SHOCK: U.S. Soldiers Allegedly Killed Afghan Civilians, Kept Body Parts As Trophies (Investigative Report)
Sep 10, 2010 at 1:44 PM
DailyBail in War, afghanistan, afghanistan, scandal, video, war

Very ugly details.

The cost of the Afghan War is approximately $15 billion per month.  And it's all borrowed.  There are more intelligent uses for tax dollars.  I have a novel idea.  Let's get the hell out of Afghanistan.


A dozen U.S. soldiers are charged with organizing a secret "kill team" which allegedly murdered Afghan civilians at random and cut fingers and other body parts from corpses as trophies, according to new documents released by the U.S. military.

According to news reports, details in the charging documents released Wednesday shed new light on the cases against 12 soldiers who served a year in southern Afghanistan with a Stryker infantry brigade.

The most serious accusations involve five soldiers -- Calvin Gibbs, Adam Winfield, Jeremy Mortlock, Andrew Holmes and Michael Wagnon II -- who are said to have slain three Afghans earlier this year. According to reports, those men would likely be charged with premeditated murder, but may face additional charges relating to obstructing justice, possessing human body parts and retaining mortar rounds for personal use.

Authorities allege that Gibbs kept finger bones, leg bones and a tooth from the Afghan corpses, while Wagnon is said to have kept a skull. The remaining seven soldiers are charged with participating in the cover-up, which included smoking hashish stolen from the civilians, taking photos of the corpses and lying to investigators about their deaths.



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