Max Keiser: "Geithner Is Smelling The Vapors Of His Own Delusions. This Man Is Psychotic!" (VIDEO)
Sep 24, 2010 at 1:23 AM
DailyBail in Tim Geithner, max keiser, max keiser, max keiser video, tim geithner, yves smith

Video:  Keiser interviews Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism -- Sep. 21, 2010

Brand new clip.  The first 10 minutes are a discussion of gold.  If you wish to skip, start watching at the 10:30 mark for the following.

Then skip to the 14-minute mark for the beginning of Max's outstanding interview with Yves.  Keiser goes nuts demanding Goldman Sachs bonus clawbacks.  If you're in a hurry, start watching at the 20-minute mark.  Runs 4 minutes from there.




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Max Keiser

This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the scandals of Greenspan's 'gold warning;' currency wars breaking out; the Veterans Administration's verbal dealers with insurance brokers raking it in on dead soldiers and Carla Bruni's hopes for raking it in after her husband's (hopefully) one term. In the second half of the show, Max goes to New York to talk to Yves Smith of about her book, Econned, and about stability and instability in financial markets, structural imbalances,'bad equilibrium,' trillions in derivatives and Che Guevara with machine gun interfering with Potemkin companies.




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