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HISTORY LESSON: What became of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

Jefferson was fortunate.  Many lost their lives as a consequence.

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ANONYMOUS Seeks Legal Counsel For RICO Class Action Lawsuit Against The Federal Reserve - #OpESR

Transcript and details inside.

Have Anonymous Operations against the Federal Reserve uncovered secret information?  It appears so.  A99 OpESR has just released a new video seeking legal counsel pertaining to a RICO Class Action Lawsuit against the Federal Reserve and it’s shareholders.

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Fannie Silence Creates $3B Fraud, Zombie Notes NEVER Die, GSEs Dump Inventory, Trump Schools BofA, Flipping 300 Homes For $3M Profit, MASSIVE Mortgage Fraud In MASS, NY AG Wants To Stop Deal With Banks (Links)


5th Dimension SINGS The Declaration Of Independence

I've posted Jefferson's text of the Declaration inside.

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Fort Knox Receives Just $85 From Cash4Gold, Ron Paul 'Not Surprised,' Calls For Audit (ONION)

Amusing clip.  Runs 45 seconds.  Ron Paul story on auditing Fort Knox also inside.

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AIG BAILOUT: Obama, Biden, Geithner and Clinton Get Help From Abe Lincoln (Video)

Unsure of exactly how to handle the AIG crisis, Team Obama decides to inject Lincoln's corpse with stem cells and bring honest Abe back to deal with the AIG bailout.

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The Triumphant Return Of Tricky Dick: Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner Is Still Lying And We Prove It


Tim Geithner Is A Disgrace (By Eliot Spitzer)

By Eliot Spitzer

The new AIG report reveals how the Treasury secretary—and U.S. taxpayers—were fleeced by Wall Street banks.

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VIDEO - Female Mayor Punches Sheriff In The Face In Public Dispute Over Housing Demolition

The audio provides the background.  The right cross comes exactly at the 41-second mark.

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Geithner's Crimes Through AIG - Will The Truth Come Out


Introducing An Orange Jumpsuit: Mortgage Fraudster Sentenced To 30 Years In Prison (Breaking Story)

Updated on Jul 1, 2011 at 1:31 PM by Registered CommenterDailyBail

Exhibit A: $1.9 Billion in Mortgage Fraud; Exhibit B: Orange Jumpsuit

UPDATE - Ex-Taylor Bean chair gets 30-year prison term.

Lee Farkas, the former chairman of Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., was sentenced by a federal judge to 30 years in prison for his part in a multibillion dollar mortgage fraud scheme, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday in its online edition. Farkas was convicted in April of misappropriating about $3 billion from banks like Colonial Bank of Montgomery, Ala.; trying to bilk the government's Troubled Asset Relief Program out of $550 million; and pocketing $40 million.

What's interesting about this case is the role that Fannie Mae played in creating this fraud by overlooking Farkas' crimes, as Bloomberg reported yesterday.

Full story inside.

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Open Letter To Alan Simpson & Erskine Bowles Chairmen Of The U.S. Deficit Commission - Regarding Proposed Changes To Social Security


Bank Of America Forecloses On Wrong House: Dylan Ratigan With 82 Year-Old Tampa Man Who Returned From Vacation To Find Everything Gone

Video - June 29, 2011

The Daily Mail has the full story and all the details.

Fraudclosure victim Benito Santiago, Sr., and lawyer Scott Murphy join The Dylan Ratigan Show to discuss the incident in which Santiago lost $100k to wrongful foreclosure.

Can't watch videos at work? - Read the transcript at MSNBC


We understand if you're confusing this with another recent story, as Bank of America is a serial offender of foreclosure fraud.  Here's the story from a few weeks ago that garnered huge media coverage nationwide:


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VIDEO - Sarkozy Attacked By Member Of Greeting Crowd

Nothing huge but still not something one sees very often.  Perhaps he was mistaken for Tim Geithner who is rumored to be leaving Team Obama for Goldman Sachs.

A man in a crowd grabbed French President Nicolas Sarkozy by the shoulder and nearly knocked him to the ground before being tackled by security officers and detained.  The incident occurred as the president shook hands with a crowd in the town of Brax in southwest France.  The man was not armed, according to the national police service. An official with the service said the 32-year-old Frenchman lives in the Lot-et-Garonne region.


Geithner's Calendar: Meets With Future Boss Lloyd Blankfein More Often Than With All Of Congress


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