground war of blogs, so to speak, buy paying agents to maintain online personas and to contribute in these kinds of information spaces. It would not surprise me at all to see DailyBail targeted.
On the other hand, it could easily be what you say. It brings to mind something Chris Hedges wrote about how nationalist pressures shrink vocabulary:
"Everyone knows what to say and how to respond. It is scripted. Vocabulary shrinks so that the tyranny of nationalist rhetoric leaves people sputtering state-sanctioned slogans. There is a scene in Othello when Othello is so consumed by jealousy and rage that he has lost the eloquence and poetry that won him Desdemona. He turns to the audience in Act IV and mutters, "Goats and Monkeys!" Nationalist cant, to me, always ends up sounding just as absurd."
You learned from the video to hide in your house in fear of the government. You don't need freedom, justice or liberty do you - your freedom cage snug enough?
It's one thing to say that OCW might have mischief makers in the mix and funding it. It could be that as is suggested in another comment by me in this thread that the funding starts with Soros. The mischief makers are using a scheme of PRS or Problem, Reaction and Solution. But it is the mischief makers that created the problem in the first place. It could be too that people are waking up to the mischief and don't really see the man behind the curtain pulling the strings. And the mischief-makers are just capitalizing on the awakening.. It is good to warn people.
But all you did was just leave a crappy little message that accused somebody of mischief for posting a video. Now you further respond by saying people should just run and hide. Some of those who founded this country got tired of running, hiding and looking away. They got hurt and died too. May your chains at least never rust and lay lightly upon you.
You posted like a troll so that's why I bother you. If the repeating of lies become truth then repeating the truth certainly can remain truth. My comments are not for the trolls or the mischief makers really; except to expose them. They are for those that are now in the rabbit's hole and are beginning to see reality but can't shake the dream state quite yet. "What's that you say?! The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel? It's not the federal government or part of our Constitution? What do you mean by this?"
The mischief of wall street is just the blossom of an evil tree. Awakening to trim the evil blossom does not attack the root of the problem. A religious statement, "The love of money is the root of all evil" if believed would make one perhaps follow the money or the money makers to figure out the mischief. Ron Paul makes a very good point as did Jefferson if banks can control the economy and government by inflation and deflation the banks will eventually own the people or put them out in the street legally. It is inflation and deflation that makes people go gamble on wall street in the first place. Since fiat money has no real stability or consistent value, saving it is pointless. So people rush to wall street and put there money down on a card game hoping for a quick larger return hoping to beat out inflation.. It is legal to make fiat money. But it is not Constitutional. It is legalized fraud accepted by society.
In order to take over a people with as little blood as possible or to be slowly cooked to death people are offered the false hope or momentary experience of the American Dream by credit as the basis of our currency and way of life. What people don't realize is that the lender's of the credit, control whether you can even make the payments. While the housing bubble burst was inevitable it was the cost of a barrel of oil that tip the scale sooner for so many up to their necks in just getting by. What people fail to realize is that no matter how much money is pumped into the economy or what pretended government programs to create jobs, the cost of oil can completely advance the destruction of the American economy in a day.
On top of that is the borrowed money to run government everywhere. Before you receive your paycheck or welfare check the money lost value as soon as it was printed. On top of that you pay a tax to borrow the money given you and you pay a tax on the money given to run government. Then you have other income taxes than the tax paid for printing the money you received. You also pay a tax as interest on the debt of your printed money. Don't forget about other money printed given to foreign banks and corporations we don't even know about (16 trillion known). Don't worry they know you will pay the bill one way or the other.
With real unemployment at about 23% there are just a few more people out there that are waking up to the mischief. But there are so many layers to uncover. The root of the problem are those that make the money. Anything else is just pruning an evil tree to get bigger. Wall Street is a part of the problem. It is not the root of the mischief.
The other root problem is belief. The belief that you can legally do to your neighbor to advance in life what is otherwise considered criminal. Take a look a Governor Kasich in Ohio regarding an Issue 2 commercial. He acknowledges that words and the woman speaking those words were legally stolen from the opposition's ad and changed to fit his agenda. He said we did nothing illegal. All this from a so-called good conservative that allows for legalized lying and stealing. While he did this, too many in society have accepted this as a way of life. If it's legal just do it.
The answer to the real mischief makers is Dr. No or Ron Paul while in the system is not the system as it runs today. He is the only one to take a chunk out of the Federal Reserve by at least getting a partial audit of this banking cartel. 16 Trillion to foreign banks and corporations. Likewise his plan is to return freedom and liberty back to the people.
Who in the crowd created the violence. Who was being violent when the officer shot a tear gas canister directly at this marine vet's head? Where was the violence created by people going to the man's rescue? At best you could claim "Marxist Alinsky media tactics" entrapment. But instead it seems the violence starts with those that allow government through the police to behave this way.
Or do you consider peaceful protest violence. Would you initiate violence against your wife, girlfriend, son, daughter, mother, father, grandparents...because they disagree with how you treat them in your house. If this government is the house of the people, because the people created their government for their benefit, goodwill and pleasure, how do the servants of the house get to beat up the owners of the people's house?
If the police had not initiated the violence as seen in this video there would be nothing to discuss here. I agree there can be mischief makers agendas, but it could not work if the potential for police violence was not there in the first place and your mindset was different than using or allowing violence against me or anyone else where no harm is done.
Uh, what else is the OWS movement using the now $1M+ dollars it has deposited into Wells Fargo, Citibank and other banks? Just watch, that money will vanish into thin air before this is all over and you will have been duped from within.