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SIGTARP Report - Treasury Gave The 'Go-Ahead' To Big Pay And Bonuses At Bailed Out Companies

Though not mentioned by name, this has Geithner's grubby little fingers all over it...

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How the Schneiderman Foreclosure Panel Could Work

Read the full story from David Dayen HERE.

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Jamie Dimon Says Foreclosure Settlement Threatened By Obama Decision

(Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase & Co Chief Executive Jamie Dimon said President Barack Obama's decision to expand investigations into home lending and sales of mortgage securities could stop settlement talks with the states over foreclosure practices.

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SAYONARA MR. WALL STREET - Geithner Tells Bloomberg He'll Be Replaced By Obama After Election (Video)

Video - Geithner Waves Buh-Bye - Jan. 25, 2012

A shill for Wall Street begins his goodbye.  Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Here's the full story from Bloomberg:


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PHOTO - Who's Worse - Obama Or The Chicago Bears?

They both suck.  And I'm a Bears fan.

See this story for more detail:


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VIDEO - Tim Geithner On Wall Street, Main Street Rift - Fairness In U.S. Economy

Video - Trish Regan with Tim Geithner on "fairness" in the U.S. economy - Jan. 25, 2012


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VIDEO - Jamie Dimon Tells Charlie Gasparino: Anti-Banking Sentiment Is 'A Form Of Discrimination'

Video - Jamie Dimon on Obama, the 2012 election and Occupy Wall Street - Jan. 24, 2012

You'll remember that Dimon made a similar complaint to Bernanke last year during a public Q&A from the Fed Chairman.

Listen up, Dimon.  The Fed is your one and only best friend, secretly passing you trillions, and you decide to complain publicly about stronger capital requirements and regulators who might actually be doing the job, of well, regulating.  If it's a free market he's after, then let's be clear: there's no Federal Reserve, no discount window borrowing, and no bailouts.

Guess what that means, Jamie?  There's no JP Morgan.  

Goodbye and good riddance.

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Jamie Dimon Loves Bernanke's Stealth Bailout Sugar

Runs approximately 50 seconds.  Mark Pittman's legacy lives on.  Fight the banks and their stealth honey pots managed dutifully by keepers Geithner and Bernanke.

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Jamie Dimon Laughs About Buying Bear Stearns For $2 Bucks Per Share With Taxpayer Help (Charlie Rose Video)


DEBT CHART - 2013 Is When We're Really Screwed (Links)


VIDEO - The Romney Con

Excellent clip.  Mittens Romney never met an issue that wasn't worth a change of heart.

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MUST SEE PHOTO - NDAA USA Vs. Spanish Inquisition

National Defense Authorization Act - Thank you for the tyranny, Mr. President.

This one speaks for itself.

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VIDEO - MSNBC Bobblehead Mika Brezinski Shudders At Thought Of Ron Paul Winning GOP Nomination

You can skip most of this clip.  Just watch the last 20 seconds starting at the 3:30 mark.

Panelist says: "The problem with the brokered convention scenario is that you have to have somebody who's won a lot of delegates, and right now that's Ron Paul."

Brezinski moans: "Oh dear."

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BREAKING - Tim Geithner Tells Bloomberg He Will Not Serve In An Obama Second Term

Speculation has long been that Geithner will join one of the big banks on Wall Street.  If it's any other than Goldman Sachs, for whom he negotiated the AIG bailout at 100 cents on the dollar, we will be shocked.


WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Wednesday that he does not plan to serve if President Barack Obama wins a second term in November. Geithner said he was confident that Obama would be re-elected but added that he was also "confident that he is going to have the privilege of having another secretary of the Treasury." The comments came in an interview with Bloomberg Television.

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